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Monday, September 21, 2015

BGG Newstime 9-21-15  Part 1 of 2

Bgg newstime 9/21/15  Part 1 of 2


BGG: also - if anyone would like to help out - we could use some additional Chat Copiers (and we need to work out a few adjustments soon) get a message in to Magnetlady 

BGG: I have a few comments and some very interesting news to look at...BGG: As we talked about during Round Table today - the Moody's rating is good news...

BGG: whatever it means (exactly) them having a ratings outlook is good...BGG: and by the by - it is only a "provisional rating" on their bonds only - however, it's essentially the data and info they would use on a sovereign credit rating...

BGG: great comments by rcookie earlier regarding Alaq...
Doodle Brain: I am confused by this. Here, we are putting Iraq "down" by saying that they only thing they have is "oil" and yet...We are giving them an 8% growth BECAUSE of their oil

BGG: yes and no - overall, and in light of the severity of their situation, I took this report as generally realistic...

BGG: and positive.

Doodle Brain: Please don't get me wrong...when I posted this it was a great feeling...

BGG: that is the rating by Moody's today...

Doodle Brain: Here we have all agencies giving Iraq this B rating, plus or minus whatever...Doodle Brain: we all know that they have the assets to back their currency...Doodle Brain: so "they put them down" then "they build them up"

Doodle Brain: this is where I am having the issue

Pablo: Well, it's putting us into a good Moody.

BGG: as a credit rating agency - it is vital they are reliable in their portrayal to investors.

Doodle Brain: agree. understand.

Doodle Brain: Moody's article"I expected Moody's credit rating, to increase Iraq's oil production at a rate of 10% annually to reach about 5 million barrels a day by 2019, in conjunction with the non-oil growth from 2016 recovery on wards, and this will help to raise real GDP growth rate to about 8 % per year between 2016 and 2019.

She Moody's said in a statement, that the Iraqi economy suffers from a lack of diversification, where oil accounts for 50% of GDP, and nearly 100% of exports, as the public sector dominated the non-oil sector, and the form of manufacturing and construction only 10% of GDP GDP in 2014.

In 2014, real GDP in Iraq fell by 2.1%, driven by a sharp contraction in the non-oil growth, while oil production has continued to grow by about 4.5%

Doodle Brain: so we are rating them "down" because they don't have the diversification"...but let me ask this question....

rcookie: and the only asset they have is tanking at the moment...then factor in corruption...ISIS

BGG rcookie: and in the light of all that - still a reasonably decent outlook - "stable with instituational risk" is probably an accurate picture...

BGG Doodle Brain: go ahead...

Doodle Brain: So please...If my country is full of oil and "prescious metals" (which we are not mentioning)...and if my oil, oh...I don't care if it is valued at 20 dollars, my country is rich in assets.

Doodle Brain: It doesn't have to be rice or wheat or whatever they are working on for the winter months...I have assets.Doodle Brain: AND!, I also have a neighboring country (Iran) that is willing (maybe wanting) to work with us to take "down" the common enemy.

BGG Doodle Brain: What they have "in the ground" and what they can pump, process and sell are two very different numbers... and this is their short term issue - PERIOD.

Doodle Brain: got it. That's why they have announced that they will be pumping and selling more "than the market can tolerate".

Doodle Brain: This is way above my head. I just feel like, Iran and Iraq, are working together regarding black gold...

BGG Doodle Brain: and they are still spending too much based on the 2015 deficit and bad projection of oil prices. They have short term crisis - they have discussed (privately) bridging this gap with some emergency currency move...

Doodle Brain: agreed. So then why did they agreed to cancel the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil and now INCLUDE it in the 2016 budget?

BGG Doodle Brain: however, until this political corruption is "cornered" they are still discussing options...
Doodle Brain BGG: totally agree on that.Doodle Brain BGG: the oil agreement

BGG: OK - lemme' get to a couple of pieces... and we'll open this thing up

Doodle Brain BGG: Petal to the Metal!

BGG: back to rcookie's comment from earlier...
BGG: I said - based on Alaq talking about offering LOANS to get Iraq out of the crisis...

BGG: What on the Good Green Earth is this NOOB talking about??

BGG: is this guy CRACKED??
BGG: rcookie said - You can hear the cuckoo birds!!!!

Doodle Brain BGG: he's named, NOOB. what did you expect?

BGG: and all of that to bring this point up...

BGG: the Parliamentary Finance Committee says (today) to combat money laundering is the job of the CBIBGG: except...BGG: they also realize...

BGG: ..."the parliamentary finance committee and after the rise in the dollar exchange rate, I noted "the existence of mafias supported by some political decision-makers in Iraq."

And "that there are names of accused of smuggling currency and money laundering to the Iraqi judiciary and the banking sector and the Central Bank, will be right to take legal action."...

BGG: Alaq is probably in bed with Maliki and the judiciary (according to this report)...
BGG: if the Finance Committee is putting out info like this - how long do you think it will be before they act on it?????????

Doodle Brain BGG: yesterday

BGG: they know it - it is public record - the people know it - it's in the media (which is where they do all their fighting)..


BGG: (side note - Abadi says today - he's not going to "try his reforms in the media" - he's just going to do it)BGG: Uh oh -

Doodle Brain BGG: and, "if it costs him his life." pretty strong statement today by Abadi

BGG: exactly - two more critical reports to show you...
BGG: BIGGIE HERE...BGG: Movements in the backstage of the National Alliance for change

BGG: Informed sources revealed the movements behind the scene of the National Alliance for change. Haidar Al-Abbadi, Iraqi Government after the reforms announced by the crisis raised with its partners.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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