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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mnt.Goat Update 7-29-15: "WTO and Tariffs-What Can We Expect?"

Thanks GeorgeH for sending this to us

UU6720 – “WTO and Tariffs- What can we expect? ”  by Mnt Goat

Hello Everyone,

Earlier in the week I referenced a window approaching for a possible RV opportunity coming close at hand. Well it’s now here and everything is looking fantastic.

If you are at all familiar with what has been transpiring in the news from Iraq over the last couple weeks you should be aware of just how close Iraq must be to having its provisional currency revived and going international once again.

So in today’s news letter I want to point out some interesting facts to you and I will let you be the judge as to where this is all heading.
I recommend everyone to go out to my news letter dated 7/22 and 7/27 if you have a chance and read it first prior to diving into today’s news.



[Today’s News]

Today is Wednesday July 29th and still no RV.

I will try to make this news letter very short once again and get right to the point of what is happening in Iraq.

I do not want to predict an RV date and I leave it to you to look at the recent news and decide for yourselves. 

So let me set the stage for what we are being told is about to happen in Iraq. 

we know that just this week Iraq announced once again they fully intend to implement their tariffs, customs and taxes on every boarder crossing on August 1st 2015. They feel this will make up the short comings in their budget.

they have told us that by the revenues generated from the tariffs, customs and sales taxes could amount to over 2 billion dinars by the end of September, if implemented on time.

They feel this revenue will also bridge the shortfalls of the 2015 budget and allow them to open and spend this budget.  How can the citizens afford these sales taxes with the current rate of the dinar? Talk about hyperinflation if they do not increase the value of their currency prior to implementing these sales taxes.

if you can remember back months ago to an article by the UN which announced that the tariffs were needed for Iraq in order to ascend in the WTO to a full membership status from an observer nation.

In fact just recently the UN has announced that, by implementing the tariffs on August 1st and plugging into the WTO tariff system, they will become a full member in the WTO (World Trade Organization).
Does this last item sound strange to you?  How is it strange?

Yes I believe it is very strange since I want to ask an important question.

How can a country become a member nation of the WTO and not have an internationally recognized currency when the UN charter specifically addresses this issue in Article 8 ?

We have read articles telling us that the only two pieces left were implementation of the tariffs and currency reform.

Fifth we have read just recently an article from  parliament finance telling the CBI there COULD NOT BE A MORE PERFECT TIME TO ACTIVATE THE PROJECT TO DELETE THE ZEROS than immediately.

The GOI disputed the early 2016 timeframe announced by the CBI earlier this month for the completion of the currency reform.

Can you add 2 + 2?  Can you connect the dots and get the pieces to the puzzle?

Can you see what is about to happen?

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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