Don't WAIT!

Friday, July 31, 2015

More News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Friday Afternoon



1. Not yet, nor is most currencies presently

2. Thousands have exchanged their IQD into SKR's this time it seems the SKRS's have slowed to a halt pending the global announcement of the currencies in the first basket

5 . Iraq and many countries will issue a new currency in the future. This is not something new

6 the VNN devaluing in the last ninety days has nothing to do with the rate the investors are concerned with.
7. No gurus can state when or when not the RV will or will not happen. That has been a proven fact

8 the Iraq RV has happened in the country. Outside Iraq we await the international rate to be

9 currency dealers are in business to make a profit, as well as most other businesses

10. Not one group has "completed" the exchange yet

11. Some US banks or exchange locations have been prepared for the exchange process excessively.

12. The world GCR is real, call it what you want. The currencies will revalue. , some will increase and some will decrease .

13 what will actually happen is the global currencies (will) reset .

14 Iraq does not "have " to have the RV to survive , but they desperately need it and the world awaits it. The IQD is the golden egg that primes the whole global currencies . This is not just about the RV in Iraq. People must think outside the box and see the whole fifty plus years plan.

15. Reserves and layaways are a high risk, but the ROI could be incredible. Have a plan B

16. This is a simple currency exchange. When the rates change for the better on the CBI.IQ you can exchange you IQD at any bank that has a foreign currency exchange . Of course you will want to decide when to do that. The rate will fluctuate and you decide what rate you want to accept. This is no different than any foreign currency exchange.

17 always stay grounded ( common sense)

18 this is a fluid process. Changes have occurred often. One can only follow what is taken place and make their on judgement when this will go through. No one has guess correctly yet. Much of the intel has been VERY accurate . It has been like ready the future weeks before it happens and then it finally comes out to the public. It's been amazing. Watch
what they do not what they say.

19. All investors should live their life like it will never happen and be pleasantly surprised when it does. It's OK to be cautiously optimistic .

These statements are in my humble opinion and I'm sticking to it. We all have opinions



GoldenGirl:  Message From Blackjack7:

I personally have spoken with Blackjack7 numerous times, he wishes to share this message with you... It is time for him to go quiet, he wishes everyone the best and will return to make his statement "The eagle has landed", as promised and when it's appropriate.  Until then, he is just waiting for a call and says "everything is looking great!!"


  The Marcels..Blue Moon :


Emailed to Recaps:

About SKR's

Safe Keeping Receipt will cost about 15% of the value of an asset. It's used by the bank in 2 ways, first as record for deposit and many banks offer this - it's not the expensive-15% one though.

The SKR being talked about in our reference is a note issued against an asset held by the bank and guaranteed value, proven and authenticated.

It's used for borrowing against your asset and can be sent by wire/SWIFT.

SKR'S are added to the banks' balance sheet and carry insurance.



JAson 53818 » July 31st, 2015, 1:15 pm  Frank or anyone else who may have a thought.

I understand the need to sell the bonds to bring forth a credit rating which will stabilize Iraq worldwide.

My question is this. I understand the iraq can sell bonds domestically at say 1095 or a reduced rate to make them attractive as an investment.

But the International bonds, before they would be sold would require a internationally recognized/non-program rate before they would be allowed to be sold correct?

To me it makes sense, i guess i am just doing a sanity check to make sure i didn't miss something.

Thank you for the countless hours that you devote to gathering knowledge and then sharing with us and to the newshounds for the tons of information they provide.


Mike100:  IMHO its exciting Iraq is actually sticking to a date for tariffs and bonds.... this should excite many here. This is the start of their economic push internationally and then comes the rate increase with their currency once these things are in place. Also it seems the big wigs in Iraq are applying the pressure NOW!! 

Strongcbm:  Seems like things are heating up....not just with the temperature either..


INDEED ,INDEED!!!!!!  (See Article Below)

Walkingstick  » July 31st, 2015, 2:20 pm 

Sistani warns Abadi .. limits to the patience of the citizens!

Writings Friday , July 31, 2015 16:12 am

The witness Liberation Square in central Baghdad Sunday evening protest against power loss at temperatures touched 53 Celsius has the face of top Shi'ite cleric in Iraq, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani Friday sharply criticized the government Abadi for the loss of services and rising unemployment and Ancharalvesad which he said was the basis of the scourge .. and he warned her, saying, "The limits to the patience of the citizens," calling to respond to their demands and not to deal with their needs violently.

Successive governments did not address the lack of services, especially electricity
, said a certified reference Sistani, Sheikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbalai during Friday prayers of the holy city of Karbala (110 km) south of Baghdad today and pursued "Culture" through the local channels that the loss of public services in Iraq, especially the large power shortages mounts with Heats up to unprecedented levels touched 53 degrees Celsius .. He pointed out that he was on the successive governments address this problem through effective process plans but unfortunate that every government put the blame on the previous one and it does not is to work to alleviate the suffering of Iraqis.

On Wednesday decided Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi inclusion of housing all state officials Dmenhm housing the prime minister, ministers and three presidencies and their deputies, deputies, governors, presidents and members of provincial bodies and independent agents and advisers boards and general managers machining programmed electricity .. also prevent strictly prohibited to use the fuel allocations from the state to run generators for private residence for all officials State.

For its part Meteorological Authority, said Iraq is expected during the next four days, high temperatures to record more than 50 C in Baghdad. Said Deputy Director of the weather forecasting department in the body honorary Abdul Karim that "the country will see over the next three days, a new heat wave tougher than its predecessors to touching 53 degrees Celsius are called on the government to disrupt the official working hours from Thursday to next Sunday.
According to Iraqi sources that the country's government have spent on electric power projects during the last ten twelve years about $ 30 billion.

Rising unemployment
and said Karbalai that this is associated with the inability to provide appropriate opportunities in the labor and employment that provides a decent living for those in need .. and confirmed the existence of a high rate of unemployment among successive governments overlook address this problem, despite the enormous potential of the Iraq if exploited, there would have remained unemployed work.

He noted that all of these consequences caused by the widespread corruption in the country, calling it own misfortunes and the cause of terrorism and the security chaos. He warned that despite this, the citizens are still Sabreen Mahzben and make their lives and their sons to fight terrorism Aldaasha .. he stressed said, "but patience has limits" and can not wait any longer, therefore, the central government and the governments Mahlaah in the provinces to deal respectfully with the demands of citizens and not to deal with them violently and took Ttalaaahm to respect and work to alleviate their suffering.

Addressing a certified Sistani officials saying "beware of underestimating the demands and needs of citizens, but also work to achieve their demands seriously and sincerely."

The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of the Iraqi Mohammed Shia'a Sudanese had revealed in March (March) last year for exceeded the unemployment rate in Iraq's 25 percent .. He said in a press statement that the rate of unemployment in the country have risen recently because of terrorist acts that took place recently the country, pointing out that the unemployment rate exceeded 25 percent, and here responsibility be great to deal with this.
The Iraqi Ministry of Planning had announced Last year, the unemployment rate in the Iraqi society amounted to 16 percent.

Communicate with the people of the liberated areas
and military developments and the battles taking place in western Anbar province, since more than two weeks Sheikh Karbalai he said while continuing heroine forces with volunteers fight the terrorists in different parts of the country, especially in the province of Ramadi center and investigating victories it must expand the participation of the regions under the control of the organization "Daash" especially of the sons of the tribes where known Bgertha on Iraq and its unity and dignity.

He noted that the participation of volunteers from other parts of Iraq with the sons of the tribes they increase them militarily and morally Aqtdara and enhance the cohesion of the citizens and emphasizes the unity of purpose and belonging to Iraq one unified and miss the opportunity to both Assay for the band the country sons.

He stressed the need that coincides with a move officials to open up to the citizens of the liberated areas and listen to their demands and aspirations mutual trust and a sense of common destiny and co-existence on the basis of national partnership.

The Iraq yesterday signed with the United Nations and the United States in recognition of a financial grant to stabilize Messaging and rehabilitation of the liberated areas from the control of the organization "Daash" was first paid $ 8 million .. Ebadi said Office in a press statement that "the United States will begin under that delivery amounts premium first $ 8.3 million to the United Nations, which will manage the implementation of rapid rehabilitation projects basic services and humanitarian needs and which will receive the amounts of donor countries successively under what was decided at the Paris Conference in the month of June "where he was Abadi participated then conference the international coalition, which was held in the French capital Paris, where the conference monitoring sums of money to the reconstruction fund for the liberated areas and stressed that there is confirmation from coalition countries to support Iraq.

Protests the courtyard of the liberation of central Baghdad
and witness Tahrir Square in glands evening protest rally popular called by activists across networks to protest the loss of services large and power shortages.
and pre-empted a senior government source protests by emphasizing that pretend right guaranteed by the Constitution and noted that the government will take into account would ask him protesters during the demonstration to be set up today, but expressed fear of the presence of infiltrators in the demonstration .. explaining the presence of reform steps undertaken by the government in all fields, including the electricity sector.

The source said that "pretend right guaranteed by the Constitution," noting that "the government will take into consideration what the demonstrators will demand it, and we would like to show the situation that form obstacles for the government. " He added that "among these things poor planning that accompanied the electricity sector for the past year and financial situation and the financial crisis experienced by the government."

The source explained in a statement quoted by "Olomreh News" that "the current government does not bear put the current electrical system which took over the reins ago nearly 10 months locked in a fierce war with Daash gangs cost it large sums of money with the deterioration of a significant decline in oil prices. "

He pointed out that "there is reform steps undertaken by the government in all fields, including the electricity sector, and we strive to provide the security and safety of the demonstrators and we fear them lurking," pointing to "The demonstration right guaranteed by the Constitution and we hope to be a peaceful demonstration, and away from whatever it is that disturbs the peace and cause a security flaw and security men will to protect the demonstrators."

The source said that "oil imports dropped to less than half and spending the war rose to fight Daash and edit every inch of Iraq "noting that" the security forces while fighting Daash the legal and moral responsibility to protect the citizens. "

Walkingstick  » July 31st, 2015, 4:31 pm 

Abadi calls on ministers and officials to take to the field for the problems of citizens
Friday July 31, 2015 23:02

Alsumaria News / Baghdad
The Prime Minister called Haider al-Abadi , on Friday evening, ministers and officials to take to the field for the problems of citizens and find solutions to them, stressing the right of citizens to express their views, during an emergency meeting held with the Minister of Electricity Qassim Fahdawi and ministry staff.

To be continued ...

Abadi of the demonstrators: do what I can to address the electricity crisis
By Roudao 36 minutes ago

Roudao - Arbil, in a brief response to the hundreds of demonstrators who turned out Friday in Tahrir Square in central Baghdad to demand the provision of services and the fight against corruption, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that he was doing everything he could to increase the number of hours of processing power to the citizens.

The statement said Ebadi seen by Roudao Network Media: "Prime Minister held an emergency meeting Friday evening with Minister of Electricity and ministry staff to follow up the electricity problems and weakening the system and the need to make further efforts to increase the hours of processing power to citizens and the fight against corruption." According to the statement called al-Abadi "to the presence of the employees of the Ministry of Electricity in sites to repair the damage issues and increase productivity, and full application of the order that was released by us comprehensively all officials machining programmed for electricity. " He also called Abadi all ministers and officials to take to the Tahrir Square and listen to the demands of the demonstrators and address the problems as soon as possible, praising the success of the peaceful demonstration and to help the security forces to the demonstrators and protect them from terrorist attacks.

Abadi thank protesters to respect public order and calling for those responsible to take to the street

Editor: BS, HA 07/31/2015 22:54

Long-Presse / Baghdad
Thanked the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Friday, citizens and protesters to respect public order and express their views are "civilized", and called on officials to go down to the field to see the problems of citizens, while stressing the need to increase the production of electricity.

The Prime Minister's Office said in a statement received (range Press) copy of it, "the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi held this evening, an emergency meeting with the Minister of Electricity Qassim Fahdawi and ministry staff to follow up the electricity problems and the weakening of the system," stressing "the need to do more efforts to increase the hours of processing power to citizens and the fight against corruption. "

He called Abadi, according to the statement to "the presence of employees of the ministry at the sites for the repair of defects and increase productivity, and full application of the order that was released by us comprehensively all officials machining programmed for electricity," stressing "the right of citizens to express their views and call on all officials to listen to their demands."

And he gave Abadi "thanks to the citizens and protesters to respect public order and express their opinions in a civilized as well as security forces that protected the demonstrators and the maintenance of security and dealing with citizens with respect and in a professional and dedication," stressing that "it promotes cohesion between citizens and security forces that fight terrorism and preserve the security of citizens ".

Abadi stressed "the need for the descent of all ministers and officials to the field for the citizens' problems and find quick solutions to them."

Hundreds of citizens and activists demonstrated on Friday in Tahrir Square in Baghdad, to demand the resignation of Electricity Minister Qassim Fahdawi and improve services, while critical of the performance of the secretariat of Baghdad.

The security forces cut off before the start of the demonstration, roads and bridges leading to Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, which will see a demonstration demanding the improvement of the situation of services in the country, with hundreds of people arrived in Tahrir Square to protest.

And social networking sites have seen in Iraq over the past few days, invitations to participate in a demonstration Tahrir Square in central Baghdad, demanding better services and especially the country's electricity.  LINK

Abadi thank protesters to respect public order and hold an emergency meeting with Minister of Electricity and ministry staff
History of edits:: 7/31/2015 23:16 •

{Baghdad / Euphrates News} prime contract single Abadi, an emergency meeting, on Friday evening, with Minister of Electricity and ministry staff to follow up the electricity problems and weakening the system and the need to make further efforts to increase the hours of processing power to citizens and the fight against corruption, also thanked the citizens and demonstrators to respect the system General and express their opinions in a civilized.

A statement by the Information Office of the Prime Minister said that al-Abadi held an emergency meeting, on Friday evening, with Minister of Electricity and ministry staff to follow up the electricity problems and weakening the system and the need to make further efforts to increase the hours of processing power to citizens and the fight against corruption.

He called Abadi to the presence of the employees of the Ministry of Electricity in sites to repair the damage issues and increase productivity, and full application of the order that was released from the inclusion of all officials machining programmed for electricity.

The President of the Council of Ministers on the right of citizens to express their views and call on all officials to listen to their demands.

He thanked Abadi, according to the statement of citizens and protesters to respect public order and express their opinions, more civilized, also thanked the security forces that protected the demonstrators and maintain security and dealing with citizens with respect and in a professional and dedication which enhances the cohesion between citizens and security forces that fight terrorism and preserve citizens' security.

He also called on all ministers and officials to take to the field for the citizens' problems and find quick solutions her.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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