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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

BLC Admin Chat: Money Laundering Part 2 of 2

BLC Admin tlm724 Chat 04/06/2015 Money Laundering  Part 2 of 2


Prime Minister Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi heads the regular session of the Council of Ministers

Cabinet held its regular Tuesday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi, the Council agreed to grant allowances to employees of the federal police at their participation in combat missions in case of availability of appropriations.

The Council of Ministers approved a draft anti-money laundering law, and the financing of terrorism, which It is of great importance for his role in drying the sources of terrorism and to respond to international trends in this area. 
The Council is also to proceed with the completion of the coverage of social protection field survey, to ensure accurate data base, and to ensure the inclusion of eligible.

and will announce the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers decisions of the Council of Ministers in its forty-fifth session on Tuesday at a later time.

Information Office of the Prime Minister

30 June 2015

Keywords calls for Parliament to pass a law against money laundering

June 30, 2015   BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - praised the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, Tuesday, the Cabinet's decision to vote on the draft anti-money laundering law presented by the Bank, calling on Parliament to give the law a priority to pass in anticipation of the situation in Iraq as "black list" In the absence of approval.

Keywords and said in a press statement, "We commend the Council of Ministers decision to vote on the draft anti-money laundering law submitted by the central bank, which was put on according to the latest international standards and agreements and coordinate directly with the World Bank and the Financial Action Task Force and international organizations", and expressed his thanks for "Shura Council State actors for his contribution throughout the project preparation. "

He called Keywords House of Representatives to "give priority to pass a law where there notice a few months granted to Iraq if they are not project approval in Iraq will be placed on the blacklist, which has serious consequences for Iraq's international position,"

stressing that "the new law lays the framework and concepts clear and effective & Conditions It enables the central bank, the judiciary and the relevant authorities to exercise the roles and tools commensurate with the seriousness of the crimes of money laundering and terrorist financing. "

[tlm724] "give priority to pass a law where there notice a few months granted to Iraq if they are not project approval in Iraq will be placed on the blacklist

[tlm724] that is exactly why we went over that 2 months ago , it's some serious stuff !!

[tlm724] blacklist !

[Mikey] dats racey

[tlm724] Mikey which has serious consequences for Iraq's international position,

[tlm724] let me see if I can find something Mikey brb   

[tlm724] k got it

Keywords: Iraq can be included in the blacklist issued unless a special law of money laundering 02-04-2015 02:44 PM Warned the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Agency on the Keywords of the possible inclusion of Iraq within blacklisted by international parties.

Alak said that unless issued a law on money laundering, Iraq could be included in the blacklist by international parties, adding that the money laundering process operates interesting international parties and on the central bank to move to reduce them because of the seriousness of that shape and can be used in terrorist operations, corruption and crimes.

[tlm724] 02-04-2015

[cat] yeppers

[emmaduke] tlm724 take a look at the one I posted just befor you... talks about being international

[tlm724] Punishments against countries unless they ‘enact significant legislation to address these problems’ were stated as possibly to include: requiring US and other banks to gather detailed information before doing business with any individual or company from any of these countries;

and issuing official warnings to international companies against doing business in any of the countries. FATF can also recommend taking sanctions against a country on the blacklist !

[tlm724] emmaduke go ahead

[emmaduke] oh... just a sec

[emmaduke] Saleh said for "Eye Iraq News", that "the law of the most important laws and vote in the parliament majority being gives Iraq's legal status in the international financial community," noting that "the law also gives Iraq authority to monitor international financial laws and the participation of opinion on them."

[cat] sounds good

[tlm724] He explained that "the Council of Ministers approval of this law is an important step in the right direction and give positive messages to the international financial community," noting that "the Central Bank of the Department for money laundering, but is able to work and this law Ameliha will cooperate with all organs of the State concerned."

Praising the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, Tuesday, the Cabinet's decision to vote on the draft anti-money laundering made by the Bank Act, calling on Parliament to give priority to the law passed in anticipation of the situation in Iraq as "black list" in the absence of approval

[emmaduke] this is very much needed.. and a step in the direction we want

[tlm724] yep we've been waiting for this law for months and they are doing it just in the nick of time too, they had 90 days ! Getting full support from PM Abadi is huge too !

[emmaduke] I know now if they can get everyone to put down their pacifiers and vote....
[tlm724] emmaduke ty for posting that !

[tlm724] I am more excited with this investement than I have ever been especially after seeing this and the Islamic Banking Law brought into the light of day !

[tlm724] keywords greenlight won't work til we see these laws IMO! that greenlight was putting the cart before the horse. Getting very interesting now ! Things seem to be proceeding in the right direction and in the right sequence now ! No more spinning the twister card for the next step in the monetary policy lol

[tlm724] you want to know one thing I noticed ? on April 6th the CBI said we have 90 days and now we have parliament having back to back meetings on July 1st and 2nd, this law is close to it's deadline on July 6th give or take a day ! Talk about cutting it close hallelujah* 

tlm724     Central hails anti-money laundering law

06/30/2015 17:45    Interface Bank building
Keywords House of Representatives called on to give priority to pass a law where there is a few months deadline given to Iraq if they are not in Iraq approve the project will be put on the blacklist, which has serious consequences for Iraq's position internationally.

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: praised the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords, Tuesday, the Cabinet's decision to vote on the draft anti-money laundering law presented by the Bank.

Keywords and said in a press statement, "We commend the Council of Ministers decision to vote on the draft anti-money laundering law submitted by the central bank, which was put on according to the latest international standards and agreements and coordinate directly with the World Bank and the Financial Action Task Force and international organizations",

and expressed his thanks for "Shura Council State actors for his contribution throughout the project preparation. "

He called Keywords House of Representatives to "give priority to pass a law where there notice a few months granted to Iraq if they are not project approval in Iraq will be placed on the blacklist, which has serious consequences for Iraq's international position,"

stressing that "the new law lays the framework and concepts clear and effective & Conditions It enables the central bank, the judiciary and the relevant authorities to exercise the roles and tools commensurate with the seriousness of the crimes of money laundering and terrorist financing. "

The Council of Ministers approved on Tuesday the draft anti-money laundering and the financing of "terrorism" law.

And money laundering is the recycling of funds resulting from illegal actions in the areas of channels and invest legitimacy to hide the true source of these funds and look as if they had been generated from a legitimate source Examples of such unlawful acts (funds generated by the drug trade - slave - prostitution - weapons).

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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