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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Early Morning News / Links & Chat  9-01-15

Post From Chat Room 9-01-15
Wealthwatch Early Morning  News / Links & Chat  9-01-15

chattels: The most successful ground force so far has been the YPG, a Kurdish element, which drove ISIS out of the northern Syrian city of Kobani and other nearby cities under the cover of U.S. airstrikes. ‘

But since the U.S. struck a deal to allow combat flights from Turkey, which opposes emboldening Kurdish forces, doubts have surfaced over whether the U.S. would keep providing air support for the YPG as its seeks to take Syrian territory. ‘

So far, the YPG has not pushed for any more land, instead defending what it already has. U.S. efforts to train local forces in Syria have faltered, as well. 
The first batch of 54 fighters trained by American military forces dissolved earlier this month. Some fighters fled to back to their homes in Syria. Others were captured by al Nusra. While the U.S. military has said it’s still training fighters, privately officials concede the group has fallen far short of expectations. At one point, the U.S. planned to train 15,000 fighters in three years.  chattels:

chattels: EXCLUSIVE: Petraeus pushing to recruit al Qaeda fighters to beat ISIS. …

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 12m12 minutes ago In light of recent spectacular failure in training Syrian fighters, Petraeus's latest Syria proposal seems to go way beyond US capabilities.

chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 26m26 minutes ago Reidar Visser retweeted Noah Shachtman Petraeus: "Coopt rank-and-file members of Nusra, particularly those who don’t share all of core AQs philosophy"!

chattels: [Baghdad - where] MP for the Kurdistan Alliance Birwan Khilani said, that "there are those who take advantage of the situation to reduce the value of the parliament."

 The Khilani, told all of Iraq [where], that "there are those who take advantage of the situation to reduce the value of the parliament," noting that "the reduction of the value of Parliament reduces the value of legislation and laws, and this subject is supposed to be for the presidency of the House of Representatives stand it."

She added, " There exploitation of modern technology in order to reduce the parliamentary personal and parliamentarians, as many published referendums wondering: Do you agree to delegate Haider al-Abadi in the dissolution of parliament and the constitution? ",

pointing out that" the dissolution of parliament and the constitution means chaos, and means the abolition of the government and form an emergency facto government which creates political unrest.   chattels:

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Iraqi authorities announced Monday the state will return Arab families that were brought to disputed areas in the Khanaqin and Golala regions during the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein to their original homes.

A government delegation that visited the areas included Salim al-Jabouri, speaker of Iraqi Parliament, Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi and Darbaz Muhammad, Iraq's immigration minister.

The officials from Baghdad reached an agreement with local authorities in Khanaqin and Golala to return the Arab families not originally from the areas who were brought there by Saddam's government after the forced displacement of the original inhabitants.

In a bid to shift the demographics of northern Iraq towards Arab domination, the regime targeted Kurdish inhabitants and other minorities such as Yezidis, Assyrians, Shabaks, Armenians, Turkmen, and Mandeans. These minority groups endured mass displacement and cultural assimilation.

The Khanaqin and Golala regions had previously been inhabited by non-Arab minorities, most notably Kurds. The areas were later "Arabized" by evicting the locals and bringing in Arab tribes.

chattels: The issue over the territories disputed between KRG and Baghdad was meant to be solved through a referendum in those areas.

According to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution, a referendum should be held to ascertain whether those Arabized regions should be attached to the Kurdistan region or stay within Iraq.

The former Iraqi regime engaged in the active expulsion of minorities from the mid-1970s. In 2001, the United Nations recorded a total of 805,505 displaced persons living in the Kurdish provinces of Erbil, Duhok, and Sulaimani.   chattels:

chattels: WASHINGTON DC—Former Vice President Dick Cheney, blamed on Monday the Obama administration for turning its back on Iraq, saying the complete withdrawal of US troops had left a vacuum that was filled by the Islamic State (ISIS).

“I think the spread of ISIS was the direct result of the vacuum that was created when the Obama administration withdrew all our forces from Iraq,” said Cheney in an interview with CBS news.

“We turned our backs on Iraq. We had Iraq in good shape by the time we left office. Even Obama said as much,” he added.   chattels:

chattels: Controversy continues over how to cut up Kirkuk BAGHDAD — While the Kurds think of the oil-rich province of Kirkuk as the “Jerusalem of Kurdistan,” since the adoption of the 2005 Iraqi Constitution, the Turkmens have been calling for a special status that preserves the city’s ethnic pluralism. Read more:

chattels: “The city has 22% of Iraq's oil and contains large amounts of natural gas, sulfur and integrated oil infrastructure. Its territory is among the most fertile Iraqi territories and is suitable for the cultivation of strategic crops such as cotton, corn, wheat and barley.

The city also has natural water resources from rivers, groundwater and giant irrigation projects that were implemented during the 1950s and 1960s and started operating in the mid-80s.

Therefore, the conflict over the city is in essence a wealth struggle before anything else.” Read more:

chattels: Tariq Harb: amend the constitution natural, realistic and necessary is 08/31/2015 11:38

chattels: "The many claims issued by the demonstrators and several political forces need to work to scrap the current constitution and work on writing a constitution New on the grounds that the current Constitution was written in haste and in the period of the US occupation of the country and Pat Ainsjm and aspirations of the citizen and the state work paths .

chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / MP for the coalition / Iraq / Mehdi al-Hafez: "The current Constitution is no longer valid, because it is prepared in the abnormal conditions and the conditions of external interference."

Al-Haafiz said in a statement to the Iraqi News / Nina / that the National Agency "was necessary to Constitution is amended for a long time, as stated in the last article, but it is not. "

He added:" There are serious differences in the interpretation of some articles of the constitution, between the provincial government and the federal government on oil and gas, and there is a mismatch views between them on the state-federal framework ,

there are problems in terms of individual freedoms of citizens, and we are seeing from day to day a lot of abuses in this area, "adding that" all of these issues collectively make the Constitution is MLB national need at the present time.

"On the legal basis to take the Prime Minister decision cancel or freeze the Constitution, said Hafiz: "The prime minister made ​​decisions, away from the Constitution and in isolation from the House of Representatives, said that several times," ....................

chattels: "The prime minister made ​​decisions, away from the Constitution and in isolation from the House of Representatives, .......... "

 chattels: "was necessary to Constitution is amended for a long time, as stated in the last article, but it is not.

 "He added:" There are serious differences in the interpretation of some articles of the constitution, between the provincial government and the federal government on oil and gas, and there is a mismatch

 chattels: Political Submit    Frankincense confirms the existence of desire of all the political blocs to amend some paragraphs of the Constitution 08/31/2015 11:20 BAGHDAD / Nina / The head of the independent parliamentary bloc honest frankincense "and there is a desire among all the political blocs to amend some paragraphs of the Constitution."

chattels: The amendment of the constitution will be a procedural and substantive nightmare, IMO.

chattels: But, they may have to choose their nightmare, the current constitution or a new / amended one.

chattels: The current constitution is likely the greatest obstacle to an HCL law because of the radically different interpretations by the GOI and the KRG, both of which have validity in the fundamental differences of states / regional rights vs. the central government. We have seen this playing out for years now.

chattels: BAGHDAD / Nina / MP for the coalition of state law nostalgia Qadu rejected all of the National Alliance blocks the National Guard link governorates because of fears of compromising on the sons of the popular crowd and the Islamic Resistance rights.

chattels: " ........ the most important problem hindering approval of the National Guard Law concerning the attachment Guard General Commander of the forces Armed and if what has been agreed on that the political blocs will go a long way in the way the law was passed.

The House of Representatives has postponed yesterday's approval of the draft National Guard law because of differences of political blocs on it where it was decided to convene a meeting at the home of House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri next Monday to resolve points of contention . "   chattels:

chattels: The Kurds will not allow the Peshmarga to be led / controlled by Arabs / Baghdad and the Sunni want a peshmarga of their own, IMO

chattels: Kirkuk / Nina / confirmed secretary-general of the Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri: "The liberalization of the areas occupied by Daash is the uniformity of the Iraqi people and the rejection of sectarianism."

Amery said in a speech festivities held in the hand Amerli Kirkuk on the occasion of the anniversary "that we have many battles to liberate the rest of the city from the control of most important stubble Bashir, and Hawija and the remaining parts of Baiji.

whitelions: ‹@chattels› I agree


chattels: ‹@whitelions› Is Parliament adjourned until Thursday ?

whitelions: no till the 8 th witch is a tusday
whitelions: sad I know but if they can hammer out the NG it will be worth it

chattels: ‹@whitelions› the whole of the next week ?

 whitelions: yes

chattels: this is like watching paint dry, eh ? :)

whitelions: we are at a tipping point and it's hard to watch they need the NG to pass for the gates to open wide

whitelions: Juborie is going do far as to have a meeting at his home so they can fight in privet

chattels: the Peshmarga is essential to the Kurdish ideas of independence - it will take some creative and exceptional compromise to accommodate them and such compromise may undermine the whole point of a uniform law

whitelions: I wish I could spell lol

chattels: :)

whitelions: ‹@chattels› I know I hope that is the reasoning behind the home meeting so they can speak openly and truly work out an agreement

whitelions: it has worked in the past

chattels: actually even the Peshmarga itself is a divided controlled by different factions within the KRG and not completely united historically

chattels: the common enemy of DAESH has ameliorated those differences recently and likely only temporally

whitelions: but now is the time in history that they need to come together to save the people
whitelions: imo

chattels: the problem is that the Kurds do not really think that Iraq, as we know it and some want it to exist, can be saved

whitelions: thats a very big common ground look what they are losing not just in iraq but the whole MI in general

chattels: there are definitional differences as to " we the people ", IMO
chattels: who is the " we " ?

chattels: the problem may be that the idea of having greater national entities does not and will not fit the " tribal " / and splintered notions of the identifying peoples

whitelions: they are fighting the million year war thats for sure and the only reason that we as dinarians are even intrested is monetarily as far as the we they are the only ones that can answer that

chattels: ‹@whitelions› agreed, at the end of the day it is all about " us " for the most part, eh ?

whitelions: ‹@chattels› that may have been the case in the past But since I have been in this I have watched them come so far ahead that I do believe they are at that coming together point
whitelions: ok back Three presidencies agree on the legislation of the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws......Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: agreed the three presidencies, 

the legislation of the National Guard and the Federal Court and national reconciliation laws, emphasizing the implementation of reforms in accordance with the Constitution and the law.

 A presidential statement received "tomorrow Press", "The President of the Republic Fuad Masum, the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, gathered at the Peace Palace in Baghdad on Monday evening and discussed with him the security situation and file reforms and ways to strengthen state-building and issues related to the completion of legislation,"

 noting "The meeting expressed their support for practical steps that meet the interests of the Iraqi people to accomplish what was voted on government and parliamentary reforms."

chattels: i would like to believe such, but while I continue to hope, my optimism is tempered by arguably better judgment and prior observation / experience. at the end of the day it may be a " woulda, coulda, shoulda " event. many of my contmporaries have refused to invest in Iraq because of the conviction that they cannot pull this off in the near(er) term.

chattels: we shall see. without great risk there is seldom a great reward, eh ?

whitelions: if so than our children will Harriett our dinar with a note not to throw away and check every once in a while

whitelions: lol in harriett
whitelions: what ever you know what I mean lol

chattels: :) , yes it may have to be a multi-generational " event "
chattels: ‹@whitelions› " inherit " :)

whitelions: ty ty ty  :grin:

chattels: " in " or " out of " Harriet :)
chattels: I am bad :)

whitelions: I'm off to get some house work done before posting chattels you are bad lolk

chattels: ‹@whitelions› laterz :)

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