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Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-23-16   Part 2 of 3

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Dinar Updates Saturday AM Chat 7-23-16   Part 2 of 3

slh5282 says to rcookie():so having the ISX with international investor would mean an international recognized currency correct/
slh5282 says to rcookie():excellent
rcookie says():SECTOR BY SECTOR...

clay says to workhard():GM it wont translate for me
clay says to rcookie():hey rc
workhard says to clay():GM Jaafari: the new Iraq that respects differences and assigns responsibilities for all its citizens, without its citizens without discrimination.
A statement of his press office received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of it for al - Jaafari said at a news conference in Washington that " the stability of the base in Iraq lies in bearing all the components of Iraqi society the responsibility of the state administration,"
explaining that " the new Iraq that respects differences, and deals with coalitions, and assigns responsibilities for all its citizens, without discrimination between Shiite or Sunni, or Kurdish, stressing the importance of national participation in the liberation of all the cities of Iraq from the grip Daash terrorist gangs. "
He added that" the war against terrorism is not a conventional war, you need to support, and expansion of the armed forces department Iraq to include the largest possible number Kalmhhd who succeed, and scored the progress of the brilliant victory in the Fallujah area; he was able to expand the Iraqi armed forces circle, with the popular crowd forces, and all the forces, and the sons of the tribes, and benefited from the military air support to the international coalition. "
and on the question about the possibility of inclusion of Sunnis into the political process, and to keep the Kurds in one of Iraq? He said the "year are located in the state institutions, they are in parliament, the government, and before this and that are located in Iraq 's social structure, namely the fact that demographic overlapping, paired, and blended with the Shiites,
for example , the proportion of mating between Shiites and Sunnis 29%, and there is no Iraqi city There are no Iraqi tribe where no Shiites and Sunnis, as well as government departments, markets and schools .. this is an important societal base, safety valve to prevent any issue, or sectarian war –
Your allowed to Allah, and for Sunni Prime Republic of Iraq , Kurds, and Sunni Prime Iraqi parliament Arabic, and the prime minister a Shiite arab this I think it card definition.
The new Iraq that respects differences, and deals with coalitions, and assigns responsibilities for all the people of Iraq without distinction between Sunni or Shiite, or Kurdish, the same thing that I said to the right of the year to say against the Kurds.
on armed forces ability to resolve the battle of Mosul confirmed Ibrahim al - Jaafari said "national participation process between the various forces, and the ability of the military performance in the Iraqi armed forces, but do not Nkhvakm secret that the war against terrorism is not a conventional war,
you need to support, and expansion of the Iraqi armed forces circle to include as many as possible so the scene that succeed, and scored the progress of the brilliant victory in the Fallujah area, and was able to expand the Iraqi armed forces circle, with the popular crowd forces, and all the forces, and the sons of the tribes, and benefited from the military air support to the international coalition; so what Our Exile our need him as long as coordination gets us, what happened in Fallujah may be the same scenario in Mosul, although it varies from field hand. "
regarding the announcement of monitoring the amount of two billion dollars for Iraq , according to the statement the foreign minister said, " We thank the donor countries to donate, volunteering and we wish them because they increase some thing because the size of the destruction of Fallujah and other areas large, but do not deny them this charity is a good thing,
and always remind them of the need to accelerate the implementation of this project; because it speeds up the return of Iraqi citizens displaced locally displacement, or immigrants to the outside, and these grants play a major role in rebuilding the infrastructure to Fallujah, and the intervention in the issue of the provision of services, schools, hospitals, and all the usual necessities of life.
on the threat of cleric Moqtada al - Sadr to target US forces pointed out that " the media dimension of expression is guaranteed the right of every Iraqi citizen to express his opinion, and the Constitution guaranteed and no one can prevent anyone from the statement, indicating that the security of the country and its institutions, and the people, and wealth, and representations countries abroad that come to Iraq intervention in the context of Iraq 's security, which is in the custody of the Iraqi armed forces. "
regarding the question Jaafari on survival Daash in Iraq after the liberation of confirmed Daash what I was born in one day, but I was born because of the accumulation, and took a long time, and at the same time had passed through other countries, it will remain terrorism and Daash particular poses a real threat not only to Iraq but to all the countries in the region,
 and the other countries of the world in all continents he said , adding that "no country in the world is immune, apart from the risk of Daash. This fact , which we should put them take account of both; so it must be cooperation based on full swing to prosecute Daash, and cut the road in front of him. "
In Asked about concerns of possible violations of human rights when editing city of Mosul occurred between al - Jaafari said" I have already mentioned at the beginning talk that the diversity found in Mosul is an integrated diversity, but may be exposed,
and turns into a diversity of Mottagatel If we do not improve operations management in Mosul; so I have to manage it the right way, and we must cooperate Iraqi citizens, and political forces, government, and international organizations in order to establish security in the community of Mosul. "
on the presence of US forces in Iraq , he said : " Iraqis are not the fighters crisis, I insist on it, and who ran wild confrontation
Pensacola27 says():has it RVd yet
larrykn says to Pensacola27():no but there is a ton of great news that came out
rcookie says():Najaf airport reveals plan to accommodate 12 million passengers annually.
July 23, 2016 9. 0  The participation Facebook Twitter Our economy/Najaf   Najaf's airport manager, said Saturday, about signing a contract with a Lebanese company for the development of a comprehensive plan to expand and develop the airport in accordance with international standards continue until 2034, while seeking to make the plan includes absorb the airport for more than 12 million passengers yearly, pointed to "a global security system to prevent any security threat to the airport.
Airport Board Member told Hussein Iraq alhi briefed reporters our agency newsletter, that the Najaf airport manager contracted with the Lebanese firm specializing in building airports is classified tenth globally to develop a plan to expand the airport and develop infrastructure named (master plan) ", noting that" the airport management development plan is divided into three sections: 2019 plan and plan for 2024 2034 plan including airport infrastructure.
He added Iraq, plans include the delivery and distribution of electricity inside the airport, "Noting that" there is a big project in progress to deliver water to the airport and the draft wastewater and sewer station bus line Kufa and then link to all attachments.
He said Iraq, Najaf airport is the only airport which the traveler to the gate of the parlor and this needs sophisticated electronic security system prevents any security threat to the airport as important in conserving endangered plant ", pointing out that" management at the process of implementing the new security contract with us 17 sonar device and interview Committee was formed to put these devices in specific locations.
Airport Board member stressed that "the new security contract will be completed by the arrival of modern arm which I think is only in the Middle East reveals the wheels at 90 miles per hour with the arrival of these devices and accessories", explaining that "it coincides with the replacement security company, which will replace the (k9) now with a new one on the dogs, which will contain the (k9) for drug detection."
Referring to Iraq, that "the Board of Directors deliberate use of modern control system similar to the existing systems in international airports we now focus on modern surveillance system and that there is full coverage of airport security.
He said Iraq, the agenda (master plan) prepared by the Lebanese firm specializing in airports, we began working with major issues that have a combination of priorities and plan is 2019 and 2024 plan and some projects have been pairing of 2024 and 2034″,
stating that "the new terminal to the airport accommodate eight million passengers annually while the current Terminal doubled from two million to four million passengers after expansion and that we get at the end of the plan to accommodate the airport for more than 12 million passengers annually.
Iraq, stressed that "the strategic plans on creating new lounge and a new stadium with all its accessories webangaz security new arena accomplished 70 percent of three draft plans (master plan) for development of the airport," pointing out that "most of these projects will be implemented before the end of the roof frame.
He drew Iraq to plan updates and expansion for the airport would make him the top especially over 30 airline and there are four lines for international companies want to resume flights on the ground at the airport.
rcookie says():DHI investment expect great investment movement conservative marshes
July 23, 2016 10. 0  The participation Facebook Twitter
Our economy/ QarAnticipate Chief investment of Dhi Luay Khair Allah to witness the marshlands and effects movement of great investment after joining the World Heritage list with the Federal Government to support these areas by pumping sufficient funds for development through the establishment of infrastructure and tourist attractions.
Good God, told reporters he briefed our agency newsletter that they expected her to be the face of internal and external tourism and dramatically than in previous years because of its security and stability and biodiversity and archaeological and cultural.
He added that investment would have directed towards these areas and that the Commission will provide all the facilities in this aspect and provide appropriate opportunities for the development of these regions and revitalise the economy.;
rcookie says():OIL AT $45.41...
subgirl says to rcookie():it went down from yesterday I think...
rcookie says():Urgent .. Iraqi Defense issued a clarification about the role of the Peshmerga battle of Mosul
Saturday 23-07-2016 | 7:14:27 Fighter Albeshmrkh- h d  Twilight News / denied the Iraqi Defense Ministry statements attributed to the Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, on the existence of a reluctance to share the process of liberalization of the Peshmerga forces of Mosul.
Reuters news agency quoted Defence Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, saying the inability to post the Peshmerga forces in the battle to liberate the city of Mosul, a stronghold of the organization Daash in Iraq.
Obeidi said the Tweets on Twitter, "according to Reuters," from Washington before a meeting of defense ministers from the alliance that the US-led against the organization yesterday held the first Thursday "it is not expected to enter the Peshmerga city of Mosul forces," he said, adding, "We will not allow them even to participate in the liberation City".
Commenting on this, according to a statement to the Iraqi defense, "Reuters reported inaccurate information that the reluctance of the Minister of Defense, Dr. Khalid al-Obeidi, the participation of the Peshmerga forces in the liberation of Mosul, and we would like to clarify that the content of the minister told the permanent and its emphasis on the participation of combat troops, whatever the denomination will be in accordance with the plans military set and the decision of the commander in chief of the armed forces. "
And speech, quoted by Reuters news agency al-Obeidi, contrary to the statements of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, and contrasts with the decisions of US officials
A week ago in Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan and the United States territory, signed a protocol on military cooperation, stating that Washington provide an estimated B415 million dollars for the Peshmerga forces, until the end of the war against al "Daash" political, military and financial aid.
US ambassador in Baghdad confirmed that the military agreement has the approval of the Iraqi government.

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