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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Reader Comments On "SDR Negotiations"


Susan Morris  You are, indeed, the chosen one, to give us this unpalateable information.

Thank you for that.   I still think it`s a pity about all the dead.

Rodriguez Perez    Hello, Mr Collins. I Think it would be appreciated an easy example on how export goods weight on SDRs if it is possible. Thanks for all again.

Mattose   I dont know… You are describing all this as the world is functioning on sane people and ideas.

I can not imagine that with all this psychpatic ** of politicans and bankers and oligarchs and so on this will come to fruitition.  Dream on.  We will go to ** and you know it.

The question for me is: what is your agenda?   Hmmmmmmmm

Jcollins   We deal in facts and realities here my friend. The agenda is to inform and educate while avoiding baseless and inflammatory misdirection. Insanity is a human experience and exists within all socioeconomic levels. Truth is avoided by the majority while fear is encouraged and accepted.
Grs    The way you use the word “truth” is very worrisome. You are subjectively interpreting an objective reality like everybody else. The very act of selecting data is interpreting. To believe otherwise is the height of pretense and arrogance.

What is also worrisome is the need to point out that insanity may exist at all levels but the insanity at the upper echelons could destroy the world, unlike the insanity on a street corner. Right?

Jcollins   The world will not be destroyed. People have been promoting that old fear for thousands of years. Insanity is worrisome at all levels because it is human insanity. Divisions are illusion.

Insinuating I’m pretentious and arrogant does not take away from the truth that the thesis presented here has been correct for the last 19 months, and continues to be trending accurately.

Information presented here regarding balance of payments and the inherent deficiencies in the monetary framework are fact. Information presented here will bring a broader understanding than the fear based drama which is regurgitated elsewhere.

The alternative story-lines are becoming harder to defend. But as stated, there will always be those who refuse to accept the obvious. That is more worrisome to me than your anonymous online judgements.

Grs    You’ve got a Moses-on-the-mountaintop style of presenting information, observed presently in your proclamation that the world will not be destroyed, as if you have some “esoteric” omniscience.

It’s a style that takes some getting used to, that’s all. You are at once extremely perceptive and hopelessly naive. It’s hard to reconcile whether that naivety is real. It’s less about matters of fact than of tone and perspective.

Allow me to put it this way: after reading your earlier writings of last year I would say that your intentions are not forthcoming. Sincere people state their intentions straightaway without ambiguity.

People with your level of insight don’t just start posting their thoughts on the internet. So, please tell me, what is your intention here? I hope my aggressiveness is not off putting.

Jcollins    My “proclamation” that the world will not end is based on the fact the it never has. We are here.

Pretty obvious conclusion. Economics will not destroy humanity. Economics will continue to transform and adjust, as economics are an extension of the human survival instinct.

My intentions are extremely forthcoming. Your inability to accept them are an externalization of your own conscious orientation and predispositions.

I’m nobody special dude. I lived with my insights, mainly the esoteric ones, for many years and finally had to start writing.

My intention is to explore the esoteric aspects of reality and the pattern that weaves through all things, including economics. Are you able to accept those intentions?

Grs   You’re an interesting guy JC Collins.  But stating that the world will continue because it always has is the same flawed logic as saying a cedar tree will keep growing because it always has.

On the very tenuous presumption that “economics” will determine our future, consider this.

 After ten years of Keynesian militarism Germany’s war economy at full capacity either had to go to war or begin collapsing.

America’s economy, controlled by a military industrial complex, is at the same crossroads after sixty years of precisely the same lunacy. Simply showing the charts of trade imbalances tells us nothing of what the future holds.

The realpolitik decision making is being made in the context of the overarching cycles of resources depletion and population explosion. Economics is a pretense.

That said, JC Collins you are a breath of fresh Canadian air for this American, and I’m glad you decided to throw your ideas out there. Under this facade of Irish cynicism I’m as hopelessly naive as anyone. And that’s what scares me. I want to believe.

neal poole   wow, this is an intense discussion. Good on you both for speaking your minds and not taking anything personally.   Thanks again for the insights JC

Dottie Derewicz   In support of everything that JC has told us and the education we have received because of his time, thought and energy. He educated all of us here about these events months and months ago.

I am more than appreciative of the education/information I have received on this site.This is an excellent overview of everything you have been telling us for quite a while JC.

Dottie Derewicz   Does the fact that JC is a macroeconomist tell any of these people anything? This is what he does. Has he ever said that he knows everything, not even once. He does what he does well. He gives the facts as he sees them and comes up with the conclusion.

And btw I don’t believe the world will come to an end either and neither will mankind. The logic that it will end is what is flawed.

Dane   “Dream on. We will go to ** and you know it.”

This is a pretty strong stance. Heck what if were already in **, just ** isn’t what we have been told all our lives?

What if we are like a seed in the dirt and it’s our purpose to grow and seek the light like a tree.

Yet “I don’t know…”

We all find what we seek. I think Mathew said something to that nature somewhere in his book.

But don’t worry friend we will be here when you are ready to see. And we won’t judge you when it all comes to be.

JC thank you for providing the foundational knowledge for which I can create my peace of mind. It is wealth beyond all this material stuff:)

Dottie Derewicz   Something for you Dane..boost the spirit..know it’s gonna be alright..and a welcome back for our exceptional teacher JC.   Hello JC and thanks again for your work. On one of your recent posts you made a statement that if China’s currency was added to the SDR basket AND China depegs from the USD

later this year there would be immediate and profound effects on the US ability to deficit spend (hope I didn’t get any wires crossed). Do you have any other info if China is actually going to depeg from the USD this year?? Thanks.

Jcollins    That is correct. There is no new information but lots of speculation. The lead up to October should be interesting. SDR, China, and US debt ceiling debates should provide some excellent popcorn opportunities.

deejj87    JC, just wondering if you foresee the SDR allocated currencies being reviewed every 5 or 10 years to adjust for the increase or decrease of exports in the coming years. For example, when the US does increase exports over the next 10 years, based on your analysis, wouldn’t they gain a larger piece of the SDR pie over time? If so, wouldn’t this then put the USD in a situation of value appreciation?

The dollar and US inflation will still be exported while countries increase their use of the SDR.

Jcollins    I would envision the valuation having real time adjustments with the currencies included being considered yearly or quarterly. This will facilitate the transformation of the SDR into the bancor.

Donna Meuse    Hello JC,   I am a months-long lurker, and always astounded by the knowledge and understanding of you and the frequent posters here.

I think I have a grasp of what the coming months mean internationally, but what will it look and feel like at home? (I am in the US.) What change will I feel at the grocery store, gas pump, etc.?

Like many in the US, my family is in too much debt, and I am frightened by my poor understanding of what it will take to survive what is to come. Thank you,   Donna

Dripfood    Hello Donna, I am not a professional advisor, but common sense dictates that it is prudent to be as productive as you can and pay off debt at a steady pace, while retaining a basic level of comfort.

Productivity doesn’t nessecarily mean a paid job. It can also be serving your community or family. It is anything that increases the level of comfort for anybody through work.

Worrying about the future will surely not have any positive effect. So be practical and regain your innate natural confidence. Stand straight and walk straight, then there’s nothing to worry about, in whatever situation you will find yourself.

Dottie Derewicz    Donna, just continue to follow JC, you will learn. Go through and scan all his information and then take the ones most helpful and read them through. Of course JC, when he has time and can will answer questions.Welcome to our group.

Speedspirit    The future has the potential to be hell on earth or it can be a sensational opportunity to unite humanity and create a Golden Age. Before what we are told is the beginning of man existed a previous Golden Age’s.

We are walking a fine line. JC I read your descriptions as a ray of hope. I do not things can or ever have nor have ever gone according to plan. And that gives more hope to a better future. One with new technology’s that will solve many problems we face.

With so much trade deficit and debt is there any hope that Government’s with so much debt will be able to fund infrastructure projects?

Or is it more likely Governments will increase is size and the number of laws hunting every tax dollar they can ?

Private companies will only invent new technologies that are then sold to Governments due to these control methods for tax dollars. This will ultimately lead to disintegration.

Second Law of Thermodynamics! Grass roots projects will emerge from the unemployed and fed up. So it seems the struggle before us will be drawn out for some time.

So many potential outcomes that depend on the character of strong individuals to carry the load of for those who have lost their way. You have added to the strength of character.

Jcollins    There will be a new cycle of liquidity, as there has always been. That will fund the infrastructure projects. I appreciate the vote of confidence my friend.

spunky1   Hi dripfood, I am intrigued by your statement that “Before what we are told is the beginning of man existed a previous Golden Age’s”. What do you mean by that an where did you gain this knowledge?

When these topics come up, I am loathe to admit my lack of learning in these areas, but am fascinated. Another reason I am looking forward to more of JC’s posts in Esoteric, Primnomics and the Grand Man. Thank you, Donna

Jcollins   The second installment of The Grand Man (ironically subtitled “The Before the Beginning”) will be up in a day or two. Pending any other sudden commitments. And the subject matter will weave into the content of PrimNomics –

 The First Division. It’s the more personal subject for me, and is challenging to write at times. Hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.

spunky1   Thank you, JC,   I have been drawn to your writings. They have opened up a whole new world to me, along with the comments of dripfood, speedspirit, Dane, Jeremy and many others…

I feel my soul is hungry for wisdom beyond the macroeconomics which you have explained so well.

I try to talk with friends and co-workers about the topics discussed here and I get the “deer in the headlights” look, or a “wow” and then they go back to their day.

I look forward to your second chapter of The Grand Man, and much more. As Dane said, I feel “… we are like a seed in the dirt and it’s our purpose to grow and seek the light like a tree.” I know I’m just starting to look up, and it’s an amazing sight.  Donna

neal poole   Eternal perfect knowledge and conscious thought are mutually exclusive

If we could access perfect knowledge we would not need to think consciously. Imperfect knowledge forces us to reason and make choices

Purpose is a set of beliefs one adopts in order to define and rationalise the choices he/she makes. Purpose is a human creation, and a result of conscious thought

Purpose cannot exist in a world of perfect knowledge. The only purpose is that which we conscious minds create based upon imperfect knowledge.

Dane    “Hopefully it’ll be worth the wait.” It always is my friend. And it allows us the opportunity to work on the virtue of patience. Are you done yet! Lol. Guess I have some work to do in that area:).

rodriguez Perez    Is because this new cycle the new financial system will be corrupt too, as you said in others posts? I undestand that projects should be profitable if not we will have anothe bout of debt soon. I do not need answer if it is yes.

Susan Morris   @JC:  I have heard that the dismantling of the Western system starts today. Can you confirm this? Any more info?  Thank you.

Jcollins   Susan, I don’t even know what the “dismantling of the Western system” means. Sounds like more goobbly-gook talk from the sky is falling crowd. If by “Western system” they mean the USD based unipolar monetary framework (Bretton Woods) then I would say no. ‘

The world is making concerted efforts to transition this system to a more balanced framework, but “dismantling” is another one of those emotional buzz words which doesn’t accurately state the real conditions, or events.

Volatility will be an integral part of implementing components of the multilateral transition. This volatility will be everywhere, like in China’s equity markets right now.

Dane  Hey guys thought this might fit in here pretty good.

“Export-Import Bank could be revived via highway funding bill”

Its interesting that EXIM’s website has this on the front page.

“Due to a lapse in EXIM Bank’s authority, as of July 1, 2015, the Bank is unable to process applications or engage in new business or other prohibited activities. For more information, please click here.”

And the “Fact Sheet” from the White House.

“FACT SHEET: The Export-Import Bank: Supporting American Exports and American Workers in Every State Across the Country”

And a little old Cuba news about their super port and free tax zones to add to the newly rekindled ties between the US and Cuba. Is China the only country making those super size transport ships?

“Cuba: Port Upgrades and Free-Trade Zones”

Jenifer Lytle   Hi JC,  Loved the thread above with grs, good dialogue there.

Here’s a Washington Post article on trend with American manufacturing coming back to US:

Wal-Mart’s self-interested shot at reviving the American factory

“We’re just not getting millions of manufacturing jobs back unless we get much closer to balanced trade — and they key to that is currency,” says the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute’s Josh Bivens. “Everything else is tinkering on the edges.”


Jcollins   Thanks Jennifer. That’s exactly what I mean when I state the trends are clear. When we fully understand the imbalances in the system, and what has caused them, there is really only one solution and path forward.

The pieces quickly begin to fall into place. Unfortunately so many are still attracted and distracted to the silly noise which brings zero understanding.

awogboy67   Thanks JC always good to see your.perspective and knowledge, helps keep things grounded from the the rest of the information/disinformation out there, giving a down earth view, I’ve learned quite a bit from reading your essays, thanks from down under

cu2wand   Hi JC. I would love to get your thoughts on the inclusion of gold in the new SDR structure I have read in your previous posts that you see that as a possibility. 

Many of us are seeing the evidence of the manipulation of the gold price via the paper markets and we are all wondering who exactly is behind this. Is there an advantage for the institutions to push the price of gold as low as they can before it is included in the SDR basket. 

So to rephrase my question: What are the benefits of having gold included in the SDR basket at the lowest price possible?  Would love to get your thoughts on this.   thx

Jcollins   There are few things surrounding gold lately which are puzzling. The drop in value is not surprising, as I’ve openly stated I felt that was going to happen. 

More puzzling, as many other analysts have expressed, is the announcement of China’s gold reserves. 

I have always felt that China would place a large amount of gold on deposit with the IMF to increase the RMB position in the SDR. Introducing gold into the SDR at a low level will help expand SDR liquidity when gold increases in value once again. You’re on the right track with that line of thought.

Perhaps the low amount of official Chinese gold is the dead giveaway of what is about to happen. The amount of gold which has been moved around the world in the last few years doesn’t happen without the consent of all the big players.

cu2wand   I have been wondering about the Chinese announcement as well. Two thoughts on that matter. It may be a warning shot in the direction of the US (congress) to ratify the 2010 I.M.F. Code of Reforms or they don’t want to create a shock in the financial markets and are planning to release information about theit total holdings step by step.

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