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Saturday, July 23, 2016

BGG & Member News Time 7-22-16  Part 1 of 2

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BGG & Member News Time 7-22-16  Part 1 of 2
BGG says():Are we all ready to get going??   News Time here at Du...
david334 says():yes sir
SRW says():Lets Roll!
BGG says():I know - I know... it's not the same without the crew.. but
never fear - BGG is here...
BGG says():I have some interesting thoughts on deck for you all...
BGG says():some surprises.
BGG says():gonna' be a lot of stuff to cover.
BGG says():Before we get started - I want to thank all the people who make up what DU is all about. Without you - it's not DU.
BGG says():What I've got planned for tonite is a bit of a whilwind thru the most current News and some BGG "off the cuff commentary"... I hope you like.
(I'm hustling BTW)
P.S. Thanks so much to RCookie and Mr White for the fantastic News and Commentary EVERY DAY!!
BGG says():Macgork: edit Mosul Daash is soon now
Read More : says():And to me - this means soon..
the big thing to keep in mind here (and I'll talk alot more about the politics behind it than others...) The IMF/WB/w/some UN support stepped in with a support package and almost INSTANTLY the GOI started removing ISIS from Iraq - why?? They were told to - bank on it...
world say - "we'll let you reintegrate, renegotiate, maybe revalue... but you are gonna' fix this mess...
and for the Shia controlled GOI in Baghdad parts of this (even in the Abadi era) were a "convenient crisis"... they were in no hurry to clear ISIS. This is all "historically Sunni territory"...
Maliki literally started shelling civilian neighborhoods in Anbar trying to get them to leave... a displaced, broken or killed Sunni voting bloc is not such a bad thing for the National Alliance.
They really understand the old adage - when your enemy is setting themselves on fire... just step aside and see to it they don't run out of matches.
BGG says():However, to paint a clear picture... it appears (to me) the world has said "enough"... end it... anyone notice how - within days of these IMF conversations getting started - the Iraqi Army started actually fighting and winning?? Seriously??
all that to say -
Mosul = soon
IMF agreement test for Iraq
Read More :
BGG says():There is some very interesting lingo in this article...
not that it is terribly specific... but VERY interseting...
IMF has developed a tremendous program to rewrite Iraq's ailing economy.
The fund issued on July 14 and the current document consisting of 34 pages constitute the most ambitious attempt to remake the economy of one of the Middle East.
BGG says():  While not saying " rv tomorrow" it's pretty compelling stuff...
IMF predicts growth in Middle East but warns of Brexit impact on global economy
Read More :
BGG says():  Well DUH - Iraq fully re-enters the world market and is allowed to put an accurate currency value on the Dinar ("grossly undervalued" is the term used by noted economists) they will get hit with a MASSIVE WALL of investment capital.
not my words - their own economist use this same "phrasing"...
Abadi accept the seventh resignation of a minister in his government
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BGG says():This goes back to the SJC set back suffered by Abadi about "how" he got the "reshuffle" started (by removing those guys)... Looks like he has somehow "persuaded" them to "voluntarily resign"
he will get his "technocratic GOI" sooner rather than later.
BTW - just an off the cuff riff here...
regarding the "delays" - yes, there have been real delays - but not the kind inferred by the ding-a-lings on the internet...
david334 says():lol
BGG says():stop and think... half of Iraq was under the control of a hostile force... didn't need to be - but it was...
Maliki was partially the author of it... good for his electoral hopes - he didn't have the votes, so he had to reshuffle the map a bit... that he did. Still didn't have the votes... which was my commentary all along (that's how toxic he was)...
burned all his political opponents out of their homes and still didn't have enough votes
(I overstate - but you get it...)
security HAS been an issue... plainly, there have been plans published and retracted (or "tabled") that addressed currency reform... published... a lot of that (I believe) was the previous administration. We're in much better shape now.
BGG says():  Here's a headline...
Abadi government seeks to change early next month...
that was published yesterday... which means about a week they will have things moving the right direction again... 
BGG says():  BTW - the 7th resignation piece is BIG NEWS...
keep and eye on that...
This line was from yesterday...
Spokesman parliamentary reform front: We will vote only on the ministers who have the competencies
Read More :
BGG says():Sounds like - to me... they are all on board with getting technocrats to run things... GOOD!!
Iraq: negotiations complete reshuffle kicks off today 7-21
Read More :
BGG says():Woops - sounds like the "technocrat era" started TODAY
BGG says():Carter: France will send the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to raids on ISIS
Read More :
BGG says():  Hey ISIS - get ready for some "Frenchie Payback"...
See how you like the Mirage.
Abadi urgently approve the resignation of al - Shahristani
Read More :

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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