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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Afternoon / Evening Chat   9-01-15

Post From Chat Room  9-01-15
Wealthwatch Afternoon / Evening Chat   9-01-15

 chattels: " .......... called Hamoudi in a press release today, all politicians to move away from the approach to question the institutions of a constitutional state, and letters of political miscarriage unjustly, that do not serve the reform process, but dragging the country into the maze will not benefit only Almitrbeson bad for Iraq and its people ..

 "The battle face Daash is still in full swing and you need to cohesion and save the power of the state, "noting that" the country is in a critical stage and needs us to unite and awareness of malignant schemes that are trying to determine how the constitutional institutions and weaken and destabilize the state-building and called into question the integrity of everyone and not to differentiate those who serve the people and the other. chattels:

chattels: I read the foregoing as a " call " to quit finger pointing and scapegoating and address the greater issues.

chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - President Masoud Barzani is holding a meeting Tuesday with several Kurdish political parties that did not participate in the last five meetings that were held to solve the current impasse over the disputed presidency of the Kurdistan region.


chattels: News is sparse on the front with DAESH in Ramadi, Anbar province and elsewhere generally. Is there something afoot ? bbl

SWSD: Hey all. What's the latest news on Dinar Corp or an other dealer? Are they all out of business, or can you still buy from them. What about reserves, are they ALL not doing those anymore?

SWSD: ‹@Doug_W› No I'm not looking to buy anymore dinar. I just wanted to know if others were shut down, and/or if DC was still shut down. Could take that as a sign

Doug_W: have no clue

SWSD: Are you kidding me???I will NEVER do a reserve anyway lol lol

Doug_W: I just did a search for "Buy DINAR"
Doug_W: they came up
Doug_W: ME too

 SWSD: I always thought in my mind's eye that there wouldn't be an rv until reserves stopped

Donnie: ‹@SWSD› do a google search to find other Dinar sellers
Donnie: their out there

SWSD: Like I said, I don't want to buy any more dinar. I just thought people in here would know

 MichelleL: treasury vault
MichelleL: hello friends
MichelleL: hey dude, how come you're not out there surfing? lol

SWSD: Im talking dealers. Are there any more of those out there? What ever happened to Dinar Banker?

SWSD: ‹@MichelleL› been a few shark sitings last week :o

MichelleL: treasury vault is a dealer sw
 MichelleL: lol be careful out there

SWSD: ‹@MichelleL› not the kind im talking about

MichelleL: they're dinar dealers, have you seen their site?

SWSD: 2 10+ft hammerheads satureday and sunday

MichelleL: i clicked on it just out of curiosity yesterday
MichelleL: neno's is advertising them, he was an original dinar trade arm


MichelleL: they'll also sell you zimbabwe and iran

SWSD: I was curious about DB because they used to be at LAX, and you could exchange there IF we ever got what we were looking for

MichelleL: ‹@SWSD› nice! i'll keep my kayak out of the water - bathtubs are safe ;)
MichelleL: DB and sterling seem to be up in smoke, but who knows
MichelleL: ‹@SWSD› who are you talking to? do we have to worry about cashing in any year soon? lol

SWSD: dont you mean decade? lol

MichelleL: ‹@SWSD› i may mean that lol

SWSD: there was also an unconfirmed report of a shark thrashing a seal over by where I surf normally on Sunday

SWSD: lady said she watched it from her window
SWSD: unconfirmed

MichelleL: sw seems like you're stuck inside with your tv and "sharknado"

Lauren305: Alliance forces offers' signed by 55 deputies request to display gen amnesty law Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations Hassan Chuird...Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: Iraqi forces said coalition, on Monday, bringing more than 55 signatures to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives to offer a general amnesty law on the agenda for discussion and voting on it.

A member of the Iraqi forces union, Hassan Chuird at a news conference with the participation of a number of deputies Forces Union, attended by "tomorrow Press," that "the Congress alliance provided signed by 55 deputies to the Presidency for the inclusion of a general amnesty law on the agenda, a request," noting that " demand it in many ways, including the many suffering in prisons and the existence of some innocent prisoners ".

He noted that "the other face is the demands of our fans and positive message from the House of Representatives and the government to deal with the masses requirements seriously, and message reassurance that we are striding towards the interests of the masses that the law is entitled to the right of the oppressed and get them out of prison as soon as possible and to compensate them due to their period if they are wronged."

He stressed that "our demands are not with those who worked to secure the destruction of Iraq and the economy, and we are most people to legally punished."  Bad Link

The requested URL /translat...-55-%25D9%258 was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

Tootsie: BING TRANSLATION Assignment of file corruption to 13,500 integrity and a new list of the names of the travel banBaghdad-Iraq-1 September: parliamentary integrity Commission announced Tuesday that it delivered more than 13 thousand and 500 reported cases and corrupted files to the integrity Commission could seek significant funds to state coffers.

He said the Committee's Chairman Talal Al-zubaie told reporters in Baghdad, that "these are issues and corrupted files, some of which were settled and the other is still in the process of research and investigation for the spoilers."

He added that "there are lists of travel ban includes 334 Government and political, including 20 ministers and 313 degrees", adding that "other new listings to prevent travel by officials will be issued during the period ahead."

"The field teams of secret parliamentary Committee and Commission of integrity is pursuing contracts for Defense and interior ministries, as well as a joint Commission to follow up the file properties of the State and the Central Bank". Finished (1)

Tootsie: Jubouri expresses concern about the "migration of young people" abroad and criticized the silence of the concerned authorities01/09/2015 17:42 Long-Presse / Baghdad , Joined Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, on Tuesday to the list of those who have expressed concern about the phenomenon of migration of young people to the outside, while criticized the "complete silence" to the concerned authorities that slide and responsible for them, and its failure to provide any advance solutions or interest in solving its problems, called to take quick measures to prevent a worsening of the subject and reinforce confidence in the future of young people "and promising a decent life" in their country.

He urged more young people to stick to their land. Jubouri said in a press statement received (range Press) copy of it, said he was "distressed adult to see the country lose the finest of his youth and highlighted his energies and the source of its strength over the growing phenomenon of migration to other countries", criticizing what "accompanied by a painful event of total silence from the concerned authorities this segment and responsible for them,

 which is supposed to provide advance solutions or be worthy of drawing attention to image less severe than those established in the minds of young people who have found in the Immigration and left the country a solution to their problems and have an outlet renewed hope for a better future. " CONT ~

Tootsie: Baghdad Municipality opened a factory for the manufacture of "iron containers" card 9000 units per year 01/09/2015 13:37Long-Presse / Baghdad Baghdad Municipality announced the opening of a new plant for the manufacture of iron and production of waste collection containers card (9) thousands of units per year, while noting that the opening of the plant will contribute to the secretariat good amounts of money.

The Secretariat said in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "of the Secretariat of Baghdad production units department opened a new factory for the production and manufacture of iron containers for waste collection capacity (1 m3) capacity of up to 9 thousand containers annually are processed circuits Municipality Baghdad municipality for distribution to the streets of the capital and areas without reliance on the private sector and the import of foreign origins ".

The statement added that "the opening of this plant will provide a good amount of the Secretariat, especially with the reality of austerity and lack of financial allocations,"

noting that "carpentry and blacksmithing workshops in the lab mentioned completed during the last manufacturing Duration (500) Container metric-plated silver-colored high technical specifications, according to measurements required in CABSAT hygiene performance of work within the municipal districts and bearing the logo of hygiene awareness and phrases CONT

Tootsie: BING ~Parliamentary Assistant ltdeyev Abadi next week Bghadda-press Iraq-1 September: the halls of the Iraqi Council of representatives actively sought ltdeyev, Prime Minister Haidar Abadi, next week on reform projects initiated to implement early last month.

He said the KDP, Ardalan Noureddine, WordPress//Iraq, today, citizens despite objections from that "a large number of collected signatures to submit a formal request to the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies, to host Al-Abadi and accountability about reforms".

Nureddin said that "the presence of Al-Abbadi to Parliament would next week, has been creating all the necessary preparations, leaving only a day for hosting".

Recall that Abbadi, (9/8/2015) political and administrative reforms package, notably the abolition of the posts of Vice-Presidents of the Republic and the Prime Minister, and the abolition of special allocations of presidencies, bodies and institutions of the State. And Congress voted to approve reform packages of Abadi and Parliament. Finished (1) { More }

Tootsie: Parliament to resume Tuesday Sept 8, 2015 ~~~ From Parliament House of Representatives finish reading three bills ~ 08/30/2015 at end of details ~

In another matter, Mr. Iaram Sheikh Mohammed, Vice President of the Council announced the postponement of the vote on the draft law of the National Guard, noting that the talks between the parliamentary blocs continuing so far to agree on the law.

And then it decided to adjourn the meeting to next Tuesday 08/09/2015 The information department Iraqi Council of Representatives 08/30/2015

Tootsie: Take care ~ A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort ~ Albright - LOL

nobody: whats positive about Iraq? lol
nobody: Don't mind me, I'm nobody lol

Stash: Everybody is somebody in Luckenbach, Tx
Stash: That's what the sign there says

TxBrand: Satellite Images Show ISIS Destruction of Ancient Temple


TxBrand: Daesh stronghold of Siniya west of Baiji is fully encircled by ISF & Shia led Hashed

BOBBY: ERBIL, Iraq (Reuters) - Kurdish authorities said on Tuesday they suspected a homemade rocket fired by Islamic State at their peshmerga forces in northern Iraq contained chemical substances, accusing the Islamist insurgents of an increasing use of chemical weapons. 

The Kurdistan Region's Security Council (KRSC) said the attack had taken place along the front line north of Mosul on Aug. 31, and one peshmerga fighter was receiving treatment in hospital. 

A "considerable amount" of yellow smoke was produced, it said. Samples taken from the site of another attack earlier this year tested positive for chlorine, and at least two other incidents are being investigated. "This is one of an increasing number of attacks in recent months suspected of carrying chemical substances," the KRSC said in a statement. 

"We remain deeply concerned with the escalation and delivery method of these attacks, and urgently call on the International Coalition to provide protective equipment to peshmerga forces," it said, referring to the foreign powers, led by the United States, supporting the fight against Islamic State. 

The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in The Hague has expressed its concern about the alleged use of chemical weapons in the region but has said either Baghdad or the U.N. Security Council would have to make a request if the OPCW were to investigate.

Doug_W: wow inhuman they are
Doug_W: SIGH...

BOBBY: amazing how this is going on

Doug_W: U mean how long Bobby?
Doug_W: wb bobby

BOBBY: Just the fact this group is using chem weapons , but then i guess its not if you look at the big picture

Doug_W: sad is all I can say
Doug_W: modern day Hitler

BOBBY: exactly......
BOBBY: funny how people think there not a threat

 lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› when curt schilling made his comment about Islamist's being on the same level as the nazi's he was correct !

BOBBY: i hate to think what they will do to fulfill there agenda

Doug_W: they have NO limits or moral boudaries

 lonegunman: hitler had made the grand mufti Hajj { Amin} Al - husseini general of the balken state's muslum population ! hitler had also made the statement he like the Islamic opinion of the jew's as he did ,.as in annialation

BOBBY: What i would love to know is just how deep Maliki s ties run with this group

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› if there is any, he is a shia ,, Isis is sunni

lonegunman: ‹@BOBBY› but it does seem that he let them have free rein in Iraq

BOBBY: isis needs to be exterminated

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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