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Monday, July 27, 2015

BGG Roundtable News 7/27/15  Part 2 of 2

Bgg Roundtable News 7/27/15  Part 2 of 2

Welcome to for News Time with Millionday!!!   BGG filling in today! 

BGG: Thanks BGG: OK - lets cover some more news.

BGG: The current time is right to delete the three zeroes from the local currency

BGG: BAGHDAD / Nina / called a former member of the Finance Committee secretary Hadi al-Yasiri, the central bank to speed up the application of the project to delete the zeros and make it parallel with the money, which began shortly before laundering law.

BGG: Yasiri said the National Iraqi News Agency / Nina / that "the project to delete the zeros old project was supposed enacted and implemented years ago, but some economic matters has affected negatively on the approval, stressing that" the market work and the issue of external and internal debt and the work of the Iraqi Stock Exchange are all related to the deletion of zeros and must Coordination with the government to have the project ready for implementation. "
BGG: He added, "The current time is right to implement the project to delete the zeros to be parallel to the process of money laundering and controlling money smuggling operation abroad,

adding that" money laundering and smuggling abroad adversely affect the price of the dinar, and a lot of private banks are benefiting from the price difference between the central bank and the market price. "

BGG: The Council of Ministers in the previous session postponed the application of the decision to delete the zeros from the current currency, without specifying a time limit before they resume the parliamentary finance committee and the central bank steps discuss implementation of the resolution at the current session on the 2016 early next year, will be introduced in principle ./anthy8


BGG: Here are a few things to think about...

BGG: Hadi al-Yasiri while maybe not a current Finance Committee member - was on the Finance Committee Chaired by ABADI.

BGG: and while he may not be a "current decision maker" as Kap pointed out - this is the "other side of the ALAK argument" - and they are talking about it with growing regularity.

BGG: al-Yasiri pointed out this was supposed to have been done LONG AGO. I guess there was a reason some of our thoughts didn't work out quite right.

BGG: he says the Market (likely referring to the move to a free market), internal and external debt and the ISX all relate to this project... and the GOI needs to get it in gear.

BGG: the time is now...

BGG: and oddly enough - points out the VERY THING THE WB is saying...

BGG: this project and the money laundering need handled at the same time...

BGG: as I have said often - likely Maliki and that bunch are at the center of this conflict. Any better reason for Maliki's guards to have broken into the CBI and torched one whole floor (records only) earlier during Shabibi's tenure??

BGG: the last paragraph just "wanders off" about how the current CBI is/has been putting things off... (all predicated on them even being in the position to do so much longer).

BGG: OK - big report...

Doodle Brain: love the timing of both articles...

BGG: This article and the WB article coming out within days is MOST CURIOUS.

da58: shouldn't these new national cards - eliminate a ton of the laundering.. not quite sure how much.. ? thoughts?

BGG da58: the national card is a ID card only - nothing to do with money laundering.

da58: oh really? misunderstood that one.. thx

BGG da58: Smart Card - Qi Card are the ones you are thinking of...

bluedog: Isn't Al-Alak directly tied to Maliki?

BGG bluedog: You got it!!

BGG bluedog: Maliki goes - Alak probably doesn't last long either.

BGG bluedog: and Chalibi JUST CAN'T WAIT.

BGG bluedog: he's a powerful Committee chair.

bluedog: what would be the point of bring Maliki before International court if his assistants aren't drug out with him?

BGG bluedog: they won't have to - once Maliki is under that constraint - Alak will have very little support.

BGG bluedog: Obviously the WB is telling Iraq to get him under control.

jtank: Have a dead line for HCL--anything?

BGG jtank: don't think so.

viacuda: I don't get it. Maliki appointed Alak when he was PM, why cant Abadi just do the same?

BGG viacuda: Maliki still has considerable influence. He has been playing "the obstructionist" up until now... why do you think he appointed Alak right before they ousted him from power??

BGG viacuda: he knew he didn't have to hold the PM spot to control the country. Just the CBI...

viacuda: I agree, but what would be the repercussions of Abadi doing the same?

BGG viacuda: I do not know - I suspect that when he can - he will.

R&R: Didn't Abadi just maybe a month or two ago pass a resolution within the Council of Ministers stating that the CBI would be fully recognized by the council as totally independent from influence by any other branches of gov't? And wouldn't that alleviate the "influence" problem that viacuda referenced? Thanks BGG...
BGG R&R: Obviously such a measure was "hollow" considering who was running the CBI..

BGG R&R: Alak was Maliki''s Sec Gen of the previous CoM for 7 years??

BGG R&R: and noted for his "economic nincompoopery" 

BGG R&R: every time he shows up to Abadi or the Finance Committee he is busy with some "jibberish two-step" trying to convince them of some "new plan" he has...

R&R: LOL..That makes sense....basically need to see a change at the top , though the measure passed by the CoM was for good reason. Thanks sir... :-)

R&R: Top being the CBi, of course...

BGG Shabibi didn't have to convince anyone of anything - he spoke - they listened. The reason Maliki disliked him is Shabibi had a plan for Iraq and the people. Maliki had a plan for Maliki.

CanTWaitwoRV: Hi BGG...this quote.... "speed up the application of the project to delete the zeros and make it parallel with the money"

CanTWaitwoRV: "parallel to the money"...hmm what money? The USD?

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: finishing it helps...

CanTWaitwoRV: 1 to 1 parallel I'd take it

diagyAAAE: I dont think it's referring to a rate

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: which began shortly before laundering law. - I think it's talking more about the money laundering law (in context)

CanTWaitwoRV BGG: ah thought it was the delete the zeros article nm

CanTWaitwoRV BGG: deenar gogglez on a Monday

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: but I'll take your view on it RIGHT NOW.

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: delete the zeros - in conjunction with the WB insisting they fix the corrupt nature of the CBI.

BGG CanTWaitwoRV: OK gang - tune in for News Time tonight and I'll cover a bunch more news we didn't get to this time around 

BGG: See you all at 7:30pm EST for News Time!!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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