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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-23-16 Part 1 of 2

 Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments 7-23-16 Part 1 of 2

Abadi directs the formation of a joint committee to speed up the ratification of death sentences
23/07/2016 09:03 | Direction Press / Baghdad   The face of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to form a joint committee to resolve the file convicts to death.
 A statement by the Information Office of the Prime Minister got "direction Press" a copy of it , "said Abadi face of the formation of a committee of representatives from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Judicial Council and the Presidency and the Ministry of Justice shall resolve the convicts file death and to identify the obstacles and causes of delay in the implementation of death sentences and put thenecessary recommendations to speed up the ratification of the said provisions and the implementation of those legally authorized ".
Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi directed to form a committee of representatives from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Judicial Council and the Presidency and the Ministry of Justice shall resolve sentenced to death file
Face of the Prime Minister , Dr. Haider al - Abadi to form a committee of representatives from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the Supreme Judicial Council and the Presidency and the Ministry of Justice shall resolve the convicts file death and to identify the obstacles and causes of delay in the implementation of death sentences and put the necessary recommendations to speed up the ratification of the mentioned provisions and implementation of those legally authorized.
Information Office of the Prime Minister
23 July 2016
And berries: There is a conspiracy Turkish - Kurdish and in coordination with the international coalition for not edit Mosul
23/07/2016 11:19 | Direction Press / special  He stressed the security and defense committee member of the parliamentary Iskandar and berries rejection of the presence of any foreign troops on Iraqi soil without government approval.
And Tot told the "direction" said the government had only asked the coalition forces to provide air support for the purpose of fighting Daash, explaining that the presence of ground troops on the ground, it is only for the implementation of the scheme.
He and berries that he told the prime minister on the issue of liberalization of Mosul and the presence of Turkish Kurd Tamer and in coordination with the international coalition to prevent editing, demanding Abadi, rejecting any intervention of ground troops in the battle against Daash.
It is said that British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced that Britain would double the number of troops in Iraq to 500 troops will contribute to the training of Iraqi and Kurdish forces fighting Daash.
Fallon said after a meeting near Washington to member countries in the international coalition against Daash led by the United States, "we will send an additional 250 troops to the theater (of operations) in the next few weeks."
He explained Fallon told reporters that "Britain will double the number of its troops in Iraq to help train Iraqi forces and peshmerga" Kurds.
He added: "We have asked other nations to submit their entries to see what they can in bringing them to add to it," without specifying the other partners in the international coalition against al Daash in Syria and Iraq.
 [tlm724] rejection of the presence of any foreign troops on Iraqi soil without government approval.
[tlm724] well thats true our state dept put out a statement to the effect they will be there to support them BUT only with the prior approval of Iraq
[tlm724] He and berries that he told the prime minister on the issue of liberalization of Mosul and the presence of Turkish Kurd Tamer and in coordination with the international coalition to prevent editing, demanding Abadi, rejecting any intervention of ground troops in the battle against Daash.
[tlm724] remember there are Kurdish people in many Arab countries and Turkey has many, as BL said the coup in Turkey and the discord with the forces in Iraq is no coincidence
[tlm724] but they are working on unification , Talabani is pushing hard
[tlm724] this is what you get when things are done based on sectarianism

Muwaffaq al-Rubaie: Maliki's visit to Kurdistan came to break the deadlock between the Arabs and the Kurds
23/07/2016 11:43 | Direction Press / special   MP for the coalition of state law Muwaffaq al-Rubaie, said on Saturday that the visit by the president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki came to communication between state law and the Kurdistan Alliance teams and break the deadlock between the Arabs and the Kurds.
Rubaie said in an interview with "Press direction" that the goal of this visit is Althau to the next election and not to form alliances to bring down the government of Dr. Haider al - Abadi as rumored in some media , noting that the talks dealt with the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil , especially in Maitalq oil file and reforms changes in the government and the House of Representatives. "
Rubaie said that this visit also comes in the attempt to cross the Iraqi trenches and nationalism to the National Space broader, stressing that " the situation in Iraq under the current conditions need to convergence and therejection of the differences and focus on the advancement of the economic situation and the fight against private terrorist elements Daash with the imminent battle to liberate Mosul."
The president of a coalition of state law , Nuri al - Maliki arrived, on Monday, to the province of Sulaymaniyah in Kurdistan visit was announced in advance and met with the Secretary General of the Patriotic Union ofKurdistan , Jalal Talabani, leader of the Movement for Change Nushirwan Mustafa . 
 [tlm724] that the visit by the president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki came to communication between state law and the Kurdistan Alliance teams and break the deadlock between the Arabs and the Kurds.
[tlm724] that the talks dealt with the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil , especially in Maitalq oil file and reforms changes in the government and the House of Representatives. "
[tlm724] see, this is what I talked about here :
And berries: There is a conspiracy Turkish - Kurdish and in coordination with the international coalition for not edit Mosul
[tlm724] if they pull this off it will settle things down and help bring the country together. May have to *slap* Barzani around a bit first lol
Mutaiota describes the situation of the displaced people Hol camp catastrophic Abadi demanding urgent intervention to save him
23/07/2016 10:09 |  Direction Press / Baghdad  MP Ali Mutaiota Nineveh province, the humanitarian situation of displaced Iraqis who are in Hol refugee camp on the Syrian border Brive eastern Hasaka northern Sinjar Mountains that is very bad and catastrophic imminent fact threaten the lives of thousands of Iraqis, mostly children and women.
He said in a statement obtained by "direction Press" got "direction Press a copy of it today:" Thousands of Iraqis who fled the brutality of the terrorist Daash gangs are present in the camp in which the most basic necessities of life basic Ataatovr as well as outbreaks of epidemic diseases and acute shortages of food and medicine,
they are trying to cross into the Kurdistan region, but they can not for the fact that no approvals from the Iraqi side to them, and brought us their appeals to the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, and promised more than a month before the dissolution of their case and allow them to enter. "
Through Mutaiota lamented that the government has not fulfilled its promise to the direction of its citizens who are in a position to say the least Palmosawi, where during the past week were four deaths there, including the suicide of a young man as a result of the poor conditions in which they live for more than six months, a period of their presence in the camp.
He held Mutaiota, Abadi, the suffering of the displaced people in Hol camp because of limitations clear their direction and not a solution to their cause despite the persistent pleas as well as local calls the government of Nineveh and humanitarian organizations for months in order to allow them to cross ethnic territorial without having to find those pleas fall on deaf ears.
He called Al-Abbadi bear the legitimacy and the legal and moral responsibility towards its citizens by finding an immediate solution which ensures them entering Iraqi territory and end the great suffering.
Head of UN mission in Iraq, Jan Kubis also appealed for help in resolving their suffering through coordination between the central government and the province of Christan and find a quick solution to their suffering and save lives, shelters suitable for them inside Christan province.
He asked Mutaiota about the role of the Commission on Human Rights of the Parliamentary High Commissioner for Human Rights direction so crises, as it did not hear her any sound or move about thesuffering of the millions of displaced Iraqis, including Nazho Hol camp,
as it is supposed to be the ones Leaderboard resolve this serious crisis on the lives of citizens Iraqis, and called on them to contribute in thedevelopment of solution through the pressure on the government to allow them to cross into Iraqi territory.
 [tlm724] it's hard to fathom the conditions these people are trying to live under
[tlm724] no food, no water, no sanitation, no meds, children starving and its like 130 degrees
[tlm724] so sad 
[tlm724] take a moment and say a prayer for your fellow man !
[cat] yeppers
[tlm724] Statement Mr. Prime Minister , Dr. Haider al - Abadi ordered cell civilian crisis management to take immediate action to secure the necessary needs of displaced people from Sharqat and other areas of the provinces of Nineveh and Salahuddin.
Information Office of the Prime Minister July 21, 2016
Ready to receive the ten global companies to complete the port of Faw in Basra
23/07/2016 09:12 | Direction Press / follow-up  Ministry of Transport announced on Saturday, for the completion of preparations for the reception of ten international companies to complete the construction of the port of Faw.
He said media spokesman for the company ports Anmar net in a statement received "direction Press" a copy of it today that "the Ministry of Transport and Ports Iraq conducting preparations to receive 10 international companies complete the construction of the port of Faw in Basra July 27 of this."
The Ministry of Transport announced on the tenth of July of this all send invitations international companies specialized, to come to the conference to be held the end of July of this in Iraq, to ​​announce new investment opportunities for the implementation of the breakwater and quays of the port, "Mukdh he" resorted to offering build the breakwater and piers project, to invest because of fiscal austerity, and the lack of possibilities it has to be implemented, it is expected that the port starts to receive goods within the next two years. "
The government had estimated earlier, the total cost to complete the project port of Faw, to 4.4 billion euros, has begun implementation of the first phase of which included the establishment of the engineering designs for the eastern and western breaker waves, in 2010.
Bondlady   this port is very important and its a huge project that's been ongoing for years and years...its very close to completion and when it is whoa! talk about a huge money maker...this will be the largest port in the world, it will connect Iraq thru its shipping lanes...((kinda like the silk road did,which I believe is being revived as well)) the rest of the world....very big and huge deal for Iraq...thumbs up Smile...BL
 [tlm724] smile indeed   Very Happy  thanks BondLady !

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