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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Wealthwatch Morning Chat 7-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-30-15
Wealthwatch Morning Chat 7-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Tootsie: Urgent Iraq signed a memorandum of understanding with the United States and the United Nations for the reconstruction and rehabilitation services in the liberated areas 2015/7/30 18:49 {Baghdad: Euphrates News} 

Prime Minister's Office announced today the signing of a memorandum of understanding with the United States and the United Nations to grant the US to achieve immediate stability in liberated areas. 

A statement by the Prime Minister's Office and the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of "The confirmation of the directives of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to start to re-stabilize the liberated areas from the clutches of Daash terrorist gangs, took place in the Office of the Prime Minister today signed a Memorandum of approval between the United States Government ceremony 
The United Nations and the Government of Iraq, the US Grant to achieve immediate stability in the liberated areas. " The statement added that "the United States will begin under that delivery amounts premium first $ 8.3 million to the United Nations,

which will manage the implementation of quick-impact projects for the rehabilitation of basic services and humanitarian needs, which will receive the amounts of donor countries successively under what was decided at the Paris Conference in the month of June. "

 The statement noted that "the Prime Minister stressed during his attendance at the conference on the importance of international support, and to restore stability that require quick and direct action,

and reconstruction efforts under the responsibility of reconstruction fund for the implementation of large and strategic projects in the liberated areas, which is being edited by coordinating the efforts of Our armed forces and the sons of the popular crowd and clans authentic ".

 chattels: CHAPEL HILL, N.C. (MarketWatch) — Gold bugs, who have just begun to digest bullion’s more than $100 drop over the past month, need to prepare for the possibility of an even bigger decline.

Tootsie: US Official: US Army Stands by Kurds Every Step of the Way Commander of US Central Command Lloyd Austin meets Barzani 30.07.2015 15:12 ERBIL – As Kurdish Peshmerga forces continue to score victories on all frontlines against Islamic State (IS) militants, a US official believes that they deserving increased support.

According to a statement released by the Kurdistan Region Presidency office, Commander of US Central Command Lloyd Austin, accompanied by the US Ambassador to Iraq Stuart Jones, met with President Barzani in Erbil on Wednesday 29th July.

The US and Kurdish officials discussed the latest developments in the counter-terrorism fight as well as the current security situation in the region.

“While praising the vital role of the Peshmerga in fighting IS, General Austin told Barzani that the US army will stand by the Peshmerga every step of the way,” reads the statement.

Regarding the Turkish airstrikes on Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions, Barzani stressed that both sides should focus on the anti-IS fight “and continue negotiations to resolve their disputes”.

chattels: That, at least, is the forecast of Claude Erb, a former commodities manager at fund manager TCW Group, and co-author (with Campbell Harvey, a Duke University finance professor) of a mid-2012 study that forecast a plunging gold price.

They deserve to be listened to, therefore, since — unlike many latter-day converts to the bearish thesis — they forecast a long-term gold bear market when it was only just beginning.


chattels: ‹@Tootsie› ‹@Tootsie› sorry that i interrupted your post, mea culpa

Tootsie: ‹@chattels› oh no! that is stuff that just happens =- I am sure I will be guilty of same - blush!

 Tootsie: this is yesterday, but ~ Electricity entered into a contract with Siemens for the implementation of (4) manufacturing plants in Baghdad 07/29/2015 BAGHDAD / JD / .. concluded the Directorate General for power transmission projects, one of the formations and the Ministry of Electricity, a contract with Siemens for the implementation of (4) manufacturing plants in Baghdad.

The Director General of the General Directorate for power transmission projects Sabah Kadhim Ekrb in a written statement / dinars / received a copy of it: we have concluded a contract with Siemens, includes processing equipment, civil works and implementation of four important manufacturing stations 132 kV in the capital Baghdad.

 He explained that the contract contains processing equipment, execution of civil works for the four stations, are already present to the service, and will be rehabilitated under this contract, and the establishment of new stations alternative for old plants,

a new Kadhimiya and Al-Ghazali, Baghdad, Yarmouk. For his part, Ali Rashid Jawad Associate Director of Projects transfer stations in the Directorate-General for projects that power transmission stations (132 kV) of type (Ja.o. MSI) gas-insulated, noting that the term of the contract,

which includes all processing equipment and civil works (485) days, starting from the activation of the contract, the day of opening credit. Rashid stressed that the project is vital, because it will contribute to the decoder bottlenecks beside me Karkh and Rusafa effectively. / End

Tootsie: Talabani: There remains no affiliation to the country called Iraq Thursday 30-07-2015 | 1:12:02 Twilight News / Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Qubad Talabani stressed that the Government of the Territory and all Kurdish parties to make every effort to resolve the political and economic problems in Iraq,

but pointed out that he did not stay there for the affiliation of state called Iraq and that independence is a legitimate right of the people of Kurdistan. Talabani said during a meeting in Arbil with the German ambassador to Iraq, Eckhard prominence

"We Kkord In spite of our active participation in the construction of the Iraqi government we have made so far all efforts for the survival of democratic federal Iraq but it is clear to everyone that the question of Kurdish independence is a legitimate right of the people of Kurdistan."

He added that "there is the fact that he did not stay there a unified Iraq was left belonging to the State of Iraq as much as its name affiliations of the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds."

Qubad Talabani and the price of the government to provide the German people and military and humanitarian aid to the region of Kurdistan and demanded that continue to be submitted where this state of arming and training Kurdish Peshmerga forces. "

Winnerdinar: Customs tariff application centers starting next Saturday [image] General Administration of Customs confirmed its readiness to implement the pricing tariff law on imports through border ports of the country, to be implemented from next Saturday.

General Customs Director Major General Engineer Hakim Jassim Al-Hassan said: "The Commission has completed all preparations for the administrative and accounting fees related to the amendment ratios according to the pricing of the tariff law in all customs centers in ports, airports and land border crossings.

He noted that the bill passed in the House of Representatives in 2010 has been postponed action whereby the request of the former central government, until a settlement with the Kurdistan region to be applied at border crossing points for Akulaim.wachar Hassan to train employees of the centers and the Angels Directorate on how to deal with these computational variables,

 to maximize State economic resources and protect the national economy from commodity-dumping poor, and to ensure the smooth completion of customs formalities as soon as.

And it pointed out that this law will result in the application of a range of benefits, such as encouraging the private sector to run small and medium-sized plants, indicating that the rate of duty starts from exempt to 20 percent. However, the customs director, said:

"The law is not without some drawbacks that need to be addressed to protect consumers and local markets", without referring to it.

Winnerdinar: Jubouri calls to cut the proportion of the salaries of "all Iraqis" and raise taxes 07/30/2015 3:33 Jubouri calls to cut the proportion of the salaries of "all Iraqis" and raise taxes Brother - Baghdad It suggested MP from the Union of National Forces MP Ahmed al-Jubouri,

Thursday, deduction of 5% of the total salary for the staff of Iraqis and retirees as "compulsory savings", to be re-withholdings them yet overcome the crisis, as called for raising taxes on goods except food.

 Jubouri said during a press conference held today, the parliament building, said that "in light of the low world oil prices and the need for the State to cover the war on Daash expenses and for the state treasury support, we suggest that is shut down and re-allocation of all of the benefits and social solidarity in the three presidencies, including independent bodies and special grades. "

 "We also propose a reduction in the expenses of the diplomatic corps and officials, including the House of Representatives by 50%, and the deduction of 5% of the total salary for all Iraqis, including retired Kedjar compulsory re after them overcome the crisis."

 He stressed the need to al-Jubouri, "government debt of mobile phone companies are met and the agreement with the credit 70% of the imports of these companies to meet the state treasury, including the state because of the delay for many years for the payment of government dues Bzmmha"

. He stressed "the importance of the tax code and re-filed on consumer and luxury goods except for food", calling for "open donations for companies and businessmen and civil banks to support the state treasury and under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance Fund."

 Jubouri said that "the proposal also includes the formation of a committee to limit spending in all state institutions for the purpose of rationalization and saving money, and the formation of a parliamentary committee to review the agreements of government contracts in the age of the current government and to be concluded in the future in o

Tootsie: dedicated to those who tend to hornswaggle with respect to dinarland info ~~ “Listen, or your tongue will make you deaf.” ~ Native American Proverb -

Tootsie: have a good day all - (or as good as we can make it - keep a smile on your face, it is enlightening )

chattels: ‹@Tootsie› my father was fond of saying that someone had a speech impediment, that they did / could not listen

chattels: too busy talking was their speech impediment :)

chattels: KIRKUK, Kurdistan Region – The Peshmerga frontlines that protect the oil-rich city of Kirkuk have been quiet in terms of fighting, but the appearance of peace isn’t fooling anyone. Perched on mounds of dirt dug up from the trenches, the Kurdish fighters here monitor a patchy tree line several dry and dusty kilometers south of their base.

 “Just beyond those trees is ISIS territory,” an officer said Monday, July 27, as he pointed southwest toward Hawija, an Arab city with nearly half a million people under the control of the Islamic State.

chattels: Peshmerga ground forces and coalition airstrikes quashed the last major ISIS offensive near Kirkuk in early June. Since then, fighting has been sparse.

Still, the attacks, especially the one earlier this year that resulted in dozens of Peshmerga deaths and led to the infamous parading of Peshmerga in cages through the streets of Hawija, has weighed heavily on these fighters’ minds.

 chattels: Minister of Peshmerga Mustafa Sayid Qadir has maintained that the morale of the Peshmerga has been unwavering and that the financial crisis has not affected their vigor. The strong-spirited Peshermga in Kirkuk seemed to prove his words true.

“We are all ready to shed our blood for this land,” said commander Luqman Mohammad Amin. “We will stay here until the last of us fall in battle.”


chattels: and that is why the Kurds will prevail in the end, IMO


Doug_W: U can not "hire/ buy" spirit
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Airstrikes carried out by the US-led coalition pounded Islamic State positions in the extremist stronghold city of Hawija, with the targeted bombings reportedly leading to the death of the jihadists' deputy governor of Kirkuk province and six of his henchmen. 

The Iraqi Council of Ministers reported in a statement released Wednesday that, according to information from "reliable sources," the coalition destroyed three ISIS military vehicles in Al Shajra village east of the district of Hawija in southern Kirkuk province. 

The minister's' statement added that the corpse the ISIS deputy governor had been transferred to the Nasir neighborhood in Hawija. Coalition warplanes also targeted ISIS bases in different areas of Hawija, injuring more than 20 ISIS fighters, according to the statement.


chattels: Yet this week we learned that American officials made a deal with Turkey. Although many of the details remain secret, it looks like in return for use of the air base at Incirlik and Turkish military action against IS,

 the Americans are distancing themselves from the PYD and looking the other way while Ankara resumes its war against the PKK. 

Washington and Ankara also announced the likely establishment of an “IS-fee safe zone” in northern Syria, west of the Euphrates river, although it remains unclear how exactly this zone will be created. American officials described the deal as a “game changer.”

chattels: In short, the deal some American officials just cut with Erdogan seems to involve a black betrayal of what have been the Americans’ most stalwart allies in the fight against IS, the condoning of a witch hunt against democratically elected opposition MPs in Turkey, 

and a serious setback in the campaign against IS. This is all in return for the use of a redundant air base and a shadow puppet Turkish war against IS. 

At least European NATO leaders had the decency to call for “restraint” and “proportionality” in Turkey’s attacks against the PKK, while Washington only speaks of “Turkey’s right to defend itself.”



chattels: i will be very upset if we sell out the Kurds again like we arguably did in 1975

Doug_W: history seems to repeat itself again N AGAIN

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