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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Dinar Updates Wednesday PM Chat 7-20-16  

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Dinar Updates Wednesday PM Chat 7-20-16  (Before News Time)

david334 says to clay():Hi I read the lastest updates and as usual had trouble tracking many names and the sequence of events .
The list of Iraqi and Kurdish current and past government officals amounts to leading with Maliki at 50 billion closes in one a half a trillion dolllars stolen by what ever number of public setrvants. How in the heck does this ever get sorted out? I am confused as to how this is proceeding and why Maliki is heading his own party
subgirl says to rcookie():WOW! will be a great Newstime!! for sure!!
david334 says to rcookie():No need to respond but dont see the pathway to security after reading the morning updates
subgirl says to rcookie():I am very excited about the ISX article!
Dr Dave says():he buys or bribes most of the other political elite are as corrupt as he
Dr Dave says():he who lives in glass houses should throw no stones
david334 says to Dr Dave():Did government officals really steal a half a trillion in assets?
Dr Dave says():so the story goes...ask rcookie
david334 says to Dr Dave():and the resignations come with deals. $500 billion dollars pleaseeeee!!!!

david334 says to Dr Dave():how is gone sort that out our Lord Jesus?
rcookie says to david334():HOW DOES WHAT GET SORTED OUT....
david334 says to Dr Dave():The $500 billion in stolen assets by Kurdish and Iraqi politicans. Maliki alone $50 billion. Barzani $30 billion what legal authority can unwind this
david334 says to Dr Dave():$7 billion in net worth was the pikers outrageous
david334 says to Dr Dave():The Malaysian Fund was a drop in the bucket $3.5 billion pillfered chump change.

rcookie says():The fact lift the immunity of Mishan al-Jubouri, in preparation for trial
Wed, 20 Jul 2016 19:30:07  Views: 307Observer news / Baghdad
Judicial and parliamentary sources familiar in Baghdad unveiled the official memorandum addressed to the Supreme Judicial Council to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives requesting the lifting of the parliamentary immunity of MP Mishan Rakkad guarantor Jubouri,

in preparation for his trial on the charge of embezzlement of 60 billion dinars ($ 56 million) from the salaries and allocations of hundreds of employees of protecting pipelines and oil facilities in the Salahuddin province,

worked according to al-Jubouri, a contract with the Iraqi government authorities and the US occupation forces in 2006 and lingered in its implementation and was forced to flee to Syria at the time.
And according to a judicial note, the 216 officers and an associate previously in security force and the military were working in the owner company Jubouri himself and managed by his son called weighs,

they have filed a case before the Karkh Central District Court demanding redress and restitution, including monthly salaries and financial allocations that did not get it over the getting employed in a company that Ahakha the judiciary and the rule of the al-Jubouri, the owner and his son in prison and re-$ 120 billion dinars to the state treasury half a company canceled the employees' salaries.
It was more like a fake company, founded by Mishan al-Jubouri in 2005 and recorded in Baghdad and Beirut on behalf of his son, has signed a contract with government agencies with the consent of US forces includes the authorization the company's formation of troops and military detachments would protect the pipelines and facilities of oil in the Salahuddin province, and the recruitment of it deems to work in. After check their files security.
And accompanied the company's work during the first few months, a series of financial problems and raised around numerous accusations referred to the impact Mishan al-Jubouri, the owner and general manager of his son weighs to the judiciary in 2006 and sentenced in absentia after their escape out of Iraq in prison and a fine.
At the end of 2013, al-Jubouri was able mediated by his friend MP that day Izzat Shahbandar persuade former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to stop the legal proceedings against him and a retrial figurehead and release and the abolition of the previous verdicts him, which allowed him to run for the elections in 2014 on the list of (Arab), headed by Saleh al-Mutlaq in Salah al-Din province, but he has never won it.
According to the plaintiffs claims, the court's decision after the re-trial of al-Jubouri, the latter is not exempt from the payment of dues and salaries are still not settled his trust with their rightful owners, and thus it is legally binding to pay those dues which is capable of it.
He says lawyers assigned by the plaintiffs to pursue the case, said the Karkh central court which will consider the issue of al-Jubouri refrain from repay his trust after the lifting of the expected him in next month's parliamentary immunity, the merits of the case accepted form and substance after he checked in detail and told the Supreme Judicial Council, the need for Overture presidency of the Council of Representatives to lift the parliamentary immunity of the accused al-
david334 says():At the risk of sounding stupid are we talking about the current Speaker ot the Parliment??
Dr Dave says():no
Dr Dave says():many jubouris around
david334 says to Dr Dave():Phew common name I know just checking thx
Dr Dave says():he admiited to accepting bribes and goes to help front the reformists.....
Dr Dave says() if maliki is complicit with Mishan...go after Malarki
david334 says to Dr Dave():who are aligned with the ironicly against reform
Dr Dave says():thats why they call themselves reformists,,,,,,hehe
david334 says to Dr Dave():IMF loans are a drop compared to the cummulated theft. The IMF is aware of that fact I am sure so there must be an expectation that much of the 500 billion can be recovered.
Dr Dave says():COI says it may be difficult
david334 says to Dr Dave():Sorry COI
Dr Dave says():integrety commission
Dr Dave says():Integrity....
david334 says to Dr Dave():Thanks so this Iraqi committee has determined that if they push to hard stability goes bye bye. How hard is it to find Picassos and super prime real estate.

​Much of this comes back to US funding of that war so idon't get it. They have taken the Malaysian properties back the physical assets.
Dr Dave says():pennies in the haystack
david334 says to rcookie():DR Dave told me not the speaker. Common Iraqi Sunni name . Maybe these assets are in unfriendly countries . $half a trillion pennies kinda ammusing., but one third of what was stolen world wide according to Legarde in 2015. That patroit act worked really well
david334 says to rcookie():I sat through hours of forced classes at Lehman on laundering and al, my accounts were mutual funds. Tortured in classes for good cause.
Dr Dave says():It seems to be coming down to the question of diplomatic immunity for these bums and scared to pass laws like justice and accountability....laws which have teeth
david334 says to Dr Dave():No other explanation other than an international court. down the long winding road
Dr Dave says():that would be along road .....
david334 says to Dr Dave():Hopefully the anti corruption laws will have teeth for those contemplating it going forward. I feel so sick at the size and scale and obama sat in the White House war over. GW Bush never sought to enforce the laws we negotiated non sectarian principals . The Awakeng Council turn the fighting in the US favor just so we could get out.
david334 says to Dr Dave():How could he do that
Dr Dave says():they were in much better shape with Saddam
clay says to Dr Dave():yes they were
david334 says to Dr Dave():Well it's hard to make a counter argument now. WMD Bush hoodwinked Powell ruined the best leader we could have ever hoped for I am so mad sorry I got talk a walk
rcookie says():America's adoption of five military bases in the territory Korddstan and trains and funds Alپeshmrگh for ten years
Wednesday 20-07-2016 | 11:52:58  Twilight News / detect the location of any Kord Daily mail, that the United States will establish five military bases in Kurdistan province under military protocol signed between Erbil and Washington, indicating that the United States pledged to train and qualify and pay the salaries of Alپeshmrگh forces for ten years.
Took place in Erbil on Tuesday July 12 this signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry Alپeshmrگh and the US Department of Aldavaa Bachertv ceremony and the presence of the President of Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, and signed by the Kurdish side and Minister Alپeshmrگh proxy Karim Sinjari and on the US side Deputy Defense Minister Elisa Slotkin.
He said the location of any English-language Daily Kurds that the agreement saw the light after a telephone conversation between the region's president, Massoud Barzani and US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter. 
According to the site, America will build five military bases in Kurdistan province under military protocol signed between Erbil and Washington
The Web site said the five military bases spread over the provinces of Arbil, Dahuk and two in silk Arbil and Dahuk one in Atrush.
In addition, as mentioned, the site suggests that the military protocol of cooperation between the province and the United States aimed at eliminating the organization "Daash" terrorist, but he also stressed that America will under the agreement to train and qualify Alپeshmrگh forces for ten years with awarded its members' salaries.

subgirl says to rcookie():WOW!!! that is great!!
Drewsters Millions says to rcookie():what are your thoughts on the article " Exchange rate and disinformation" kinda long and little confusing to me? can ya help a poor brother out?
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