Don't WAIT!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Thursday Afternoon Dinarland Chatter


GJHonor: Great info from my Friend Jason

I trust my friend he would not make up a story like this, he was so excited,  when I talked to him on the phone today.

 My friend e-mailed me yesterday , he met a guy from Kurdistan and my friend ask him where he was from and he said Kurdistan , so my friend ask him , your currency has revalued, andhe answered yes, and asked my friend how did you know this,  

and my friend said he had friends that told him about this, and the guy was shocked that my Friend Jason new about this, he did not say the rates but he said they would be the richest country in the world, and that they had their money already.

To me this is amazing confirming what Tony said about Kurdistan having  revalued. Please no questions I just wanted to encourage you all. That is all I know about this event.
Quicksilver:  Hope everyone is sitting down for this final ride. We are coming in for our final apporach. Seat belts buckled, trays up and secure. Coming in for a landing. Be focused and prepared for a different life, and pay it forward



Unbiased toward the Dinar RV and very informative for what is around the corner.


changeagent720 Talked to a personal banker this morning. She was excited to work on it for me. Asked me what currency I had. Said she's been hearing about currency lately....woooooohoooooo

Netglobal:  7-30-15 tlm724: Quote: "General Administration of Customs confirmed its readiness to implement the pricing tariff law on imports through border ports of the country, to be implemented from next Saturday..."

So there we have it right from the General Administration of Customs that the tariffs will begin on August 1st in full force. The question remains will they tax the people at 1166 dinars per dollar or will they increase the purchasing power of the dinar to offset the burden on the poor?


Tishwash: Abadi economic adviser confirms no change in the date of the application of the tariff decision

07/29/2015 17:11

Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: The head of the minister for economic affairs adviser appearance of Mohammed Saleh, Wednesday, that the application of the tariff decision will not change schedule will apply on time. 

Saleh said for "tomorrow Press", that "the application of customs taxes and his decision to an economic level to improve the lives of citizens and service delivery goals," stressing that "the decision to apply the tariff schedule will not change and will be implemented on time." 

"The tax will be taken from specific financial revenue will not be random," pointing out that "the tax will contribute to the solution of economic problems pertaining to the social reality of the citizen and the re-infrastructure projects."


tlm724: The World Bank is there, right now ! The US Treasury is there, right now ! The United Nations is there right now ! All with a commom goal in mind.To help Iraq SUCCEED

When they succeed we succeed !

The entities are there with a plan and this new government, to me at least, seem receptive to the plan. This means that things are moving forward for us !

The economy predicates the dinar value not the dinar makes the economy ! Once it shows a value and surpasses the use of the dollar then it will play a supportive role . Thanks

Tlm724   Quote:  "General Administration of Customs confirmed its readiness to implement the pricing tariff law on imports through border ports of the country, to be implemented from next Saturday..." 

so there we have it right from the General Administration of Customs that the tariffs will begin on August 1st in full force.  

The question remains will they tax the people at 1166 dinars per dollar or will they increase the purchasing power of the dinar to offset the burden on the poor? 

There is much riding on their decisions going forward. ...the US Treasury is there, the IMF is there and the UN and World Bank...big meetings going on as we speak with the US Treasury etc.  

I am really excited!


tman23  Both Baghdad and Kurdistan declared a public holiday for the next 4 days because of the heat wave...

What makes this interesting is the forecast for the next 14 days is no different... So, I guess we will see HOW they open the month of August.

harvestime :I have a question and would appreciate very much any knowledge brought forth regarding this amazing implementation in Iraq. Ok, here is my question...

What will happen to the economy and financial system of Iraq if tarriffs and taxes are applied at all borders with a currency that is worth 1166? I know that the product prices will increase as a result of tarriffs and taxes. Thank you to everyone who makes this forum so great!


Alan :
  Think of it of how the gov taxes our gasoline we buy. Almost 60 cents goes to taxes. However we don't get paid more yet the taxes keep going up.

Everything is taxed but dosent mean our dollar is worth more.

I think same goes for Iraq just because they tax items does not mean the value of the dinar will go up they just pay more for a product.


  Alan when they start taxing goods and services with very little to no purchasing power for the average citizen this is going to put alot of stress on them economically and simply wont work... they are poor enough and for the GOI to tax them without more value is slappin them in the face yet again.


  If memory serves me correctly.. one of the remaining requirements for the IMF or World Bank and the WTO, was the implementation of the Tariffs and Taxes...i am doubtful they will apply the T & T at the old has been tried several times at the old rate and had an adverse reaction from the citizens..


Frank26:  "IN THE BEGINNING" ........... Defines much to many.

The START of collecting TAXES at ANY rate is .............. In the beginning of collecting HIGHER TAXES for Iraq.

One should CLIMB per step ....... Not by a leaping failure.

KTFA   Frank

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