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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BGG & Member News Time 7-22-16  Part 2 of 2

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BGG & Member News Time 7-22-16  Part 2 of 2

BGG says():That is GREAT NEWS - huge crook ... but throw a rock in any direction in Iraq and you hit a crooked politician.
Kinda' big news really...
Haidar al-Abadi on Twitter...
Our thanks to all the nations that contributed at the Pledging Conference in Support of Iraq which raised vital funds & assistance
BGG says(   apparently this conference today went well for Iraq.
US statement: the Washington meeting will be funded soon four urgent needs of Iraq

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BGG says():  This was a headline out of this recent meeting in the US... (as I recall)... very interesting. I remember thinking - I wish I were a fly on the wall in that meeting... lots of "big wigs" there.
and here it is... 2nd to last piece...
Coalition forces calls for the nomination of ministers replacements for the resigned,
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BGG says():all of them... (obviously - except the dudes getting ousted)
MrsBGG says():Are there any questions?
david334 says():How many good MPs are already in place?
BGG says():None.   on the CoM??  none.
david334 says():What is the number of cabinet positions?
BGG says():(maybe I overstate...) not many...
david334 says():So that a sweep
BGG says():didn't Abadi trim the number back to 14??   from 21?? roughly (off the top of my head).
david334 says():I know he cut it back
jimplants says():yep
BGG says():so if 7 resigned today... that's at least 1/2.   more to follow.
david334 says():Thanks BGG
MrsBGG says():Any other questions?
BGG says():C'mon peeps - let's go!!
BGG says():tons of stuff out there... it's BGG UNPLUGGED!!
david334 says():So there are lets say 7 left will some fight and go in front pf pariment?
david334 says():Not much upside
BGG says():I doubt it - they are probably just holding out for a better deal... they are gone. They know it...
BGG says():the really bad news - isn't for them (so much). It's moreso - bad news for Maliki (who has been pulling their strings - behind the scenes)...
jeffjane says():do they really need money to keep going? we thought they were out of money last year.
BGG says():he's losing his grip... ADIOS AMIGO!!
BGG says to jeffjane():Yes. They do - but as importantly - they need the support and the oversight of the IMF (I think Abadi knows this).
BGG says to jeffjane():he can actually blame some of this on "those evil foreigners - IMF/WB/UN" and not take any heat from the hardliners in his own party/sect... for the sweeping reforms.
david334 says():does the whole cabinet have to turn over before the last IMF review?
BGG says to david334():Now that - I don't know... I just haven't had the chance to read up. RCookie may have a better idea on that...
david334 says():thx
BGG says to david334():(and I apologize... I have been somewhat disengaged for a while now... we just finished several HUGE projects - I'm back).
Thankfully - we have a GREAT TEAM though...
MrsBGG says to BGG():(y)(handshake)
david334 says():no problem great nes the meeting date could be last day of July
A superior team
BGG says to david334():You are correct.
JETSET says():...back and better than ever!
MrsBGG says():Any final questions?
BGG says to JETSET():breathing easy and ready to ROCK AND ROLL!!
JETSET says():always a nice feeling!
BGG says to JETSET():Yes - thanks.   glad to be back in the saddle.
david334 says():One of a kind. Twenty people all firing together, brain trusts knowledge analystics. I ghave to come up with the appropriate name
david334 says():BGG Middle Eastern Research Anaytics Group LLC
Xiongmao says():(y) 
BGG says to david334():that's a mouthful - I'm just glad I've got a front row seat
david334 says():no ding a lings
BGG says to david334():(allowed)...
jimplants says():yep front row to history being made
BGG says to jimplants():Thanks Jim.   glad we are here.  
david334 says to jimplants():(y)
jimplants says():me to iv been everywhere in 7 years and there are some real crazies out there
BGG says to jimplants():OK gang - that's it... we're signing off.. Have a GREAT NITE!!
MrsBGG says():Thank you everyone for joining us tonight!! Thank you magnetlady for copying and editing!! Thank you all copiers and News Researchers and updaters & Facebook admins!! Love & Blessings to you'all (L)
Dinarian1 says to BGG():THank YOu fo rall you do! And Mes BGG as well!!
david334 says to MrsBGG():Same back Thanks BGG
Dinarian1 says to BGG():If I could type LOL
willie60 says():Very informative BGG. Thanks to you and the whole team here.
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