Don't WAIT!

Monday, July 27, 2015

Pastors Ed & Kat International Prayer Call Mon. Night 7pm ET

International Prayer Call Monday Night 7pm ET

530-881-1400   406878#

Everyday something new and crazy happening. It seems that most chat rooms are becoming empty. With no info coming worth listening too, its time for the majority to listen up to what and why.
Of course most don't want to hear the truth, because its not what one wants to hear. I am pretty sure Israel in the wilderness went thru the same getting to the promise land. But God took care of them he can take care of you and I. If we do our part, there the thing most don't want to do, doing our part. Join us wont you Shalom

God Bless
Pastors Ed & Kat

Thanks Dinar Recaps for all your help

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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