Don't WAIT!

Saturday, July 23, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Late Saturday Afternoon 7-23-16


RBear: Surprise Bank story   From 7-20: 

I just went to my local bank a BOA and found out that everyone there is excited and waiting like the rest of us ….come to find out even the manager owns Dinar and others they are waiting just like us

They don't push you back and say no ….yea I'm am really pumped up now knowing that most of the employees there have this currency and they seem to be very excited …she still would not admit as to when ….and  soon is all I got ....but the big surprise was that the manager told her employees about this and found out there is a great deal of people in my small town that are in on this.

This is the first time a bank admitted to me that it is real and to admit that they themselves believe in it and own it is proof enough for me to know it is real and could finally be here
Because just 6 months ago they would not say anything about it and now they can't stop talking about it

Hope this lifts some of your spirits and hope know this is real and has really lifted mine

No I will not say what town or which branch…. don't want to get anyone in trouble

This is my story take it for what it's worth …love and peace to you all and may God bless all of you. 

Songwriter:  Based on a conversation I just had with someone who is highly connected, Zim is trading at Soverign rates right now, around 276 Billion per Zim. They are then dealing with Humanitarian Groups, paying them a percentage per Zim, on the soverign rate. It is a trickle down effect. People who get that percentage on the soverign rate then, sets up their own Humanitatian group, offer the group members a rate, bank get some, Humanitarian most. Members then set up own humanitarian group, and on and on

Emon:  . what does the sovereign rate mean for us??? please and thank you in advance for your response

Songwriter:  emon...Nothing! After Sovereign trading is finished, rates will go down and groups will exchange. I'm thinking the Redemption centers may be a group that has recieved soveirign rates and will give us a rate higher than the International rate so, there is plenty room negotiate.

Emon:  it has to do with it being a historical, bond. i believe a gold bond. there is more to the zim that meets th eye!! i have asked about the zim and other monies that are not spoken of, butto no avail. i neverget a direct answer

Yada:  emon,,I will give you a direct answer,,,,they may be considered a bond but we will be exchanging the zim at the currency rate,,,,those who redeem them from us will be able to collect the sovereign rate,,it there is such a thing


ReddStarr:  Right on cue.....just what the IMF asked them to time is being all....this is definitely good to see....IMO


Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mohammed Saleh confirmed the appearance that the government banks in Iraq are seven banks and accounts for 91% of banking transactions in Iraq, and they suffer from very large problems.

Saleh said Saturday in a statement to the Iraqi network transmission (IBN) The State-owned banks to extend my only simple banking services to the citizen does not exceed five services, while banks outside Iraq, bringing the number of services offered by 45 banking service.

He added that Iraq seeks to move the state banking sector, which is today considered as a dead body, so the government is working on a strategy to re-bank restructuring plan Rafidain and Rasheed for the advancement of the sector of the Iraqi banking by turning it from a bureaucratic government institution to a market organization that works efficiently and serve the national economy The correct format .
He pointed out that Iraq needs a new law to government banks is currently being discussed in the House of Representatives, and gives this freedom to the Board of Directors of the Bank to take the appropriate decisions in buying and selling operations and the expansion of credit and all the banking law


Samson:   Next Week’s Fed, BOJ Action to Define World Economy Movements
The US Federal Reserve. 23.07.2016

Spillovers of the Neo-Keynesian monetary policies exercised by the world’s central banks have affected global economic growth, exacerbating disinvestment on Main Street and fueling gains in fixed-income value, thus normalizing monetary conditions in the US and Japan a desirable object for international manufacturers, traders and services providers.
Kristian Rouz — As the US corporate profits season unveils the still lingering unfavorable effects on the domestic economy and international trade, whilst the Japanese government's negative interest rates policy (NIRP) stirs concerns of fiscal solvency and fixed-income, international investors, traders and corporate CEOs are looking forward to the next week's policy meetings at the Federal Reserve and Bank of Japan (BoJ).
Whilst the former are more inclined to deliver a slightly more hawkish message on monetary policy, perhaps hinting at rate hike this year due to the recent macro data perceived as "optimistic," the latter will affect the international trade in safe haven assets, most prominently, bonds and precious metals.
Whilst the US central banks will most certainly hold interest rates on hold at the upcoming meeting, market participants will look at the Fed message released after the two-day meeting, seeking for clues at further policy developments. US domestic lending has been expanding aggressively amid the still loose monetary conditions, resulting in the financial cycle going ahead of the real economy cycle.
While Wall Street is outperforming Main Street, the pre-recession trends in broader economy are particularly evident in the decline of manufacturing, infrastructure and revenue losses in the real economy lending divisions of many financial institutions.
The rapid gains on Wall Street throughout most of last year and in the recent months have pushed US household wealth in stock and mutual funds to $20.6 trln compared to only a half of that in 2009. As ex-St. Louis Fed economists Daniel Thornton and Joe Carson noted, the record accumulation of this virtual money accounted for 640.4 percent of disposable personal income, a level comparable to that of 648.3 percent in 2006, at the height of the subprime mortgage bubble.
Therefore, the neo-Keynesian approach of the US monetary authorities has created a hazard of a potential burst in the financial asset bubble, as there is too much money accumulated in the sector of economy which is not directly related to the production and exchange in material goods.
Is it the time for the Fed to hike rates, despite still sluggish inflation and underperforming broader growth? That really depends on the developments in real economy, not particularly impressive at the end of the current business cycle. Further hikes in rates might see the US economy sliding into deflation, yet, according to other observations and economic history, recessions are impossible to avoid, one could only postpone them.
"July saw manufacturers battle against a strong dollar, the ongoing energy sector downturn and political uncertainty ahead of the presidential election, yet still achieved the best growth seen since last year," Chris Williamson of Markit Economics commented to the recent uptick in Purchasing Managers' Index.
It is unknown yet, however, whether there is a possibility of a sustained economic expansion in the near-to-mid-term.
"Nobody knows what's going to happen,'' Thornton said.
Such considerations render the Fed dovish, thus fueling the currently record-breaking demand for haven assets, including the Treasury notes. Yet, this market segment is exposed to spillovers stemming from the policy decisions of Bank of Japan (BOJ). Japan is one of the world's biggest holders of the US debt, whilst the Japanese government itself is heavily indebted, with a debt-to-GDP ratio standing near 400 percent.
"Concerns about Brexit fallout on the real economy and financial markets have driven investors to bet on BOJ easing this month," Naomi Muguruma of Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities said. "Therefore if the BOJ stands pat this month, that would disappoint the markets, prompting a fall in stock prices and a rise in the yen."
Additional loosening of monetary conditions in Japan could possibly contribute to a further expansion of the roughly $12-trillion global pool of negative-yielding bonds, among other things, such as widening the US trade deficit further. Should the BOJ hold rates steady, however, international risks are unlikely to exacerbate for a while, yet, the Japanese economy might take a blow.
BOJ could cut its base interest rates to —0.2 percent from the current —0.1 percent, implemented in January-February this year. Coupled with the yet unknown Brexit effects on the UK (positive of negative), and the world economy (rather negative), any improvements in global pace of economic expansion is very questionable.
And then we have the political volatility and concerns of global demographics, both pushing the world economy closer to the Mad Max-style post-apocalyptic desolation.
Dinar Chronicles: 

New Republic via a GCR Update July 23 2016

Compiled on 23 July 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.

Repeated attempts to pay off the US national debt using $800 trillion, $27 trillion and $9.1 trillion of taxpayer monies illegally held by the Federal Reserve has been continually thwarted by the Cabal. At present the funds were in European bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.

The reset appeared to begin July 20 when previously contracted exchanges, or SKRs, began to be paid out. The GCR could roll out as early as tomorrow during G20 meetings in China.

 On July 16 2016 the Chinese White Dragon Society, said to own over 90% of the world's gold reserves and who were backing the Global Currency Reset, put out a bounty of one ton of gold each for the capture of certain powerful individuals connected to the world's Central Banks and who appeared to be holding up the Global Currency Reset.

It was said that proof of their crimes had been provided to law enforcement agencies around the world. The Cabal leaders were considered highly dangerous. Those seeking them were authorized to use any necessary force if they resisted arrest.

Benjamin Fulford Special Update -- Gold Bounty and Names Released for Khazarian Terrorists

During his investigations into the US government wire frauds at the US Treasury, Federal prosecutor of the US Department of Justice Patrick Fitzgerald stumbled across a large legal fraud:

Washington DC itself had no right in Constitutional law to run America. Washington DC was a system of corporate scams constructed to milk the American people without their knowing.
The United States was not even the United States of America. The data retrieved spelled slow death for the Washington DC ruling class, especially when the US Congress' long lost NESARA legislation was ruled valid by the US Supreme Court.

See this trailer of a soon-to-be released documentary about corruption at the Federal Reserve, "Eagle One to Wanta":

There was also a feature documentary film about the US monetary system and it's relationship to the Cabal, CIA, 9-11 (which happened as an initial Global Currency Reset was to take place), Presidents Johnson and Bushes and the assassination of President Kennedy.

Right before Kennedy was murdered, he had signed documents which would have closed the Federal Reserve:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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