Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Tuesday Evening


Iko Ward:
  Guys, I think it started, we're just waiting on line for our turn…. I have seven screens open 24/7 showing current conditions. It's all good. It's all stable. And it all agrees with Tony's assessment.

Iko Ward:  You guys can do it too if you want.; CNN Money World Markets; ISX home page: DFX Crude Oil Chart; KITCO Spot Gold Chart; Forex (but unless you want to pay 5K just find a secxondary forex chart platform); and Bloomberg home page.

Believer2 :BJ, do you know why things are so quiet right now? Not hearing any intel today

Blackjack7 : Believer from my people everything is done, just waiting for that flip of the switch…pushing a button, flipping a switch, it's all the same to me JUST DO IT!!!!

zzzzzzzz :
Turn the crank... pull the trigger... dot the I... cross the T... throw the party... push the button... start the process... open the doors... release the Kraken... flip the switch... WE ARE READY!!!
JD:  BJ any ideal who or what is holding it up

:if you don't want unrest and rioting because of promises that have been made and not kept then something has to be done...this restores faith in the people


GodBlessTony:  Respected Financial Guru, Bill Holter says The Banking system is coming down 07.28.15 Audio

This is good stuff.  Lots here, something for everyone:  Bail-ins, Bond Bubble, Dollar's future, China's Gold reserves and the future of gold and silver.  He mentions "Reset" and and asset backed Dinar towards the end.  Big picture investment advice.

Good listen for anyone who owns dollars.


Dinar Updates: 

tman23  "the Government's decision to reduce the salaries of officials and senior staff closer to attempt a radical processing prosthesis for the problem...

The salaries of the GOI were ridiculous...One of the IMF concerns/conditions with regard to Iraq GOI was be adjusted.


BGG  ...they are meeting - over what to do about Maliki...they come back, not much gets done - deal with Maliki - move on...  

Q: [are you saying Maliki issue is more important right now for them to decide than voting on the laws? because once Maliki is canned, the laws will be a whiz to pass?!] 

BGG  no question - that is what I am saying...he has played the "obstructionist" thus far. He goes - things move!!

harvestime :  According to what is written (link below) tarriffs will be collected without exception on August 1, 2015. LINK


Walkingstick   » July 28th, 2015, 5:24 pm 

USForex Rolls Out Global Currency Transfer App

July 28, 2015 by Melanie Macinas

International money transfer provider USForex proudly launches the newest innovation in currency transfer apps—the Forex Money Transfer.

This fully transactional app allows consumers to send money using their mobile devices in 48 currencies worldwide while on the go.

The app complements the lifestyle of USForex’s customers, many of whom make regular currency transfers for several reasons including buying second homes, purchasing goods and services, paying mortgages and tuition, and family support.

Designed to be user-friendly and intuitive for money transfers, the all-in-one app gives users complete control over the payment process including international transfers and repeat payments.

Users can even review previous transactions and track current payments with the app, as well as check market exchange rates, view currency charts, set rate alerts and read daily market commentaries.

Forex Money Transfer also has a global, 24-hour customer support and live rate alerts for more than 48 currencies.

“In launching Forex Money Transfer, we’re seizing on the massive shift to mobile for the consumption of financial services,” commented Richard Kimber, CEO of USForex. “It’s a significant, new transaction channel for our current and future customers and offers additional scale to our business. Globally, mobile accounts for around 17% of all new registrations – with the launch of the app, we expect this figure to grow substantially.”

Forex Money Transfer is now available for download at Google Play and App Store for free.


   Frank,If the path for the Monetary reform is RI and then RV then would the IQD not have to come out at $3.22 since that was the last value prior to the program rate? or is it 1:1 then RI then RV?

Thanks for all your knowledge and time educating!


Thunderhawk  » July 28th, 2015, 7:29 am  Backdoc Alert

Cameron to Fast-Track Brexit Referendum to June 2016 – Reports

British Prime Minister David Cameron has decided to fast-track the referendum on the nation’s EU membership to June 2016 to increase his bargaining power with Brussels as London seeks to reform the union, the Independent’s sources in the government said Sunday.

In May, Cameron promised to hold a referendum on whether Britain should stay in the 28-nation European Union by the end of 2017. He maintains that London should be part of the bloc, albeit on renegotiated terms.

Senior sources in the UK government told the Independent on Sunday that Cameron will announce the June 2016 date in his keynote speech at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester in October.

The Prime Minister reportedly calculated that Brussels will be more in the mood to grant changes to EU legislation and work benefits for EU migrants from outside Britain after the bailout talks with Greece, where the EU leadership showed it was ready to go the extra mile to avoid an EU exit.

Anti-EU sentiment has risen in the United Kingdom following accusations that the nation’s welfare has suffered greatly from an unrestrained inflow of migrants from less affluent EU member states.


Walkingstick  » July 28th, 2015, 7:37 am  Backdoc Alert

US Fed Leak on Rate Hike Suggests a Murky Economic Landscape

On Friday, the US Fed admitted to have mistakenly released its rate hike projections, surprisingly modest and suggesting the regulator is aware of a less optimistic situation in the US and global economy.

On Friday, the US Federal Reserve accidentally released its confidential staff-only projections for this year's planned increase in US borrowing costs, which turned out to be much more modest than previously speculated. The leak, besides stirring concern on Capitol Hill over the information security of the regulator's internal communications, also had a short-lived market effect, with yields on US Treasuries briefly dropping.

The US Fed said on Friday its confidential Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting of 16-17 June were published by mistake on 29 June. Such documents are usually disclosed to the public five years after the original date of event, along with the FOMC meetings transcripts.

The rate hike projections as outlined in the leaked document are seen at 0.35% in federal borrowing costs somewhere in Q4, up from the current 0-0.25%. Despite the Fed insisting the figures do not represent the policy makers' viewpoint, the disclosure if effectively putting into question the September hike itself. The scale of the hike is also far below the anticipated rise in benchmark interest rate to some 0.625% by the year's end.

That said, the Fed, being aware of the mediocre growth in the US economy, and the sluggish global economic expansion, might be planning only a very symbolic tightening in its monetary policies, wary of its imminent negative effects of a hike for the US economy.

The leak does not present enough information on whether the rise in borrowing costs to 0.35% will represent only a quarterly rate increase, or there are actually two successive hikes planned by the year's end. While the lending rate of 0.35% is a possibility for Q3, a second hike is possible in December.

The Fed leak triggered a short-lived rally in US Treasuries value, with yield on the two-year security fallen 0.02% to 0.66% on Friday, only to rebound later during the day to 0.68%.

Such papers as the one leaked are usually compiled by the US Fed staff economists prior to policy meetings based on the across-the-board evaluation of the US and global economic environment. Commodities prices, durable goods market, inflation estimates, GDP projections, labour market and various sectors of the real economy are all taken into account. That said, such a modest increase in the lending rate suggests the Fed staff is not very optimistic of the US and global economic outlook, at least, till the end of this year.

As there is still little clarity regarding US economic performance in the coming months and the Fed's subsequent actions, the Fed leak does not change much in the market situation. Less clarity means higher demand for safer assets, and that is where the Treasuries bulls are reaping benefits. The US dollar is also on a winning streak until the Fed announces their exact date of a rise in borrowing costs.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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