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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wealthwatch Morning Chat 7-28-15  Part 2 of 2

chattels: GOLALA, Diyala Province — At least seven Peshmerga have been killed by roadside explosives in the abandoned city of Golala in recent months as authorities struggle to deactivate improvised explosives planted by ISIS militants. Local Kurdish officials say the war-torn city needs extra demining experts to remove the remaining mines. 

“We have so far been able to eliminate more than 600 handmade explosives,” Muhammad Hasan, a local party official, told Rudaw. 

He added that most of the newly found bombs were planted there over eight months ago when the city was still in the hands of ISIS. In the closing days of November last year, a joint Peshmerga and Shiite militia force launched an offensive to recapture both Golala and Saadiya south of Kirkuk. 
But authorities have failed ever since to persuade the fleeing locals to return to their areas, partly due to the hidden explosives.


chattels: anyone look at my numbers on the comparative homicide rate between Iraq and America ?

gold642: Federal Police kills 18 ISIS snipers, destroys 6 vehicles east of Ramadi

Donnie: ‹@chattels› yes i did

gold642: 18 ISIS elements killed including senior commander east of Ramadi

chattels: ‹@Donnie› did they make sense ?

Donnie: shockingly yes

gold642: Retreating ISIS grows thru out Iraq

chattels: i had never been able to find information that would allow me to compare apples / apples so to speak

gold642: Retreating ISIS Left 'Thousands' of Mines in Syrian City of Hasakah: Kurds

gold642: Syria regime, Kurds push ISIS from Hasakah

Donnie: it was an even comparison IMO

gold642: Defense Secretary Carter: ISIS will be defeated

Donnie: and that's just one city in Iraq

gold642: Overnight Defense: Pentagon plans for ISIS-free Syrian 'safe zones'

chattels: ‹@Donnie› likely one of the worst

gold642: The Iran agreement is a disaster for Isis

Donnie: ‹@chattels› i sure hope so.

chattels: like East St. Louis

Donnie: i was surprised how small East St. Louis is

Donnie: isn't that where Ferguson is?

chattels: ‹@Donnie› same state, yes

Donnie: "As the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson calmed Friday..." suburb of St. Louis

BOBBY: i was in Ferguson just a few weeks ago

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› did u visit the street that was trashed?

chattels: ‹@Donnie› i did not know that Ferguson was a suburb of St, Louis

BOBBY: Lol... was more concerned about getting out

Donnie: ‹@chattels› I thought I heard it during the riots

gold642: Global financial institutions slowed Iraq until October to approve the money laundering law

 gold642: passing this law will confirm for us the CBI's plan is still moving forward, the plan of removing the zeros and adding value to the dinar

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› lol

gold642:  LINK

chattels: Ferguson is " North " St. Louis

BOBBY: to say tension was in the air was an understatement

Donnie: ‹@chattels› so north and east St. Louis is "rough".

BOBBY: lol bad enough i am a yankee inthe south  lol

Donnie: ‹@BOBBY› lol

BOBBY: Donnie.. its rough..  attitude for days out there

Donnie: No Agreement Between Blocs On Important Laws, Until Now 7/28 No Agreement Between Blocs On Important Laws, Until Now

Donnie: BAGHDAD / NINA / The head of the (independent) Parliamentary bloc, Sadiq al-Labban not get Announced Agreement Between the Political Blocs in the House of Representatives to pass Laws important. He said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / : "

The important agreed upon laws in the political document attached in the government program have not activated until now, and there is no agreement between the political blocs on these laws to be passed,"

pointing out that "there are reluctance and slowdown in the Relevant work of the Parliamentary Committees to mature the important Laws. " He pointed out to the absence of important Laws ready to vote on the agenda of the Council of Representatives' tables. / End


Donnie: oops - double posted the first line

chattels: " ................ there is no agreement between the political blocs on these laws to be passed,"     the phrase " until now " seems to be a translational issue

Donnie: contradicts the title of the article

Donnie: agreed

Donnie: now lets see how many gurus will run with that translation

chattels: in english it may mean that there is NOW an agreement, but in the " arablish " it appears to mean " through this time " and continuing

BOBBY: Donnie.... there spewing enough as is

gold642: 50 killed Daashaa including leaders and warlords aerial bombardment Western Anbar

Stash: it could mean "as of now"

chattels: ‹@Stash› agreed

jazzyblue: there are many ways that could be translated.........and any one group or person could speculate and translate it a different way does not necessairly (sp) mean that it is the wrong or right translation........i consider a guru one that seems to call it on a daily or weekly sorry this is not meant as a cut down at all .........

chattels: clearly the content of the article may conflict with the title

Donnie: Definition of GURU

Donnie: a : a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern

Donnie: b : one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent

Donnie: c : a person with knowledge or expertise - an expert

jazzyblue: i use to be a news person on one of the sites many moons ago.......we agreed if its one article highly doubtful, if its two articles its possible and if its three then we speculated it to be pretty well can work the same with translation if i see one .......doubtful...........two possible.......three of the same translation highly possible ......i know the definition of a guru i dont need your view of it..... :) ty

gold642: d. loves popcorn

Donnie: well... none of the so called Dinar gurus fit this definition lol

Donnie: ‹@jazzyblue› i didn't direct the definition to you - it was to the room - half serious and half joking

gold642: Maliki also controls many, many news sources and 3 or more would state garbage

jazzyblue: your point of view as we all have them :)

Donnie: and it wasn't my view...

chattels: ‹@jazzyblue› we enjoy a " definitional " analysis / approach from time to time

chattels: it can be both instructive and humorous   : or ironic

jazzyblue: well i am just being honest and the point that there are even some in here that are now getting the title of guru.........and thats just sad :( ...........but ill go back to my lurking and just check all sums and conclude my own speculation

chattels: ‹@jazzyblue› as you will or were

chattels: doom and gloom or wet blanket or reality - people do not want to hear it

Donnie: ‹@chattels› i feel we have to have it all - the good, the bad, the ugly

chattels: increasingly it is apparent to me that there is a body of people that do not like to hear what i have to say  --  i am off to work, laterz all

Donnie: Iranian MP: We will target the US missile sites in the region if the United States tried to take military action against us. 07/27/2015 18:39

Donnie: Tehran / Nina / description Parliamentary Iran, Mohammad Hassan Asfari, US threats of military action against Iran as hollow, calling for the lifting of an international complaint against America because of these threats.

He said Asfari in a press statement: "The military threats by US officials against Iran, threats hollow political, military and fabrications, because they themselves are aware of their inability to confrontation with Iran. " He said a member of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Islamic Consultative Assembly:

"Iran's armed forces capabilities are today at a very high level and can respond to any threat, the nearest possible opportunity." He added: "Iran, if the United States tried to take military action against it by land, air or sea, would target US sites in the states of the region to the extent permitted by the missiles, without any waste of time" ./anthy


Donnie: Babel: We will implement the transfer of powers early next month and the objectors to resort to the courts Author: AHF, IM Editor: AHF 07/28/2015 18:03

Donnie: Long-Presse / Babylon It demanded the local government Babylon, on Tuesday, the supreme body coordinating between the provinces completion of tasks for the transfer of powers according to the law, and as indicated it will start applying the transfer of powers,

starting from the beginning of next month, accused of certain ministries to "stumping" on the non-implementation of the article on the transfer of powers.

The local government, both legislative and executive, said in a statement received (range Press), "The local government of Babylon, the supreme body coordinating inter-provincial calls for the completion of the task the problem created for the transfer of powers and according to the law before the end of the day 08.05.2015."

 The statement added, "In the case of non-implementation of covered ministries to article 45 of the law of the provinces the local government will be in the province of Babylon, the implementation of law 21 of 2008 as amended by Law 19 of 2013, paragraph 45 it will use the powers Legal stipulated is movable by virtue of the law and has the objection after review of the competent courts" .

The statement said that "the decision will include a sub-district and appliances, jobs and services and competencies exercised by the Ministries of Municipalities and reconstruction, housing, employment, social affairs, education, health, planning, agriculture, finance, Youth and Sports

with allocations assigned to them in the budget employees and staff to the provinces in accordance with the law and on the basis of Article 45 of the amended provincial law No. 19 for the year 2013 ".

The statement continued that "the local government in Babylon and in cooperation with the project to strengthen governance (progress) has made great efforts and in cooperation with the Ministry of State for Provincial Affairs in jobs in the ministries of education, health, municipal analysis."

 The local government has indicated in its statement that "the local government has provided the ministries laws that are inconsist

Donnie: The statement pointed out that "the Ministry of Education, Health and completed the job with local governments analysis in preparation for transfer to the provinces either the rest of the ministries they Taatekz on the non-implementation of Article 45 Being in front of a clear and explicit legal text voted by the Iraqi Council of Representatives elected by the people,

we call on the supreme body coordinating between provinces the job done problem created according to the law before the end of the day 05.08.2015. "

The Supreme Commission for coordination between provinces was established under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and membership of the Ministers of Municipalities and Public Works, construction,

housing, employment and social affairs, education, health, planning, agriculture, finance, Youth and Sports and the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, governors and heads of the provinces, which holds the transport sub-districts and appliances, Alaudhaiv services and functions exercised by eight ministries and councils with allocations assigned to them in Almzanah and staff to the provinces in accordance with Article 45 of the provincial Law No. 19 of 2013 on 08.05.2015.


 Tootsie: Good Morning

 Donnie: GM

 Donnie: Tehran: the lifting of international sanctions will enable a wider Iranian companies to work in an area of ​​southern Iraq Author: BS, HUA Editor: BS

 Donnie: The governor of Dhi Qar, Yahya Mohammed Baqir al-Nasseri, said on Tuesday that Iran's nuclear agreement will reflect positively on economic sectors and the work of Iranian companies in the province, while the Iranian consul in Basra,

said the lifting of international sanctions on his country will allow more room for the work of Iranian companies in the provinces of Maysan, Dhi Qar and Basra. He said the Nazarene during a joint news conference with Iranian consul in Basra Hamid Reza specialist Abadi, building Dhi Qar province and attended (range Press),

 "The meeting with the Iranian consul and his entourage touched on a range of economic and security issues as well as the review of Iran's support for Iraq stance in his battle with terrorism, "

noting" the province is keen to develop cooperation with the Iranian side in all economic, investment, cultural and religious fields relationship management. "

 He predicted the governor of Dhi Qar that "experiencing post-nuclear deal and the lifting of international sanctions on Iran, a major development in the volume of trade and economic exchange and the work of investment and construction companies in the province,"

adding that "the nuclear deal would work to develop the work of Iranian companies and represents a new breakthrough for Iranian companies and it opens future horizons and wide. "

 Donnie: read more here:  LINK

Donnie: Government begins to cut allocations in the next three presidencies August and condemns Turkish shelling Author: BS Editor: BK, BS 28.07.2015 5:50 p.m.

Donnie: Long-Presse / Baghdad He stressed the Council of Ministers, on Tuesday, that the reduction of allocations higher grades and staff of the three presidencies will be applied in the next August,

while considered that the Turkish bombardment on Iraqi territory constitutes a "serious escalation and aggression" on Iraqi sovereignty, called on Ankara to respect good neighborly relationship and resorting to understanding the solution problems, and enhancement of water releases in the Tigris and the Euphrates,

according to the signed agreements and understandings between the two countries prior. This came during the regular meeting of the Council, today, under the chairmanship of the prime minister, Haydar al-Abadi, according to a statement of the prime minister, I followed the (long-Presse).

He called the Council statement, the Ministry of Finance and financial units in the three presidencies "full commitment to reduce allocations by cabinet decision in this regard", blaming those actors "legal liability if the binding resolution, which falls within the powers of the Council of Ministers violated according to the Constitution and the law and does not need to enter the legislative ".

Donnie: read the rest here:

forestnr4: Enjoy My Ladies insight but I can't believe that Nova, being a banker, doesn't know that 1095 is not a rate of any kind, it is the discount price paid for the bond, which is where the 6.1% interest comes from ....when you buy a bond from anywhere,

for example a $2500 bond in this offering, you don't pay $2500 and then get paid $2500 plus the interest at maturity, you just pay less to acquire it and then receive the full $2500 at maturity...

I really can't understand how Nova doesn't know this and they are representing it as a rate...

keli15: Thanks forestnr4 for clarifying that 1095 is not a rate.

disciple7: National Coalition exclude the application of the tariff in the coming period [Image: 15986.jpg?width=650&watermark=4] Olive Dulaimi MP

Author: ara Editor: sz reporter: st Number of Views: 249 07/28/2015 14:30 Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: According to MP from the National Coalition olive-Dulaimi, Tuesday, the parliamentary finance committee on Wednesday will discuss the application of the tariff decision, 

excluded the application of the decision in the next month due to the deteriorating economic situation. Dulaimi said for "tomorrow Press," that "there are some government institutions and delayed payment of salaries to its employees in addition to the austerity and pressure on fiscal expenditure than there is the difficulty of applying the tariff decision at this time."

 She added that "in case of application of the tariff will rise all the prices in the market and the economic situation does not allow an increase citizen expenses," asking the federal government to "take a decision to wait, rather than the application of the tariff law which is not in the interest of the people at this stage and postpone for another time to fit with the economic situation of the country. " translate.googleuserconte...

disciple7: 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.. Hopefully this isn't true..

 keli15: Do you have any idea what the rate will be ?

forestnr4: ‹@keli15› I got comment/opinion from Hank in My Ladies post. It does make sense to me so I thought I would post it in here.

disciple7: ‹@keli15› no one does..

keli15: Hoping that tariffs will get done this week or by August 1

keli15: Disciple and forest what do you think about that date August 1 is what I am reading. Do you both think things will be done

disciple7: ‹@keli15› the article from sczin11 that I just posted above says that they excluded the tariff in the coming period.. so who knows.. but if this article holds true then no, no tariffs Aug. 1

keli15: Maybe OOTW will comment on that article

forestnr4: ‹@keli15› I am hoping it will. But history shows that the GOI always delay's the implementation of their programs

disciple7: though we did just see an article that the world bank gave them 2 months to complete the anti money laundering law so all in all that pressure has me smiling..

forestnr4: Need to see more action and less talk!!

keli15: She is a good researcher of the news followed her. I agree more action is great

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