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Saturday, July 25, 2015

BGG: Breaking News "This Is Big Time!"


BGG - …on Saturday [the] Dawa Party, Sheikh Abdul-Halim al-Zuhairi abandoned Vice President Nuri al-Maliki and went to advocate for the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, after realizing that the burning of paper the first in the political arena…
So – over the last couple of days, Maliki was supposed to resign on (or around) the 20th.

He did not. 

I pointed out on a recent call I would imagine little would get done in Parliament immediately (when they go tback) as I’m sure they would be in a tangle as to how to handle this (politically – when has anything in Iraq been done differently?).

In the mean time – Maliki feeling some heat, came out the day before yesterday with some “mad dog crazy” comments about Saudi Arabia… 

I’m sure he knew what was headed his way – or has an idea.

His comments were meant to “stir the pot” and get attention off of himself. As I said it would – it actually back-fired. Ironically, it may be the “nail in the coffin” for him…

Yesterday the National Alliance was in a mad scramble to figure out how to pick a new leader?? Why?? Maliki – while maybe not in name, is the political muscle (and money) behind the Alliance….
Now, today his most trust affiliate in the Dawa party is reportedly backing Abadi… very bad news for Maliki.

There seems to be a serious push to replace Maliki from the inside out… 

1st the N/A yesterday – now the Dawa Party today… 

I was a little concerned about the lack of News so far – but now, IT’S ALL GOOOOOOOOOD!!

It appears there will be an “inner replacement”, then a political ouster, then on to the ICC… Adios Maliki!!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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