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Friday, July 31, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 7-31-15

Morning News Comments 07/31/2015

Council member in Baghdad: waiting for the issuance of decisions of governors next month after the transfer of powers to the provinces

[tlm724] that "the provincial waiting for the issuance of decisions of governors next month after the transfer of powers to the provinces.

[tlm724] that "all conservatives have complete files on the transfer of powers to the provinces and this will serve the citizens in general through the provision of services to them.

America is committed to granting the United Nations $ 8.3 million as a down payment for the rehabilitation of liberated areas in Iraq

[tlm724] The Iraqi government announced on Thursday signed a memorandum of "approval" with their American counterparts and the United Nations, to get a grant for the "immediate stability" in the liberated areas of (Daash),

[tlm724] so the World Bank gave them money and now we gave them some and the IMF just provided US$1.24 billion in SDR's

[tlm724] while we are on the subject lets look at the IMF info

[tlm724] On July 29, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved SDR 891.3 million (about US$1.24 billion or 75 percent of quota) for Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)

[tlm724] “The twin shocks faced by Iraq from the ISIS insurgency and the drop in global oil prices have severely widened the government deficit and caused a decline in international reserves. The authorities’ policies to deal with the shocks, including sizable fiscal adjustment and maintenance of the exchange rate peg, go in the right direction.

[tlm724] “The large financing gap calls for the rigorous implementation of the authorities’ policies, but also additional fiscal adjustment measures and identification of domestic and internal financing. In this context, it will be important to implement the new electricity tariff schedule as soon as possible, or adopt compensatory measures.

[tlm724] all this money will help Iraq in the short term however they really need to get it and keep it together !

IMF Executive Board Approves US$1.24 Billion in Financial Support for Iraq

Press Release No.15/363   July 30, 2015

On July 29, 2015, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved SDR 891.3 million (about US$1.24 billion or 75 percent of quota) for Iraq under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI)

1. The purpose of this financial assistance is to help Iraq address present and urgent balance of payment and budget needs in 2015 related to the ISIS insurgency and a decline in oil prices. The IMF financing will support the authorities’ current economic program, which includes fiscal adjustment measures and structural reforms.

Following the Executive Board’s discussion of Iraq, Mr. Mitsuhiro Furusawa, IMF Deputy Managing Director and Acting Chair of the Board, issued the following statement:

“The twin shocks faced by Iraq from the ISIS insurgency and the drop in global oil prices have severely widened the government deficit and caused a decline in international reserves.

The authorities’ policies to deal with the shocks, including sizable fiscal adjustment and maintenance of the exchange rate peg, go in the right direction.

Access under the IMF’s Rapid Financing Instrument will help address Iraq’s urgent balance of payments and budget needs. However, large fiscal and external financing gaps remain.

“The large financing gap calls for the rigorous implementation of the authorities’ policies, but also additional fiscal adjustment measures and identification of domestic and internal financing.

 In this context, it will be important to implement the new electricity tariff schedule as soon as possible, or adopt compensatory measures.

Looking ahead, the authorities should lay the ground for medium-term structural reforms that would better support macroeconomic policy management and boost the economy’s resilience to shocks.”

1 The RFI provides rapid and low-access financial assistance to member countries facing an urgent balance of payments need, without the need to have a full-fledged program in place.

It can provide support to meet a broad range of urgent needs, including those arising from commodity price shocks, natural disasters, conflict and post-conflict situations, and emergencies resulting from fragility.

Access under the RFI is limited to 75 percent of quota per year and 150 percent of quota on a cumulative basis. Financial assistance under the RFI is provided in the form of outright purchases without the need for a full-fledged program or reviews.


Kurdish lawmaker: Arbil will send a delegation to Baghdad to resolve the oil problem

[tlm724] that the government of the Kurdistan region are sending a new delegation to Baghdad to resolve the outstanding problems between Baghdad and Erbil over oil.

[cat] hopeful

[tlm724] a "new" delegation

[tlm724] the Kurdistan Regional Government is trying its utmost to ease the crisis, oil and gas law and matters related to the issue

[tlm724] that "the convergence of views between Baghdad and Erbil will end and the coming days will witness the visit of delegations of the capital Baghdad to resolve the outstanding issues."

[tlm724] make it so and let the UN help you with the logistics !


Iraq signed a memorandum of approval with the United States and the United Nations for financial grant for the rehabilitation of the liberated areas

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Thursday July 30, 2015 19:06   Alsumaria News / Baghdad

Signed by the Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Thursday, memorandum approval with the United States and the United Nations US financial grant in order to achieve "immediate stability" in the liberated areas and rehabilitation, noting that Washington will begin to hand over the amounts premium first $ 8.3 million to the United Nations , in order to It holds the last administration the implementation of projects.

Ebadi said Office in a statement seen by Alsumaria News, he was "a confirmation of the directives of the Prime Minister to start to re-stabilize the areas liberated from the clutches of gangs Daash terrorist, took place in his office, today, signed a memorandum of approval between the United States and the United Nations Government and the Government of ceremony Iraq , Grant American Messaging to achieve stability in the liberated areas. "

He added that "the United States will begin under that delivery amounts premium first $ 8.3 million to the United Nations, which will manage the implementation of quick-impact projects for the rehabilitation of basic services and humanitarian needs, which will receive the amounts of donor countries successively under what was decided at the Paris Conference in the month of June." .

It is noteworthy that al-Abadi participated last June conference the international coalition, which was held in the French capital Paris, with the media office announced that the Conference monitor sums of money to fund the reconstruction of the liberated areas, and stressed that there is confirmation from coalition countries to support Iraq.

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