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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wednesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » September 23rd, 2015, 1:50 pm

Wednesday News Summaries and Commentaries

Abadi first speaker summit of the United Nations against terrorism

So the news has been saying that PM Abadi will head to the US just after their upcoming holiday.....he's first up on a list of speakers talking about terrorism issues on a global scale with the United Nations......

Some think he may decide last minute not to make this trip.....but I tend to believe he will go.....probably a quick trip on his part and the part of their Foreign Minister as well....both seeking more military support from the US during this trip as well.....

But I do look for him to be back home rather quickly.....there is a great deal of work to be done......not that he is the actual one to do it....but he needs to push to get some things accomplished.....he knows the importance....and he understands how much of an impact his local presence will have if there is to be for more news.

Expert: speculators prevented the return of the dollar to 120 thousand dinars cash to shake

So speculators are who drove up prices associated with the IQD against the USD.....of course we've known that for some time.....but it sounds like the CBI is onto their game and have plans in the works to shut down their stranglehold on things as they are happening outside of the CBI.....makes me think these speculators must probably for the most part be from the Maliki camp.....from the terrorist camp.....could those be one and the same....who knows.....just put an end to their games.

Parliamentary Committee discussed the finance minister next month

The Finance Committee in Parliament will be meeting with the Finance Minister next month to try and get a better grip on the budget numbers.....especially from an investment and operating expenses standpoint......trying to wrap their heads around what numbers are being proposed for 2016 in several areas and looking for the sources of money that can be used to fund a variety of aspects of this upcoming budget.....

All the while oil prices remain uncertain....but definitely well below where they have been for a number of much do I trust the Finance Committee to do anything worthwhile about this much { } that as it may, we must unfortunately put up with their garbage......

Oh please allow PM Abadi to clean some house in Parliament....starting in this committee first.

Economist: fiscal policy in Iraq proved the Iraqi government to change Vhalha..ually

Still there is talk of corruption within the auction process.....but where is the is cheap.....sure there is without a doubt some very shady aspects to where a great deal of money has ended up.....but that is not a doing of the CBI....but instead market speculators who want to keep prices high between the IQD and the they attempt to discredit anything associated with positive work from the CBI to shut down any corrupt operations that includes any type of money laundering as well.....

With the passing of the Anti-Money Laundering Law last week, we should see some teeth being applied to areas that may have been overlooked in the far as Chalabi is concerned.....little to no trust or faith there....IMO.

The fight against money laundering

With regard to the new Anti-Money Laundering the jury still out on the law.....can this law help Iraq overcome some very serious problems they have faced for years.....lack of laws to effectively combat money laundering operations....operations that for the most part were allowed to run rampant.....largely due to whose hands were in the till to start with....

Hopefully the law will bring some solidarity to the banking sector within Iraq both for their own banks and the international banks who operate there.....this law should also provide more clarity in how to deal with those who have been using the Iraqi banking system to fund terrorism....

Hopefully all of this will be shuttered as this law is brought into play completely and requires engagement on their part and with PM Abadi's strong stance against corruption it is poised to be a game-changer for them in a big for more on this law.

Parliamentary investment: the political differences about the investment law passed will not hinder

Big news with this draft of amendments for this should be put up for a vote sometime shortly after the upcoming for this to happen.....another important law that could impact the Iraqi economy and the MR in a big way if it is passed and fully implemented....

Investors should find their road into Iraq a much easier trip than what has been experienced with red tape and much corruption in the past....make it so #1.......IMO.....this could be a part of a "package" of events leading up to 10/ not a reference to Smokey and the Bandit here.

The beginning of next month .. the opening of the first Islamic bank in the Iraq government

Here's your sign......things from a security standpoint must be looking better....improving otherwise international banks would not want to expose their assets or their employees to areas that may not be secure.....even with one branch soon to open in Fallujah, Anbar about that.

Parliamentary Finance: We are currently working to reduce the budget of 113 trillion to 105 trillion dinars

Budget work....stay focused on the budget....repeat that often....stay out of the CBI business this year.....budget cuts are never easy to do but often necessary....stick to the plan.....even though this sounds like yet another attempt at 15 minutes of fame for some Parliament member in the media....he said she said.

Well I'm going to tuck this post into the forum for the time being and let you have a read....enjoy....but don't over do things.    Aloha   Randy

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