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Monday, July 27, 2015

News Time With BGG 7-27-15

Welcome to for News Time with BGG!!

 BGG: Here we go...

BGG: Round Table WAS OFF THE HOOK today...


BGG: I'll be glad to take questions on any of that later... but that World Bank article was a real STUNNER.
BGG: "For Dinar News that matters..."

BGG: first report...

BGG: An unannounced visit, "al-Maliki" Tehran .. up to form an Iraqi, Iranian front under his chairmanship

BGG: Vice President Nuri al-Maliki arrived on an official visit undeclared to the Iranian capital Tehran.

The sources confirmed that al-Maliki will discuss with leaders and officials in Iran composition Iraqi-Iranian front under his chairmanship in order to bring big changes in the private and the region General Iraq,

noting that the Iranian side presented previously and continues to provide material and moral support of a coalition of state law, led by Vice President of the Republic of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.


BGG: My comments are this:

BGG: Why is there a need for him to "shore up" support in Iran right now??

BGG: unless someone in Iraq is about to make a move on him...

BGG: I doubt this was a "get out of town" visit - more likely a legitimate power play.

BGG: he took the time to directly point out - "...that the Iranian side presented previously and continues to provide material and moral support of a coalition of state law..."

BGG: in other words - telling his rivals "Iran supports him..." - HOWEVER, this is CLASSIC MALIKI M.O. going there - make it look like there is some deal being struck... (I mean - if it were a "secret meeting" why not keep it secret??)

BGG: and put the "veiled threat to your adversary" not to mess with him - or face Iran...

BGG: however, this appears to be a "not-so-secret" meeting. Why??

BGG: because it was meant to be heard.

BGG: if there is any support at all?

BGG: Further - this business about Maliki taking back over - sounds a lot like a "pipe-dream" if you ask me. I could be wrong - I just think things are so far down another path - he'll be lucky to survive it.

BGG: let alone "revive" any political aspirations.

BGG: Finally, with the world not so happy with how things are going - and Iran being a master manipulator - I almost can't imagine them passing on a "ready made" patsy to blame this whole thing on (Maliki). He's dreaming about their support - but they could deflect attention from themselves FOR YEARS if they throw him to the wolves.

BGG: This is nearly a gift... I cannot see how they pass on it...

BGG: all - IMHO

kmiller68: Whatever happened to all the charges he was supposedly being brought up on... shouldn't he be in jail, seems like we aren't getting the whole story.

BGG kmiller68: Next article.

Signman: BGG do you expect Abadi to put an arrest warrant on Maliki while he's gone?

BGG Signman: No - I would foresee him being replaced internally first, then politically (the PoR job), then some kind of criminal action.

BGG Signman: internally meaning in the Dawa party/SLA/N.A. structure...

diane1: can Maliki hold this up? i can not see them holding out after coming this far, how does one bad apple spoil the whole cart. i feel if this doesn't happen soon it never will

BGG diane1: of course he can - and has...

BGG diane1: Alak (the current Gov of the CBI) was Maliki's Sec Gen of his CoM for 7 or 8 years...

BGG diane1: how is he not under some direct influence by Maliki??

diane1: of course he is he's gotten away with murder

BGG diane1: This article during Round Table from the World Bank - is however, HUGE - they are giving Iraq a very short window to fix this... mainly because Maliki (and likely Alak) are at the center of the Money Laundering issue.

GGB : Do you think that with the deadline of 2 months they will wait till the dire end to get things done

BGG GGB: I sure hope not...

BGG GGB: and that bit by the WB is very serious.

diane1: can they do an executive order to revalue? or do what they have to do for the sake of t he country and it's people.

BGG diane1: it has to come thru the CBI - can't be "executive order"...diane1: then 0ur goose is cooked

BGG diane1: no - not even close - relax.

BGG diane1: in fact, sounds a lot like (to me) - the WB is putting BIG TIME pressure on them to get this fixed.

buck: They have had almost a year to replace Alaq and have not. which makes me think either Abadi is fairly weak or somewhat loyal to the political party,, which is same as Maliki's what is your take on Abadi's lack of firm action??

BGG buck: As I recall - the CBI Gov was one of the positions given out as part of the "political paper" forming the Abadi Government - once this goes down, there will be some wrangling as to who goes where. I wonder if it isn't they have to do some "horse trading" to get a competent CBI Gov??

buck: thx politics as usual all over the world lol

BGG buck: I do think - partially, until recently, Abadi has not had the broad base of support to remove Maliki and then Alak... he is gaining ground daily now. Especially with Maliki's recent missteps. Inner party officials are jumping ship.

buck: yes that was a great blog thx

*.MOD.scottiegirl: According to recent articles over the weekend, Maliki’s party is bailing on him and the POR has threatened to remove him. His refusal to meet with the POR as well. Are they in the process of removing him as we speak?

BGG *.MOD.scottiegirl: with any luck - yes.

BGG *.MOD.scottiegirl: next article will be very interesting.


BGG diane1: next article...

BGG: Dulaimi, denouncing al-Maliki's remarks and announced the formation of an international body for the prosecution

BGG: Denounced Dr. lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi, head of the international legal body Maliki's comments and said, "We condemn and deplore the people of Iraq and the strength of national reject the occupation and for each secretions illegal, statements provocative to Nuri al-Maliki,

which attacked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Maatertb for these serious irresponsible and provocative of abuse of a country with a weight and weight statements in the Islamic and international arenas,

and even beyond those abuses and statements expressing the same sectarian hate and patient, than to provoke the feelings of all Arabs and Muslims,

BGG: "he added," these statements that represent incitement clear on terrorism and a threat to the Islamic Arab, regional and international security and directly threatens international peace and security,

especially since Shiite militias terrorist extremist in Iraq leaders such as confident Battat already threatened to bomb and invade the territory of the Kingdom in the light of the sectarian incitement continued to the owners when he was president of the Government of Iraq at a time when Saudi Arabia has repeatedly declared that it is against extremism and terrorism and embodied that reality on the ground. "

BGG: And went on, "that the people of Iraq and its national strength rejects and strongly condemns such irresponsible statements, and at the same time we announce the formation of an international body composed of senior international lawyers to prosecute and sue al-Maliki for having committed serious international crimes such as crimes affecting the security and peace of the entire international community which war crimes and crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide collectively,

BGG: in addition to his successive including the last against Saudi Arabia, which in international law is considered an international crime of inciting terrorism and sectarian violence,

and this is clear evidence allows for the Kingdom of prosecution before the international criminal justice as well as through universal jurisdiction, and on this occasion,

the Commission put all legal potential and are a volunteer at the disposal of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz to direct tasks to prosecute this criminal terrorist sectarian in the Arab and international courts, including the International Criminal Court delivered hundreds of dangerous files that condemns this terrorist criminal ".


BGG: Key Phrases:

BGG: "...statements provocative to Nuri al-Maliki, which attacked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia..."

BGG: "...these statements that represent incitement clear on terrorism and a threat to the Islamic Arab, regional and international security and directly threatens international peace and security..."

BGG: "...when Saudi Arabia has repeatedly declared that it is against extremism and terrorism and embodied that reality on the ground. "

BGG: (which I pointed out the other day - the Saudis are dealing with ISIS attacks as well)

BGG: "that the people of Iraq and its national strength rejects and strongly condemns such irresponsible statements..."

BGG: "...we announce the formation of an international body composed of senior international lawyers to prosecute and sue al-Maliki for having committed serious international crimes such as crimes affecting the security and peace of the entire international community which war crimes and crimes against humanity and crimes of genocide collectively..."

BGG: " addition to his successive (his recent "hate rant" against the Saudis) including the last against Saudi Arabia, which in international law is considered an international crime of inciting terrorism and sectarian violence, and this is clear evidence allows for the Kingdom of prosecution before the international criminal justice as well as through universal jurisdiction..."

BGG: "...the Commission put all legal direct tasks to prosecute this criminal [sectarian] terrorist in the Arab and international courts, including the International Criminal Court delivered hundreds of dangerous files that condemns this terrorist criminal ".

BGG: those are ALL key statements...

BGG: My comments:

BGG: I think he's SMOKED...

BGG: then the World Bank coming out with the 2 month ultimatum - over money laundering and corruption... they are sick of the thugs!!

BGG: Support for Abadi on the "Maliki issue" growing daily - Fuad Massoum and the Kurds are fully on board.

BGG: (they should have used their vote long ago - ISIS would never have existed).

CanTWaitwoRV BGG: I wouldn't be surprised this Iran/USA deal had a provision to scoop up M as part of the deal somewhere...for stuff like Maliki running to Iran or making a stink of things about now...Iran/USA cheese rat trap

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: not impossible.

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: good point.

Nadita: Stewed or smoked.. just cook him lol I agree they should have dealt with him long time ago but they dingled and dangled and they get a big mess in their hands and a lot of innocent people died.. now they are waking up and with a lot of pressure from all sides, this volcano is about to burst

Nadita: Saudi says something that means something. In a way ME has their way in dealing with their own people and now that Massoum and Kurds are on board.. it's a matter of when we put the goose in

BGG Nadita: Yup - agreed!!

BGG Nadita: however, I would like to research some timelines... generally Maliki is at his weakest now.

*.MOD.scottiegirl: With the support growing for Abadi and everyone else to oust M, do you feel an arrest is coming soon? It appears just “firing” him isn’t gonna work.
*.MOD.scottiegirl: How do you fire a terrorist?

BGG *.MOD.scottiegirl: again - it appears there may be several "phases" - replacing him on "party level" first, then a public "sacking" as they are so fond of calling it (firing him) and then some direct legal action - which by all appearances, is on the way...

Nadita: Do you think the first bond offering is to draw the iqd that are floating out there in Iraq in preparation for the rv.. I am still thinking about it 

Nadita: I think 1095 will be the international rate -just my gut feeling

BGG Nadita: I doubt it.

Nadita: the supply and demand will then drive the price up or down which I assume will go up and the sky will be the limit.

Nadita: BGG.. the momentum definitely is building up.. I see it like a snowball

jtank: the bill for all the improvements to Iraq will be near 300 trillion dinar=1095 wont do it--

BGG Nadita: that much - I agree with that for sure.

Nadita: what I am saying is they can always say they go international at 1095 and rise rapidly

BGG jtank: Agree - 1095 won't work.

Nadita: if we are close to them pushing the button.. they can't sell the bond at 1095 and a few weeks later raise the value to 1 dollar or so..

Nadita: either they have to rv before the bond sale or in fact there are some terms and conditions and offer in the bond that we don't know of..

Nadita: I would like to just buy a couple bonds and see the rules

BGG Nadita: sovereign bonds - they can do whatever they want... (kinda)... and might not be a bad "quid pro quo" for the CBI.

BGG: OK gang - good time to transition from News Time to Regular Chat.

BGG: Thanks everybody!!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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