Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Tuesday Afternoon


  Fiscal year begins in USA Oct. 1. Whether they are still bantering or ready to roll wont matter by the 3rd week. Everything in Government local city, state, etc...will be concluded for the new year by the middle of the month...

[patriot1490] :
  Rule 48 has been invoked today that will shut down the markets if panic selling is detected. I think the breaking point is 500pts from what I remember. This rule was put into place back in 2008 when the market dropped 1,000 pts in one day with no explanation.

JerseyKathy:  I’ve said before and continue to the U.S. Waiting for this Fiscal Year to end on 9/30/15 for easier bookkeeping?
Iko Ward:  For all in Dinarland, red is the new green……Not sure if today is the day but pretty sure this week is the week.

  KEEPING SCORE: The Dow Jones industrial average lost 357 points, or 2.1 percent, to 16,177 as of 10:02 a.m. Eastern time. The Standard & Poor's 500 index lost 41 points, or 2.1 percent, to 1,931 and the Nasdaq composite fell 83 points, or 2.8 percent, to 4,691.

Iko Ward:  FTSE just broke 3%

CharlieOK:  As I understand it, Iraq (Abadi) has tried to push the button several times; to no avail. This shows me that (at least Abadi) feels that all conditions precedent for the RV of Iraq's curreny is done. However because this is a global transaction/event, other factors are at work, and the RV "meal" isn't quite ready yet.

  As I have been watching this it becomes less complicated. The hyper-inflated market had to be brought down to reality before the new system can be implemented.


BigE-13B:  Rothschild’s IMF May Be Erased

BRICS create “New Silken World Order” to bypass West’s monetary stranglehold.

By Ronald L. Ray —

In July, world-changing events occurred, portending the approaching end of Zionist-Anglo-American financial and geopolitical hegemony, but they were ignored deliberately by most Western media. On July 8-9, the seventh summit of the Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) took place in Ufa, Russia. There, the long-heralded New Development Bank(NDB) was brought finally into existence. However, it was not until July 21, following the official opening in Shanghai, that a few media outlets could force themselves to report half-heartedly about it.

Thanks, however, to analysis by the German-language website "National Journal" ,” AMERICAN FREE PRESS can bring to readers the deeper significance of the above events.

Die Welt set the tone on July 25: “Now the battle begins for the global monetary system. The foundation of the ‘New Development Bank’ could cause the global financial system to totter.”

As its own website states, the NDB is a “multilateral development bank operated by the BRICS countries . . . as an alternative to the existing U.S.-dominated World Bank and International Monetary Fund [IMF].” It is thus a sort of declaration of financial war against the international banking cartel owned and controlled by the Rothschild family.

The NDB's stated goal is in direct opposition
to the Zionist stranglehold on nations, their peoples and their resources: “The purpose of the bank shall be to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging market economies and developing countries to complement the existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.”

Since the infamous Bretton Woods agreement after World War II, which created the IMF and World Bank, the U.S. dollar has been the world’s reserve currency—the one nations have needed to engage in international trade, especially for oil.

This has been a boon for the bankers, but not for smaller nations. The final knot in the financial noose was deregulation of commodities futures under former President William Jefferson Clinton, enabling the derivatives insanity.

As “National Journal” points out, IMF and World Bank “help” for developing countries always requires those nations to punish their people through “austerity,” while imposing “free trade” and “privatization” of various government enterprises, like public utilities and water supplies, to the detriment of the populace. Basically, the banksters become hidden dictators and seize the nation’s wealth. Multiple African countries that formerly fed themselves, for example, became dependent on giant multinational corporations, as local businesses were forced out and high prices starved the masses.

By contrast, the NDB is a positive alternative, whose charter prohibits wild speculation with funds and thus prevents profiteering. Mutual benefit for all parties is sought, not the unbridled exploitation and impoverishment of the common man exercised by the IMF and World Bank. The NDB is intended to create real wealth, not a mere transfer of wealth. As such, it may soon become the lender of choice for those nations tired of IMF piracy.

There is also no doubt that the NDB is intended to break the spine of Zio-American world hegemony. Former German Finance Minister Oskar Lafontaine once quoted former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Henry “Larry” Summers: “The IMF is an instrument of American global policy,” intended to preserve U.S. economic and military supremacy in the world. And it is no secret that the BRICS nations seek to break free of that enslavement.

But the effort to create a Eurasian economic community, free of Western financial shackles, does not stop with the NDB. Russia and China are developing an alternative gold market, founded on physical possession of that commodity, not pieces of paper.

More significantly, there is ever-broadening military coordination and mutual support through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) , which currently comprises China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, India and Pakistan. Recently, Egypt and Iran have expressed interest in joining.

That has the weasels of Wall Street terrified. The Rothschilds never take threats to their debt-slavery empire lying down. The idea of billions of people free of their usurious chains is intolerable, but billions of free people with massive military might to defend themselves have the financial pharaohs frantic.

“National Journal” suggests this explains Barack Hussein Obama’s opening to Iran, which is a critical geostrategic crossroads. In order to save their empire, the banksters have left even Israel in the lurch. That same terror may also be behind many of the recent “spontaneous” demonstrations by “hundreds of thousands” of Brazilians against their president.
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How America Can Link its Currency Back to Gold Standard
Judy Shelton, Ph.D. closed out the conservative Jackson Hole Summit this past weekend by offering a practical pathway to re-restore the U.S. dollar as a gold-backed currency without economic disruption by having the Fed pledge about 7 percent of America’s gold in Fort Knox as collateral to issue gold-convertible Treasury Bonds.

Dr. Shelton argued that by allowing the U.S. monetary system to be administered by a group of supposed experts, the policies they implement will better serve the interests of the experts than those of the American people.

She believes Americans want their money to function as a useful tool for measuring value, not as the means through which government attempts to implement economic and social policy.This is especially true, if that social policy primarily benefits crony capitalists.

Shelton further argues that since 1970, the Federal Reserve’s central planning has resulted in 90 percent of Americans seeing no inflation-adjusted income growth, while the top 10 percent of Americans saw their inflation-adjusted income more than tripled. Many economists believe the reason the top 10 percent have benefited is because they have the resources to game the Fed’s monetary policies to maximize their own returns.

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman praises the 1950s and 1960s as the time when America was at its best, with a strong middle-class and lower income inequality. But he tries to ignore the fact that Bretton Woods system for monetary and exchange rate management from 1947 to 1971 featured the U.S. dollar as a gold-backed reserve currency that required the U.S. dollar to be exchangeable into gold. Nevertheless, Krugman regularly writes in his New York Times op-eds of his disdain for any consideration of gold-linked money as a return to a barbaric relic.

French economist Thomas Piketty, in his book lamenting the rise of income-inequality, Capital in the 21st Century, also describes the two decades from 1950 to 1970 as the “golden age of growth for Europe.” But he never mentions in his 700 page book the near-perfect correlation between this golden age of growth and the U.S. dollar as a gold-backed reserve currency. Piketty’s income inequality only ballooned after President Nixon supposedly took the U.S. dollar temporarily off the gold-standard in 1971.

Dr. Shelton highlights that during the years leading up to the 2008 Global Financial Crisis that without a gold-backed dollar, we had economic “volatility, persistent imbalances, disorderly capital movements, currency misalignments, currency wars and capital controls.” In her opinion, the record demonstrates that “[w]e had no system.”

She advocates moving back to the gold standard to curtail dysfunctional monetary policies that rely on the whims of a group of establishment insiders.

Shelton does acknowledge that many who would support a gold-standard worry that “central banks are so firmly entrenched as agencies of government, headed by government-appointed officials, with near-total discretionary authority, that forging an alternative approach or even putting modest restraints on their power is difficult.” To counter concerns that such a move would cause serious short-term economic disruption, she suggests that a free-market path toward sound money could be forged through a set of painless intermediate steps that would involve no economic risks.

The United States has a reported 644 million troy ounces of gold in its various depositories, including at Ft. Knox and the New York Federal Reserve branch. The current value of that gold is a little more than half of the $1.33 trillion in U.S. paper currency (Federal Reserve Notes) in circulation. Dr. Shelton suggests that the U.S. Treasury issue the equivalent of 44 million ounces of “gold-convertible” Treasury bonds. The bonds would be equivalent to regular 5-year Treasuries, but the face value would be redeemable at the option of the bondholder into dollars or a fixed amount of gold. Bondholders would gain protection from losing purchasing power, and the government would be able to pay much lower interest costs.

Shelton believes the beauty of a gold-convertible Treasury bond in the marketplace is that it would quickly move up in price as regular Treasury bonds fall every time the Fed tried to finance deficit-spending and other games that debase the currency. That would alert the public and make it wildly difficult for Congress and the Fed to engage in such actions.

The organization that would object to the most to gold-convertible sovereign bonds is the International Monetary Fund, Shelton says. “After Bretton Woods ended in 1971, the IMF changed its rules to allow members to do anything they want on exchange rates: float, join a currency bloc, peg to a basket of currencies, whatever. The one exception is that IMF members are not allowed to peg their currency to gold.”

Dr. Shelton closed the conference with a story about having next to Milton Friedman at the Stanford’s Hoover Institution in the 1990s. Friedman blamed the “large, sometimes violent movements in exchange rates” with government interventions that became possible after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971. Friedman concluded: “A true gold standard–a unified currency–is indeed consistent with free trade.”



Walkingstick:  Economic parliamentary: the investment law will pass next week
In economic news September 1, 2015

He confirmed a member of the economic and investment commission parliamentary Najiba Najib said the investment law will pass through the parliament sessions next week.

She said Najib "The investment law does not have any political dispute it and there is a will by the House of Representatives to pass this law next week," indicating that "some members of the economy want to have investment, however, the federal government and is not, however, investment authorities in the provinces and that otherwise the constitution."

It showed that "in the event of insistence pass the investment law and that the investment is, however, the federal government, we will stand against this law, everyone is calling for there to be broad powers, however, the provincial administration," adding that "the law will represent a real breakthrough in the way of fact, investment in the development of Iraq."

Still the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 when the economic and investment commission is discussed, study after it was read a first reading and is expected to be voted on during the next parliamentary session.

The House of Representatives passed in 2006, the Iraqi investment law, which it was said at the time that it would open the doors wide open to foreign investment, due to submit a lot of facilities to foreign investors, but that many foreign companies are still hesitant because of fears that the security situation is stable in Iraq, adding that the law did not give investors the right to ownership of the property the project, and equated the investor Iraqi and foreign in all the privileges, with the exception of real estate ownership, as can the investor foreign than lease the land for 50 years, subject to renewal, according to paragraph 11 of the Investment Law.

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