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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

BLC Admin Chat: Money Laundering Part 1 of 2

BLC Admin tlm724 Chat 04/06/2015 Money Laundering

Parliamentary Finance Committee constituted a five-year follow-up of money laundering and currency smuggling operations 

BAGHDAD / Amer Mohi     Parliamentary Finance Committee announced the formation of a committee to follow up on a five-year money-laundering and smuggling dollar out of the country. While confirmed that stop manipulation would raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, an expert called to involve combat economic crime with a five-member committee to acquire "legal force" and arrest the perpetrators of economic crimes.
[tlm724] Finance Committee announced the formation of a committee to follow up on a five-year money-laundering and smuggling dollar out of the country.

[tlm724] While confirmed that stop manipulation would raise the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar

[tlm724] indeed it would !

[tlm724] committee to follow up the money laundering and smuggling of foreign currency operations committee was formed to follow up on this matter and verify it,

[tlm724] "members of the committee are determined to work very seriously to follow up on violations and corruption, which gets a result of money laundering and smuggling of currency abroad "predicting that" stop currency manipulation will contribute significantly to the decline in the dollar rate against the dinar.

[tlm724] this a long art let me bring in the important parts

[tlm724] He added Atwani saying that "money laundering may be linked to some major economic crimes phenomenon of trafficking of prohibited and forbidden internationally

[tlm724] no doubt it is forbidden hence the urgency now !

[tlm724] the phenomenon has grown through the exploitation of the central bank action to provide cheap dollar Using currency auction without strict control measures on import operations, creating a great opportunity for financial mafias remove large amounts of dollar out of Iraq ",

[tlm724] "the Committee's functions which will be in the coming days is very large, and if the Commission led its business in a professional manner and applied systems and standards regulatory limit and dramatically waste operations in foreign currencies provided by the Central Bank of Iraq,

which will contribute to reducing the demand for the dollar is positively reflected on the Iraqi dinar and the decay rate the role of the parallel market exchange rates ",

[tlm724] which will contribute to reducing the demand for the dollar

[tlm724] which will contribute to reducing the demand for the dollar

[tlm724] which will contribute to reducing the demand for the dollar

[tlm724] "it was an agreement between the Finance Committee after the presence of the Minister Financial Hoshyar Zebari and director of Money Laundering Office to the House of Representatives on Wednesday,

[tlm724] "the formation of a parliamentary committee graduate for the investigation of money laundering case, because of the subject of high-risk and negative impact on the Iraqi economy, "noting that" the World Bank warned of the repercussions of the washing process taking place in Iraq, and the failure of the extremely dangerous. "

[tlm724] the World Bank warned of the repercussions of the washing process taking place in Iraq

[tlm724] they have been warned and how !

[tlm724] it is about to bite them in the butt unless they take quick action !

[tlm724] "The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari told us that money laundering affects the lower central bank reserves of hard currency, "pointing out that" there are a number of private banks are covering up the money laundering process through remittances out of Iraq,

[tlm724] that money laundering affects the lower central bank reserves of hard currency,

[tlm724] the Commission held a meeting with the Minister of Finance and Director of the General Commission for Taxes and customs and the director of the Anti-Money Laundering and representatives from the Central Bank, on the subject of money laundering and showed their willingness to cooperate,

noting that the Committee will hold a session with the committees of integrity, investment and economy parliamentary, and then with the Presidency to inform them of the course of events and the findings of the Commission. "

[tlm724] you know what prompted all this ? forced this action ?

[tlm724] 'the threat of the blacklist is what !

[tlm724] we have talked about all this and like I said it's as serious as a heart attack ! These actions they will take will reduce the demand for the dollar as well as raise the dinar value !

[cstacy] blacklist then we loose

[tlm724] cstacy yes us and Iraq in a big way but having said that as I told you it's in everyones best interest, the IMF, World Bank and UN to ensure Iraq follows the rules, that is why this is like a kick in the rear to motivate them to take corrective action NOW ! It's truly a do or die situation and it only furthers our cause  Wink 

[tlm724] they MUST pass the Islamic Banking Law and amend the anti-money laundering law and the banking law period ! They are a separate entities from the budget !

And remember the Governor of the CBI meet with Jubouri last week and said we must have these laws done !! They have a 3 month window for compliance and we do not know when that window began !

Money laundering threatens the collapse of Iraq's economy 05-04-2015 06:05 PM

Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed, Sunday, for the growing money laundering operations in the country to increase the number of banks and bank eligibility, confirmed the loss of Iraq billions of dollars since 2003 until now.

A member of the committee, MP Masood Haider in a press statement, seen by the (news) today, said that 'committee got a lot of information and documents confirming this thing and makes them suspect companies and offices banking working on converting those amounts to Iraq's neighboring countries. "

He said that 'the evidence points to the exposure of Iraq to process very large money laundering over the past years, and is still ongoing yet ',

pointing out that' the Finance Committee and Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank decided to form a parliamentary committee graduate in order to investigate money laundering case, because of the subject of very serious and negative impact on the country's economy. "

For his part, said a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Attorney Hossam punitive , The 'Finance Committee agreed after the presence of the Minister of Finance and Director of the Money Laundering Office to hold a preliminary meeting in the presence of Finance and the Parliamentary Integrity and the economy with the Presidency of the Council committees for the purpose of discussing placed money laundering and take deterrent action against the perpetrators of sabotaging the economy. "

Economists believe that the growing money laundering operations in the country in Iraq, mainly due to the absence of regulatory laws on the banks of the civil and banks that would take down the maximum penalties for the perpetrators of the crime of money laundering back.
tlm724   UPDATE: 

The anti-money laundering law in the Cabinet soon

April 26, 2015    BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) Governor of the Central Bank announced the agency on the Keywords, that the draft anti-money laundering law in the State Consultative Council now, after completion by the central bank, hoping to put in the cabinet and then to the House legislation.

Keywords warned in his statement (IMN) that "Iraq will be placed on the black list, if not prescribed anti-money laundering law," stressing that "the central bank stepped up its capabilities in the fight against money laundering."

And that "the law provides for the formation of a national board that includes all parties, headed by the central bank there to be a coordinated anti-money laundering", the seat of "the existence of numerous cases of money laundering, but the control you need to coordinate with multiple parties."

House and form a tripartite committee of financial and economic integrity of the parliamentary discussion of money laundering, the Tripartite Commission said it had gathered information and evidence on many money laundering and smuggling of foreign currency.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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