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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-31-15

Post From Chat Room  8-31-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Chat  8-31-15

chattels: The government has major challenges to face in its implementation of reform measures, given the size of the problems in the state’s structure, disintegrating institutions, the confusion and inconsistency of laws and management’s instructions, and the deep-rooted corruption even in state regulatory systems,” ..........

chattels: In this waiting game, which could potentially turn explosive, the main victim may once again be ordinary Iraqis, who are mired not only in a war against IS in the trenches, but also corruption and factionalism at home.”   chattels:

chattels: A good article and worth the read in it's entirety.
Donnie: China worries weigh on Asia stocks, US futures

Donnie: Asian equities closed mostly lower on Monday, with the Shanghai Composite significantly paring losses amid talk that Beijing will halt its controversial market intervention.

A report by The Financial Times over the weekend said Beijing will abandon large-scale share purchases, sparking concerns over more declines for A-shares and sending Dow futures tumbling by more than 200 points in the Asian session.

Beijing may now switch its focus from intervention to stopping those it believes are "destabilizing the market," the FT report said. Suspected state firm buying has propped up A-shares in recent sessions, resulting in two straight days of 5 percent rallies in Shanghai last week.   Donnie:

chattels: The pundits that speak of reform as a foregone conclusion and as a mercurial and linear event [ progression ] are mistaken, IMO.

Donnie: totally agree. when it comes to Iraq NOTHING can be looked at as a foregone conclusion.

Donnie: look at how many times the National Guard Law has appeared on the Parliament agenda.

Donnie: I think I'll faint when i read the National Guard Law gets voted on.

chattels: ‹@Donnie› Meeting at Jobourri's house to work on a compromise sometime this week.

newbieDA: Nikkei 225 (^N225) 18,658.16 -232.32(-1.23%) Osaka Stock Exchange - As of 8:44PM EDT

newbieDA: 16,300.5 -207.5 -1.26% 0:45:22 GMT - Real-time CFD Data. Currency in USD
newbieDA: US 30 Futures that last one was

KiwiDoc: Waiting to hear of Maliki getting arrested so this RV can happen.....

chattels: ‹@KiwiDoc› I hope that our event is not dependent upon such.

KiwiDoc: I know but I believe until the fox is out of the hen house, "we have a problem Houston!"

chattels: " XXXX " : For anyone not understanding - once Medhat al-Mahmoud is gone - Maliki has ZERO fall back position.

chattels: Why should we be concerned about a " fall back position " for someone he has said is " done " and " gone " ?

chattels: " XXXX " : But Maliki is a survivor, and it’s a mistake to count him out of Iraq’s intricate politics because he is losing his post as vice president and he faces a potential trial. Maliki still has a base of support among some Shi’ite factions and militias that view Abadi as weak and too eager to offer concessions to Iraq’s Sunni minority.

chattels: What a change of position ! ?

chattels: INA stresses necessity of supporting ISF, reforms Baghdad (AIN) –The Iraqi National Alliance stressed the necessity of supporting the Iraqi Security Forces and the reforms.

Statement by the INA received by AIN" The political commission of the INA held a meeting in presence of Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, to discuss the latest updates in Iraq." "The participants stressed the necessity of supporting the ISF and the activating the latest decisions over the reforms."   chattels:

chattels: " .......... activating the latest decisions over the reforms."

chattels: Clearly the announced reforms are a process requiring supportive action beyond Abadi's decisions / directives.

chattels: activation / implementation seems always to  be the challenge for Iraq

chattels: Again I say that reform is a process and requires legislative action and constitutional conformity. It is not a foregone conclusion because of any Abadi announcement / declaration.

chattels: Baghdad (AIN) –Minister of the Human Rights described the decision taken by Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi, over canceling the HR Ministry along with some ministries as "Unconstitutional".

 Bayati stated in a statement "We support the reforms due to their importance in correcting the current situation in Iraq." "Canceling the HR Ministry is against the reforms where it is unconstitutional decision,"   chattels:

chattels: How will the Judiciary respond ? Constitutional or not ?

chattels: Ignoring the rule of law in the name of reform is not reform - it is anarchy or despotism.

chattels: Seemingly " innocuous " violations of the constitution / rule of law make for a dangerous precedent and subject Iraq to the prospect of a new authoritarian regime.

chattels: Am I a voice " crying in the wilderness " ?

chattels: AGHDAD / Nina / ended a five Kurdish parties the main deliberations of the meeting today in Arbil on how to elect a president of the region and decided to hold a second meeting next Sunday.

The head of the Office of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Fuad Hussein province at a news conference today that he has been thrown several mechanisms to choose the president of the region first of choosing the head of the province by referendum or elected by the Parliament of Kurdistan to one of the first two mechanisms to get the votes of 50 plus one, or by a majority.

 He explained that the Kurdish parties if they failed to reach an agreement on the matter will be going to early elections and said that the next meeting will be held after return representatives of the parties to their leaders to study the options and the development of priority when each party so that we can reach an agreement, noting that the meeting saw a demand to stop media campaigns between the parties, ".


chattels: " ................ the head of the coalition of law Ali al-Adeeb, announced today the start of tour New talks between the heads of political blocs on the National Guard Law, stressing that the main point of disagreement that have not been agreed upon is the regional National Guard squad."


chattels: This is the first reference that I have seen to " the head of the coalition of law Ali al-Adeeb,....... "

chattels: the coalition of law is Mr. Maliki's party
chattels: but Ali al-Adeeb is Maliki's man

Donnie: Europe Shows Interest In Trade As Economic Sanctions In Iran Have Been Lifted
Donnie: As the Western economic sanctions on Iran have been officially revoked, Europe has seen a great potential for trade in technology and other goods in the country.  Donnie:

Donnie: don't tell congress. Congress believes they have to vote in the sanctions being lifted yet....

Donnie: i think congress needs to get on the internet to see what's really going on around the world.

chattels: Tue Sep 01 2015 03:05 | (Voice of Iraq) - Basra demanded the president for Provincial Affairs Torhan adviser Mufti Prime Minister single-Abadi remedy the constitutional violation resulting from the cancellation of the post of Vice President of the Republic,

saying that the post constitutional Unlike the post of deputy prime ministers canceled. Mufti said in statement that the Iraqi legislator with writing the constitution put Vice-President of the Republic his representative in his absence did not give it to the Prime Minister,

 who can delegate any minister to replace him in his absence, or that the President of the Republic its work according to the Constitution. Read more:

chattels: " ......... remedy the constitutional violation resulting from the cancellation of the post of Vice President of the Republic, ...."

Donnie: is Maliki considered the "Vice President of the Republic"?
Donnie: or some one else

chattels: " ......... the Mufti that sermon religious authority in the Friday before the last stressed the compliance reforms to the constitution and not violating its provisions and jump him indicating that he was the Prime Minister refer to the President of the Republic before the announcement of the reforms, especially regarding the abolition of the post of Vice President of the Republic."

chattels: ‹@Donnie› Maliki is / was one of three vice presidents

chattels: " We, the people of Iraq, who have just risen from our stumble, and who are looking with confidence to the future through a republican, federal, democratic, pluralistic system,....."

Lauren305: ‹@chattels› was it not stated repeatedly that it was a "ceremonial" post, his VicePresidency? Why now that it's unconstitutional? I'd have thought if you have a Prime Minister, the required slot would be a Deputy PM... you always have to have a spare to step into the slot

chattels: " Article 1: The Republic of Iraq is a single federal, independent and fully sovereign state in which the system of government is republican, representative, parliamentary, and democratic, and this Constitution is a guarantor of the unity of Iraq. "   chattels:

Lauren305: seems they are a little bit of everything in there. Like an omelet or a burrito. and they still can't get anything done

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› there is one VP post called for in the Iraqi constitution ( and a Deputy PM ) - the number of VP's and Dpty MP's was increased by the Parliament as a quota approach so that the main political factions were represented

chattels: the reference to " ceremonial " means that the position had no real duties or powers,IMO

chattels: did I respond to your question ?

Lauren305: yes, ceremonial was the word used. and it was done to make Maliki's power seem ineffective and non-threatening.

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› some people refer to the Iraqi Presidency itself as " ceremonial "

Lauren305: yet in the article tidbit you just posted quoting Mufti, he says the deputy PM posts were within Abadi's purview to abolish, but not the VP post.

chattels: As currently constituted, the state of Iraq had two vice presidents or deputy presidents. The office of Vice President was largely ceremonial but prestigious.  chattels:

Lauren305: Understood. thank you. Approaching it from another angle. If Abadi is unable to serve as PM, who is next in line to take over?

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› I cannot account for the Dpty MP's post as I have not focused upon it

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› I believe that the President would serve until a new MP / government was formed

Lauren305: ‹@chattels› Thank you.
Lauren305: so it runs similar to the UK. Thanks.

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› yes, Iraq uses the Westminster Model I believe

TxBrand: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate · 6h6 hours ago History will remember both #Mosul and #Amerli .. One represents disgrace/shame/dishonour and the other for Heroism  :cheerful:

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› Article 81: First: The President of the Republic shall take up the office of the Prime Minister in the event the post becomes vacant for any reason whatsoever.

TxBrand: sorta worried about a guy that post on twitter... hasn't posted in days ( from Iraq )..

TxBrand: nite

chattels: Article 69: Second: The provisions for nomination to the office of one or more Vice Presidents of the Republic shall be regulated by law.

chattels: Visser says that the constitution REQUIRES at least one vice president.
chattels: I do not see any mention of Dpty MP's in the constitution upon a cursory review.

 Lauren305: Visser is an expert in that field, I've noted. It's confusing to me that Abadi was allowed to do "reforms" at will, and no amendments made to the Constitution granting him that power. Total power engenders total corruption, as the saying goes.

 I'm all for change, especially in Iraq where nothing was getting done. I'd assumed upon reading of Abadi's sweeping rule/reforms that he held something akin to our own "Executive Orders".

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› [2015-08-31 22:47:38] chattels: Again I say that reform is a process and requires legislative action and constitutional conformity. It is not a foregone conclusion because of any Abadi announcement / declaration.

Lauren305: ‹@chattels› ok, so you said it a lot prettier than I did. lol kudos

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› You said it very well indeed.

Lauren305: now I understand why Maliki is showing such defiance. Must feel confident it can be overturned, based on law.

BOBBY: Lauren305.... dont all dictator s do that before the end?

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› [2015-08-31 22:54:23] chattels: Ignoring the rule of law in the name of reform is not reform - it is anarchy or despotism. [2015-08-31 22:56:51] chattels: Seemingly " innocuous " violations of the constitution / rule of law make for a dangerous precedent and subject Iraq to the prospect of a new authoritarian regime.

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› we are on the same page :)
chattels: Allawi, Barzani, Nujaifi and others are very concerned about the reform process.
chattels: Adolf Hitler was the great reformer of Germany. Where did that end up ?

chattels: ‹@Lauren305› Part of the reason that many of us are saying that Judicial reform is a must - beginning with the " retirement " of Medhat

chattels: It is bedtime for Bonzo here - good night all

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