Don't WAIT!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Mnt Goat Friday Morning Update - "What to Expect These Coming Weeks -Part 2"

UU6722 – “What to Expect These Coming Weeks -Part 2”  by Mnt Goat

(Link to PART 1)

Hello Everyone,

Last week I referenced a window for a possible RV opportunity was here and everything looked fantastic.
In fact these two articles I now present to you confirm everything and they came out to the public just like clock work. It was like someone was reading my mind….and that’s scary….lol….

These coming weeks the window remains the same and I have to say that if we do not see some change in the currency status I will be amazed and totally baffled.

I am very, very happy and so should you!

If you  have not done so already please read my recent past posts 7/27 (LINK) and 7/30 (LINK) and from the last couple weeks in general. This news letter today will make total sense to you.
Today’s News

Today is Friday July 31 and still no RV.

If you have been following my news letters you know exactly what I mean and why I present to you the following recent two articles, in fact just came out yesterday.

Absolutely predictable and like clock work. Confirms absolutely everything I have been talking about these last months.

Article Follows:


Approved the decision of the parliamentary finance committee Ahmed Hama, Thursday, the central bank is constantly in the process of printing banknotes category 50 000 dinars to put forward in the Iraqi market early next month.

He said Hama's / scales News /, that "it is possible to introduce new banknotes category 50 000 in the Iraqi market early next month after he managed the Central Bank of print," explaining that "the expansion of the scope of the private sector, one of the solutions that must be introduced to promote the economy Iraq ".
He added that "2016 will see a new printing papers 100 000 dinars class to put on the market," noting that "the country needs to be run by the mixed sector first and then move to the stage of the private sector."
He said, "The obstacles that hinder the work of the private sector in Iraq is very much the most prominent insecurity."

This said Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Ali Mohsen Keywords earlier, that early 2016 will see the issuance of new categories of paper currency is the 100 000 dinars, the Iraqi currency notes series underlined that the new banknotes put revive the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, ".an

Article Ends

Article Begins

Securities Available To The Public Raise The Credit Rating of Iraq to Facilitate External Borrowing       

Baghdad, Mohammed Hadi

Iraqi government is seeking to move the money supply among citizens across the raised credit bonds, to provide a cash deal with a part of the financial budget and cash crisis experienced by the deficit, according to the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, while rated credit globally academics confirms that the move provides for Iraq. " facilitates his external borrowing and the sale of bonds. "

He announced the central bank, earlier this week, his intention to put up bonds for the benefit of the Ministry of Finance worth two billion dollars, and while noting that the bonds due and payable by the end of 2016, confirmed that it can be used as collateral for loans or facilities require collateral.

says the appearance of Mohammed in connection with "the world", that "the main objective of putting those bonds lies in the dam part of the deficit in the public budget for the current year and to provide financial liquidity to limit the financial crisis that the government suffered in time," explaining that "those bonds will go the citizens a fixed exchange rate, and the interest rate is determined by the duration of the bond. "

He said the move aims to "move the money supply to the citizens."

The House of Representatives approved the current year's budget in January 29, worth $ 119 billion, and a deficit of up to 25 billion dollars.

Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister said the next step after bond offering is "a select number of banks to act as mediator between the government and citizens."

For the first time after 2003 Iraq plans bonds put on this scale.

Maytham defect, academic and specialist in economic affairs said that " Iraq, after talks with a number of international banks and lending institutions for the purpose of finding financial resources, it is revealed that he would need guarantees, and here the Ministry of Finance will purchase those bonds and the dollar from the central ", adding that it" represents papers guarantee to the outside world in the case of Iraq could not abide the terms of repayment loans or any other reform conditions. "

says defect in the comments for "the world", said that process is done through the purchase of Ministry of Finance bonds in local currency to be paid at a later date to the bank, allowing Iraq to sell sovereign government bonds in the global market, compared to the amount of dollars can contribute to filling part of the budget deficit.
This procedure allows Iraq enter the "Global Credit Portal, and thus give him a rated credit certain officially."

known credit rating that estimate conducted by lending to know the validity or eligibility State wishing to obtain loans institutions, namely the The study its potential, and the extent of its credit on the loan and financial ability to repay, taking into account records of the state and its disposal in the past for the payment of its debts.

He added that "This is not surprising in light of the deterioration of oil revenues and not being able to seriously seek to find other financial resources, as well as the lack of seriousness of processors to the issue of corruption. "

The budget law for 2015, the government authorized the sovereign government bonds issuance by seven trillion dinars to cover the fiscal deficit.

The central bank announced earlier this week in a statement that it will launch futures delivery currency dollar bearer bonds on behalf of the Ministry Finance starting from the second of next August to 31 of the same month, adding that "Asdarih will be four categories (in 2500 and 10000 and 50000 and 100000) US dollars and the total amount of two billion dollars."

The bank said it "will sell that amount in Iraqi dinars and the price of 1095 dinars per dollars and payable by the Ministry of Finance in December 31 2016, to be paid in dollars at maturity. "

Article Ends

There is nothing more to say! …...

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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