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Sunday, July 26, 2015

Wiley Morgan: "The Facts As I See Them"

(Recaps Note: This is a re-post but not out of date for our current times)

Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:03 pm           Letter for Dinar Holders From Wiley Morgan

Accountability and Culpability… As a father, a friend, an employer and a group leader, I know all too well the distinction of what l am accountable for and to whom and also what I can be held culpable for in the various roles. 

Lately it seems as if we have been getting a lot of bad information from individuals who find the need to push their ideas, agendas or personal views. In the end almost nothing stated as fact or opinion has come to pass. It is all still just embroidering or hyperbole. 

Here are the facts as I see them – Dinar boards are gathering place for like-minded individuals to congregate, mixed with links to what information providers are posting that it is going to revalue today, based on the information their secret source told them. 
They should be viewed more as a form of entertainment mixed with some educational facts (I use that term loosely). Just because someone in the dinar community posts it in a room or states something on a conference call does not make it true.

Many are just saying exactly the same thing over and over putting it into the vastness of what has become the mirth of dinar speculation. What might be sanguineness to some is just disobliging to another. Many information providers make statements canted towards their audiences.

Personally I cannot stand the shallowness and entitlement some people think they are owed these days. As in my last writing, no one owes anyone anything in this venture. The dinar community needs to become empowered, do your own research and develop your own plan.

Stop letting others make decisions for you. These people will not be around to help after the fact; they will be busy enacting their plan. (Don’t believe or do believe, you will see).

There is a whole world of differences in everyone’s thinking, understanding and rational. You should know the distinction as information is put out to you and the development of your long term goals.

We are at a point where information providers are currently trying to extirpate one another in an effort to show that only they know the true agenda and timings of it all.

Personally, when I do not like what is on a certain providers mind I just turn the page and move on. I assure you what is said today will most likely not prove true. To think the small group of dinarians holding dinar will know factual events, agendas, rates, dates or timings is farcical.

So many are hanging on to hope that is forever being dangled in front of them like a carrot. Remove the blinders folks! Do yourself a favor and put the same amount of effort into the real world as you do chasing the postings of whatever information provider. 

I can assure you that NO ONE will be left behind. Every last one of us dinar holders wants the same thing…an email and/or an appointment for the exchange.

Life is too short and the world is too large to continually have the same information brow beaten to you by those pushing their points of view. There are many views in this depending upon which provider and train of thought you follow.

However more to the point, as a provider of information we must be cognizant that there are times many are at the end of their means and cannot handle the disappointments any longer.
This brings me to why I started writing this, I receive many calls covering various different things related to the dinar, but the one call I pray that none of you ever get are the ones saying someone has taken their life because the information did not come to fruition as stated it would. 

While we cannot be personally responsible for everyone we do need to be responsible in the delivery of the information and how we disseminate it. So many are hurting like never before and this is due to no fault of their own, it is simple business economics. 

We all need to understand that what really makes us great is that we are all different people with diverse views, bonded by our dinar investment. 

That is all we need care or worry about, so let us just leave the past in the past and come together and understand that no one will know prior to this event the date or rate, only possible windows of opportunity. 

However, when it does, it will be viral in a matter of seconds and verified factual (by anyone who can dial a phone) in minutes. What is your interim plan? Are you really ready? How will you attain your long term objectives? 

Failing to plan is a sure fire plan to fail. 


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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