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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Wealthwatch Afternoon Chat 7-29-15  Part 1 of 2

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said Wednesday that the United Nations could supervise Erbil’s oil exports. “We are ready to resolve our issues with Baghdad. and the United Nations can supervise our oil exports,” Barzani said in a meeting with the visiting German ambassador to Iraq, Ekkehard Brose


Tootsie: ‹@Dianne777› here is a good thing ~ the Market Rate for IQD has held as 1210 for the 2nd day ~ has been steadily dropping. Needs to drop more to get into compliance, but on the way  :happy:

Doug_W: git er dun Iraq

Tootsie: Don't see anything that is exciting to me on tomorrow's Parliament session ~~ oh sigh hahaha
Doug_W: ....SIGH....

newbieDA:  LINK

newbieDA: Abadi economic adviser confirms no change in the date of the application of the tariff decision

Tootsie: ‹@newbieDA› yes, no change that I have seen other than an opinion, valid as it may be, - we shall see - I would (me) presume Tariffs will be on items other than rudimentary daily life essentials (at this time) but that is just my thought ~

Tootsie: I looked at the Tariff items long ago, so many pages I gave up hahahaha

newbieDA: lol ty, know what you mean

newbieDA: had too share, some good news still

newbieDA: parliament schedule is pitiful ::: shaking head:::

Tootsie: ‹@newbieDA› understatement ---- ick!

Tootsie: hahahaha

newbieDA: they also just took the days off, 123 degree temps, too hot

newbieDA: think thurs and sun are cancelled now


Tootsie: I was just wondering if P will be meeting or not due to such ~

Doug_W: ‹@Tootsie› "P" ?

Tootsie: Parliament

Doug_W: ahhh TY

newbieDA: ya, times are rough, but hang in there

newbieDA: Parliament is just sad, we all know that though

Tootsie: me also - take care all ~ “It’s a troublesome world. All the people who’re in it are troubled with troubles almost every minute. You ought to be thankful, a whole heaping lot, for the places and people you’re lucky you’re not.” ~ Dr. Seuss -

Donnie: Daash Iraq receives bank transfers B6.9 billion

Donnie: The organization has taken in some recent economic measures that reflect the extent of the deterioration of its financial position. Elements of which the feet of the collection of rents in the industrial area in Mosul Mqubltin for two years, and the imposition of a tax on large Internet companies up to 40 percent, to allow them to operate. BAGHDAD / Obelisk:

the Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament revealed convert $ 6.9 billion for the areas occupied by the organization Daash, through money transfer got on the amount of the auction raised the Iraqi Central Bank recently companies, and comes despite the stringent security measures taken by the Baghdad government to besiege the military and financial regulation that.

Donnie: read the rest here:

chattels: 07/29/2015 17:11 Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The head of the minister for economic affairs adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the application of the decision tariff will not change schedule will apply on time.

Saleh said for "tomorrow Press," that "taxes and the application of the customs decision has economic level goals to improve the lives the citizen and the provision of services, "

stressing that" the application of the decision tariff schedule will not change and will be implemented on time. " He added that "the tax will be taken from specific financial revenue will not be random,"

 pointing out that "the tax will contribute to the solution of economic problems concerning the social reality citizen and re-infrastructure projects. "

hattels: link from newbieDA above

chattels: Urgent Abdul Mahdi reveals for [where] the resumption of the province to hand over amounts of oil to SOMO

chattels: Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi revealed, for the resumption of the Kurdistan region to hand over amounts of its production of crude oil to the Federal marketing company SOMO] according to the oil agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.


Donnie: Cabinet approves the use of oil to finance investment projects "giant"

Donnie: Long-Presse / Baghdad Committee decided to power in the Cabinet, on Tuesday, to approve the use of oil to finance investment projects "giant", while suggesting to consent to address the scarcity of water provided by the Higher Committee for the initiative agricultural procedures.

A statement issued by the Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji, office, and I got the (long-Presse), a copy of which, "The Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji, presided over the official office in Baghdad, atheist tenth meeting of the Energy Committee in the Council of Ministers,"

 pointing out that "the Commission I discussed a number of topics on the agenda, and has taken the necessary decisions and recommendations thereon. "

The statement added, "The Commission approved the use of oil to fund future investment projects and giant master and oil and gas, and the search for international companies to contract on credit for the development of power transmission sector, provided that complete its work roof of a limited time and duration of the payment of concessionary according to the mechanisms established by the relevant committee in the Council of Ministers" .

Donnie: read rest here:   LINK

chattels: Parliamentary Regions: We will not accept the government's request to wait in the transfer of powers to the provinces History of edits:: 26.7.2015 2:44 p.m. [Baghdad-where] rejected the Committee of the Regions and provinces Parliament, asked the government to wait in the transfer of powers to local governments in the provinces.

Said committee member Ahmed Salal al-Badri told all of Iraq [where] "We will not accept to wait requested by the Council of Ministers to postpone the transfer of powers from the ministries dismantling its departments link to the local governments in the provinces on time than on 5 August next."



chattels: Ammar Tohme: external borrowing leads to negative repercussions on the national economy

chattels:  LINK

chattels: Finance: Insurance sector supports the growth of Iraq's economy


keli15: Chattels do you have any information on the laws and when it will be passed.

Donnie: Indonesia bans foreign currencies in domestic transactions DOW JONES DOW JONES JULY 01, 2015 10:36AM

Donnie: Australians holidaying in Indonesia could find themselves short of money from today after the country’s central bank pushed through new legislation prohibiting foreign currencies from being used in domestic transactions.

The new rule, which takes effect today, has been introduced as Jakarta tries to get a grip on the falling rupiah, a historically volatile currency that has been on a downward slide over the last four years..
Donnie: ‹@newbieDA› TY

Donnie: Abadi economic adviser confirms no change in the date of the application of the tariff decision

chattels: ‹@keli15› What laws are you referring to ?

Donnie: Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The head of the minister for economic affairs adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the application of the decision tariff will not change schedule will apply on time. 

Saleh said for "tomorrow Press," that "taxes and the application of the customs decision has economic level goals to improve the lives the citizen and the provision of services, "stressing that" the application of the decision tariff schedule will not change and will be implemented on time. " 

He added that "the tax will be taken from specific financial revenue will not be random," pointing out that "the tax will contribute to the solution of economic problems concerning the social reality citizen and re-infrastructure projects. "


chattels: generally we have no date(s) scheduled for any vote in the Parliament regarding any law(s) at this point

Donnie: The agenda of the session number (7) Thursday 30 July 2015


Donnie: The agenda of the session No. (8) Saturday (1) August 2015


chattels: unless someone has seen something that i have not ?

chattels: ‹@Donnie› ‹@Donnie› thanks, i see readings on the agenda, but no voting

Donnie: These next 2 sessions are just readings

Donnie: yup - me either

chattels: ever wonder why you do not see a " third reading " scheduled ?

Donnie: i thought some laws only required 2... but i'm probably wrong.

chattels: because only two readings are required in advance of scheduling a vote with four days notice , IMO

Donnie: Last law I see passed was Accession of the Republic of Iraq to the province of Migratory Species of animals fungal Treaty Act 05/07/2015


chattels: somebody correct me if a i am wrong please

Donnie: to go along with the 2 vote question see this page.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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