Don't WAIT!

Saturday, July 25, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Saturday Afternoon


Martha:  Merry Christmas in July (From Friday 7-24-15)

Early this am,I came into chat and brought up the possibility that we would see the RV on July 25th-Christmas in July. Today,July 24th, I was not expecting Tony to even do a call due to the anniversary of his mothers passing and his son's birthday

BUT my hypothesis seems to be coming true when I had stated that Iraq Parliment would be in session on July 25th,plus their banks are open and things would be finalized for their money reform. What does Tony say but there is a time for after their meeting.

Now today is Iraq's holy day,my Sabbath and a day of mourning for which I will light a candle for Tony's mother in her memory.
Now Tony brings up a possible back wall of August 1.Well,based on current intel that is confirmed by Blackjack and other sites which I can not mention the RV is a done deal. We also have a few more things to watch for.

The Forex goes down in the USA at 9:45 tonight. Banks are open in Iraq on Saturday and the ISX opens on Sunday and I believe if all is correct, they will have a real rate this time because they will be international.

Things move east to west and the markets open up starting 5pm onward here in USA.

The IMF is doing their final review on Monday in Iraq to release them from article 8-a formality and the time of day will make it Sunday night here! well that is how I think it will play out.

The markets are ready.

Commodities have been moved.

Bond money has been released and all is a go.

There is no turning back. As usual, Im not perfect but Ive learnt to put puzzles together.

Also of interest is the numbers game. The IMF has always talked of the #7. Chinese numerology has become of interest to me. Also the calenders, islamic, judaic, the holidays, the moons as well as dates. This year,2015 is our year; the year of debt forgiveness, of giving and of change for the better.



Iko Ward:  Are you a first mouse, a second mouse, or a third? Dont get spooked. If you have enough, be patient.

Bogie1:  So IKO I think you are saying you feel it is this weekend?

Iko Ward:  BJ said it a theif in the night...

Blackjack7:  Ok y'all I just spoke with my contact and yes Martha's intel seems to be lining up get ready

Martha:  I have spent months putting all the puzzles together and now it is really our time

OK Rocks:  >>Saturday unified card project through a large celebration held by the ministry

OK Rocks:  >>Hayder Al-Shakeرi ‏@HayderSH 2 hours ago Iraq The new Iraqi national ID was announced today. Iraqis do not need to announce their religions on their IDs anymore. #Baghdad #Iraq

OK Rocks:  >>Prime Minister Dr. Haider alʿABADI confirms his presence during the launching ceremony of National Card Project, the government's commitment to facilitating the commencement of citizens which contribute actively in fighting corruption and rush to complete transactions.

Martha: I wouldnt be surprised if after this meeting either today, tonight into Sunday, there will be a celebration.

Martha:  This maybe the announcements we are waiting for

Blackjack7:  This is probably the announcement without even speaking

Blackjack7:  remember watch what they do not what they say nuff said LOL

Care   well, if true the announcement of the cards is "the announcement", what step comes next...anyone

Luvwolfs:  care GM..Showing on their bank screens is my guess

martha :  believe me,things are done, just some loose ends…Tony has sort of placed a back wall of the 31st but lets take each day and see what happens    

What we are seeing has been all planned. you can see it. if nothing happens today, 2 morrow is another day. We watch the money flow and now the market.

You can’t have mastercards international without a rate,

ISX should start trading on Sunday-yet to be seen and should now be truly international         
The rates are going to be slipped in so quietly without fanfare. forex will go down internationally tonight and wont start up until 2 morrow-east to west


Dinar Updates: 

Millionday  Article quote:  "The parliamentary finance committee expressed, Thursday, for it seeks to discuss and approve the pass a number of bills in the House of Representatives and that serve the monetary policy of the country in general.



BGG   Article:   "Fakih Dawa Party, Abdel-Halim al-Zuhairi abandon Maliki and goes to advocate Abadi".  That is a fantastic article –

there is a serious push to replace Maliki from the inside out...which is how it should/would go down...inner circles first, political next and ICC after.


Tim724   Article:  "Urgent ..alebadi Parliament calls for national legislation card law as soon as possible to be checked"  Quote:   "the government is committed to simplifying the procedures for transactions This card is one of the wheels of the citizen and to avoid administrative and financial corruption." 

So this card will replace all other cards issued and will also be issued to everyone 12 years old and above throughout Iraq.


W8tn4it2rv:  » July 25th, 2015,

Friday 7/31/15

3 - 4 years ago Shabibi told us he wanted to change the rate during a WEEKEND or HOLIDAY time frame. Remember after the rate changes, banks need time get the lower denoms ready and retailers need to adjust prices on their goods.

When Kuwait changed their rate, it was a Friday about 4PM EST (in the US) and 12AM (in Kuwait / Iraq). That is Friday in the US and Saturday in Kuwait /Iraq.

2 years ago Doug Addison gave us a prophetic word that 7-July would have its biblical meaning of COMPLETION and 8-August would have its biblical meaning of NEW BEGINNING.

Next Friday is 7/31 the end of July and Saturday is 8/1 the start of August.

Dreams Come True     by Doug Addison

July = 7 is a time where we can expect things to be perfected; things are now coming together for the good. Watch for dormant gifts to emerge.

August = 8 is symbolic of new beginnings, and August will be a time of starting new projects. We can expect to see a lot of movement in the spiritual and natural realms. There will be relocation and changes.

September = 9 is the time of harvest big returns on what you have done previously. September 25 is significant day!


Walkingstick » July 25th, 2015,

Integrity: Standard card is an important step in the fight against corruption
Saturday July 25, 2015 17:25

Alsumaria News / Baghdad

The president of the Commission on Public Integrity Hassan al-Yassiri , Saturday, that the draft unified national e-government and the card is an important step in the implementation of the government program on combating corruption and reduce red tape.

Yasiri said in a statement received Alsumaria News, a copy of it, that "the government draft a unified national electronic card and an important step in the implementation of the government program on combating corruption and reduce administrative red tape."

The prime minister Haider al-Abadi called earlier in the day Saturday, the House of Representatives to the card of national legislation law, calling for conservatives to contribute actively to provide buildings and facilities for the issuance of national card.  LINK


Walkingstick  » July 25th, 2015,

Parliament held its fifth meeting, headed by al-Jubouri, and the presence of 175 deputies
Saturday July 25, 2015 13:26

held the House of Representatives, Saturday, its fifth meeting under the chairmanship of Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 175 deputies, with parliamentary source that the meeting will host the Electricity Minister Qassim Fahdawi . The source said in an interview with Alsumaria News , that "hold its fifth meeting under the chairmanship of Saleem al-Jubouri and attend Parliament 175 deputies, "noting that" the meeting will host the Electricity Minister Qassim Fahdawi.

" The source, who asked not to be named, said "Parliament will read, during the meeting, the first reading of the draft general body to monitor the allocation of federal revenue law".

The President of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri identified, earlier, on Saturday the date for the next session of parliament, calling on the House of Representatives to attend the session on time. As decided the presidency of parliament, earlier on Saturday, the postponement of the parliamentary session was held for an hour because of meetings parliamentary committees. LINK

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