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Monday, July 27, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 7-27-15

Morning News Comments 07/27/2015

Adviser Abadi: we import 70 tons of gold per year and decline proves the strength of the dinar

[tlm724] Saleh, in an interview on Monday, that Iraq imports annually about 70 tons of gold, while pointing out that the decline in gold shows the strength of the Iraqi dinar.

[tlm724] "the abundance of gold with the power of the Iraqi dinar led to lower prices in the local markets."

[tlm724] attributing the cause to "purchasing power of the citizen, which was low at the time compared to the current time enjoyed by Iraqi high purchasing power,

Former deputy in the Finance Committee: the current time is right to delete the three zeroes from the local currency

[tlm724] called a former member of the Finance Committee secretary Hadi al-Yasiri, the central bank to speed up the application of the project to delete the zeros and make it parallel with the money

[tlm724] which began shortly before laundering law

[tlm724] hmm thats an interesting statement !

[tlm724] "the project to delete the zeros old project was supposed enacted and implemented years ago, but some economic matters has affected negatively on the approval

[tlm724] project was supposed enacted and implemented years ago,

[tlm724] no kidding  

[tlm724] stressing that" the market work and the issue of external and internal debt and the work of the Iraqi Stock Exchange are all related to the deletion of zeros and must Coordination with the government to have the project ready for implementation.

[tlm724] a coordinated effort no doubt, remember Shabibi said he could do it easily by computer program that would adjust the pricing

[tlm724] "The current time is right to implement the project to delete the zeros to be parallel to the process of money laundering and controlling money smuggling operation abroad,

[tlm724] so he suggests delete the zero's while implementing the anti-money laundering law

[cat] tlm724 yes

[tlm724] The Council of Ministers in the previous session postponed the application of the decision to delete the zeros from the current currency, without specifying a time limit

[tlm724] discuss implementation of the resolution at the current session on the 2016 early next year, will be introduced in principle

[tlm724] there seems to be a concensus among the economist that the time is about right, not all but many are saying it is time

[tlm724] adding that" money laundering and smuggling abroad adversely affect the price of the dinar, and a lot of private banks are benefiting from the price difference between the central bank and the market price.

[tlm724] the lions share of that ^^^ will stop when they use a single currency


Parliamentary Economy: Investment Law will be amended for the third time in order to suit the conditions of the country

[tlm724] confirmed Monday that the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 will be amended for the third time in order to keep pace with the evolution in investment

[tlm724] revealed that sessions Council next House of Representatives will vote on the law.

[tlm724] *hallelujah* Very Happy

[tlm724] "the launch of the third amendment to the investment law to work effectively it is possible to happen a quantum leap in the field of investment

[tlm724] I love quantum leaps !


During the father .. Central Bank dollar bonds issued on behalf of the financial

[tlm724] the central bank, announced the launch of futures delivery in US dollars bonds (bearer) on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, while noting that the amount of the value of bonds of up to $ 2 billion.

[tlm724] issued in dollars paid back in dollars that leaves room for the dinar to grow in value

Tax Authority and the Central Bank will coordinate the direction of collection: Court official third-party mechanism

[tlm724] Thanks Rocky

[tlm724] An informed source at the General Authority for taxes, Sunday, the existence of a new coordination mechanism approved by the Central Bank to regulate the tax verification procedures and follow-up on the ground

[tlm724] "The General Authority for taxes based coordination with the central bank and customs and the Association of banks is still in force," noting that "the recent work on the empowerment of the private banks of these instructions.

[tlm724] who's a good boy ?? getting ready for the tariffs   

[tlm724] move from which the traditional mechanism to a new another completely different from the old to ensure verification of the goods and tax payment

[tlm724] that "the mechanism court several measures and a number of official bodies and private banks.

[tlm724] thats good stuff there Cool

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