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Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-23-16   Part 3 of 3

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Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-23-16   Part 3 of 3

rcookie says():Treasury transfers financed the deficit by about 3 trillion dinars
40 Show Last update: Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 13:37
Treasury transfers financed the deficit by about 3 trillion dinars
BAGHDAD - Mustafa Ahalchmi longer Auction of treasury transfers one means of monetary policy, which comes to contribute to reducing the budget deficit to Bld.ovi this regard regulates the central bank auction of the Ministry of Finance in the twenty-third of next month for the sale of treasury transfers annual for 364 days at $ emissivity 400 billion dinars .
Borrow internal According to a private «morning» statistically, it was through these auctions, which were held since the beginning of this year, withdrawing liquidity in accordance with the borrowing plan from the inside of about a trillion and 700 billion and 520 million dinars to be re-employed in bridging the temporary budget deficit.
Based on the public debt, which authorized the Ministry of Finance issued remittances treasury guaranteed by the government, the law, the Central Bank of Iraq, as an agent financially to the ministry manages Auctions remittances government treasury on behalf of the Ministry of Finance, which is in accordance with the determinants of the annual budget law by issuing remittances treasury for the purposes of government funding.
Asdarih sale, according to a statement of the Central Bank, the auction of treasury transfers organized by the bank on the thirteenth of this month, the auction saw the sale amount Asdarih of $ 400 billion and 20 million dinars, the highest price cut of competitive auctions 4.00 percent and the average 4.00 yield percent to four participants in the auction Alemtemthleen Bmsrven Service the care of minors national retirement and body Altven won the amounts they have given in the auction.
Finance the deficit comes these auctions to finance part of the general budget deficit of Iraq within the domestic borrowing plan issued by the Ministry of Finance to sell treasury transfers, as the plan included the establishment of an auction in each month of the current year.
Asdarih was determining the amount of each auction until next month in August to 400 billion dinars, while the auction of the month of September and subsequent months has been defined in the amount of 300 billion dinars, according to the Ministry of Finance plan.
The Asdarih amount for each auction of Treasury auctions remittances for 2014 was 500 billion dinars, and the number of auctions that it held 10 auctions.
The sale of money orders the Central Bank and Treasury remittances one of the procedures and means of monetary policy taken by the central bank to deal with the levels of liquidity on a temporary basis as he is a free investment risk and so he leads an active role in the secondary market.
rcookie says():Sat, 23 Jul 2016 10:15:04 Keywords Attorney confirms the possibility Abadi agreement with the political blocs to introduce new ministers
He said the leader of the Islamic Dawa Party MP Ali Keywords possibility of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi agreement with the political blocs to introduce new ministers instead of resigning and then vote on them in the House.
Quoted National Iraqi News Agency for Keywords saying that the prime minister began dialogues with the political blocs to make new names for were excluded ministries that gave its ministers submitted their resignations were accepted and ordering their Diwani, noting "that the mechanism adopted in this matter is to send the political blocs to a number of names to take up ministerial posts to the prime minister, who in turn will select efficient of them. "
rcookie says():Iraqi Airways fleet of 32 aircraft, including 12 new-generation "Boeing"
Local Since 23/07/2016 12:46 am (Baghdad time)  Baghdad balances News
Spokesman for the Iraqi Airways Salah Tayeh said Saturday that the airline's fleet comprises 32 aircraft from the modern style, including 12 aircraft, "Boeing".
The Tayeh's / balances News /, "The airline has 12 aircraft from Boeing and the rest of the new generation and has a contract with the Boeing Company spends delivered more aircraft."
He added, "The airlines deliberately to reduce ticket prices for travelers," pointing out that "the Ministry of Transport continuing to develop the transport sector at all levels in Iraq."
For its part, the General Company of Iraqi Airways perpetuating patrol for all its aircraft and examined inside Iraq.
In a statement to the Minister of Transport Agency Abdul Hussein Abtan stressed that reducing the price of passenger tickets measures have kept the prestige of Iraqi Airways and benefit its Alaraca.fima traveler said converting the first installment of The Boeing Company for the supply of the remaining aircraft after a stop Taiwil.anthy 29   From: Anaam Amauri   LINK
rcookie says():Anbar Council decides to show the international road for Investment
Saturday July 23, 2016 19:41  -Alsumaria News / Anbar  Council decided Anbar province on Saturday, the international highway investment, while noting that the rehabilitation of the road will contribute to restore the movement of goods and passengers between Baghdad and Jordan, and Syria.
The head of the Council Krhot morning in an interview with Alsumaria's News, said that "the Anbar provincial council, today, the international highway to invest in Iraqi, Arab and international companies." +
He Krhot, that "the international road suffered harm as a result of military operations and terror led to Tdharrh and damaged bridges over it," pointing out that "the rehabilitation of the road will contribute to restore the movement of goods and passengers between Baghdad and Jordan and Syria through Anbar."
The security forces are in control of the international highway passing between Ramadi and down to the Iraqi-Jordanian border, as witness the fact in Khalidiya island east of Ramadi military operations against "Daash."
rcookie says():Jaafari: the coming of US forces in the custody of Iraqi forces
Political Since 07.23.2016 at 14:30 (Baghdad time)  Baghdad balances News
Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Saturday, that all foreign diplomatic missions, including the United States Embassy in the custody of the Iraqi security forces.
Jaafari said in response to a question sent him during a press conference held at the US Institute of Peace in Washington, on the threats made by the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr against US forces, and followed up / scales News /, "The media dimension of expression is a right guaranteed to every Iraqi citizen expresses his opinion, guaranteed by the Constitution, and no one can stop anyone from the statement. "
He added that "the security of the country and its institutions, and the people, and wealth, and representative offices in overseas countries that come to Iraq intervention in the context of Iraq's security, which is in the custody of the Iraqi armed forces."
Sadr threatened 640 US soldiers had been announced and US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, they will be sent to the participation of Iraqi forces in the battle to liberate the city of Mosul from the control of the organization Daash.anthy 29 / A 43
rcookie says():Rafidain bloc: the new government amendments will include more than a dozen ministers (Details)
23-07-2016 02:31 PM Hits: 1701Orbit News -  Prime predicted Rafidain bloc in parliament Kanna, said on Saturday that the new government amendments most part of the ten ministers , including after the resignation of eight of them, while stressing that it depends on the negotiations conducted by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi with the political blocs.
Said Kanna in a press statement, said that 'the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi accepted the resignation of six ministers in addition to the acceptance of the resignation of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research , Hussein al - Shahristani , after insisting', stressing that 'with the dismissal of the Minister of Commerce, will make a number of ministers who have accepted their resignations nearly eight' .

And we anticipate that the 'new government amendments include more than a dozen ministers', noting that it 'depends on the negotiations and dialogues conducted by the Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi with the political blocs'.
1bobby says():Good stuff on Anbar. I saw they did a "peace accord" today then all of a sudden that article comes out. Thanks
Robl says():Interesting article on how Fallujah is digging a trench around the city to prevent car bombers from entering Fallujay or Bagdad:
Robl says():In the article, they state how everyone is receiving ID cards that can't be hacked and all vehicles are given stickers that have a chip to identify the vehicle.
1bobby says():That was a good read. Thanks
rcookie says():A new International Port between Iran and Iraq Kurdistan
07-23-2016 Iranian authorities have opened a new Iraq with the Kurdistan region border outlet, is the second in less than a month, as part of a policy aimed at monopolizing the Iraqi market.
Said Ziad Abdullah, director of the town of "generosity" of the city of Penguin in the province of Sulaymaniyah, where the new port is located, said that Iranian and Iraqi officials opened "Saraneben" border port, an international gateway linking Iran's Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The Iranian authorities have opened in June 2016 outlets under the "Penguin spend" itself, which has seen the new port opening, and thus increase the border crossing points linking Iran province Iraqi one is Sulaymaniyah to three outlets, are Bashammakh, and Mkhurd, and Saraneben.
Abdullah added, in a press statement, that the opening of "Saraneben" port is important in economic terms to the province of Sulaymaniyah, and penjwin district is linked to Iran two outlets, two international border crossings, in addition to a number of sub ports informal.
And border crossings, according to officials from both sides, provides a new border crossing gateway for the export of four Iranian cities border products are "age, and that, in Sulaimaniyah, and Sardasht," to Iraq and provides several hours to transport goods compared to other border ports.
Observers believe that the Tehran purposes other than trade and exchange visitors and tourists with Iraq through the opening of border crossings, such as facilitating the delivery of various militants and weapons into Iraq.
There are between the Kurdistan region of Iraq , composed of three provinces only between Iran and the five international ports, one with the governorate of Erbil, and three with Sulaimaniya and one with the city of Khanaqin, while there are more than 40 ports informally between the Iranian territory and the territory of Iraqi Kurdistan .;
rcookie says():Iran is now the largest exporter of goods to Iraq, but Turkey strongly competition, where the juxtaposition of the two provinces of the region Turkish territory. -
The total balance of trade between the region and Turkey and mostly exports from the Turkish side to the region during 2013, about $ 7 billion, then dropped to $ 5 billion after the control of the organization of the Islamic State "Daash" on the city of Mosul and parts of northern Iraq.
As for trade with Iran, Iranian exports are not less than $ 10 billion annually.
rcookie says():Attempt a coup against the government in the country with the help of officers were present inside the Green Zone and Abadi Ekshtvha (Details)
23-07-2016 11:00 PM Hits: 4706  Orbit News - Said a senior leader of the Dawa Party , Haider al - Abadi said wing foiled last days before the attempt similarity attempt that failed in Turkey with the participation of current officers in the Iraqi army coup.
The leader in a press statement, said the planned attempt earlier in Diyala province and the help were inside the Green Zone officers.
He said the leader , who asked not to be named, said the coup attempt aimed at the referee after the events of a number of bombings in the capital.
He said that al - Abadi will overhaul the army will provide those involved to a military court.
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