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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Wealthwatch News Chat 7-2-15 Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room 7-2-15 Early Morning  Part 2 of 2

vtech: 3 articles out today on currency black list

 vtech: Bankers and economists warn that Iraq be included in the black list and calling for urgent reforms


jarhead: ‹@vtech› i take it this is bad?

vtech: very very bad and for real and ver serious

jarhead: darn

jarhead: how fast will this happen

vtech: 3 articles from 3 different iraq news locations on it
vtech: warning of the possibility of inclusion of Iraq in international black list in the event does not take the required reforms of the banking sector

jarhead: omg not good

jarhead: so ur sayin its just a atter of gettin off the pot right?

jarhead: matter

jarhead: and in a hurry

vtech: the timeframe for the sale of the dollar's status by 75 million dollars a day was an example of blatant interference in the Bank's policy

jarhead: cbi?

vtech: it is very serious

jarhead: stupidity of pride imo

vtech: the dollar selling process means other hand pull the dinar from the market, and this process help the central bank to curb money supply

vtech: but it's not working

jarhead: so alak needs to go

vtech: alak has nothing do with this

jarhead: get someone that knowswhat theyre doing

jarhead: oh

jarhead: guess i dont know enough about it to form an opinion lol

vtech: the best option is to edit the currency sale restrictions to stabilize prices and filling corruption

 vtech: corruption is out of hands over there

jarhead: crazy stuff

vtech: alak is only apart of that with maliki

vtech: Black list folks and it's over for a minimum of a year

vtech: minimum

vtech: these by the 15th of July characters out there have no clue

jarhead: ok

vtech: iraq still has aways to go

jarhead: i dont normally do it but wish i had a link to show a specific person in another room what ur sayin without disclosing u

jarhead: im not for sure bout all of it myself

Sam: GM i think except what I am reading is not making me a happy camper

jarhead: cause jus a lil bit ago this person said the 15th

jarhead: or by the 15th

jarhead: excuse me

vtech: there's articles out today on blacklist and

vtech: Money Laundering Act avoids serious damage to Iraq

jarhead: thank so much

jarhead: i want all to have an understanding

jarhead: we may be i diff rooms but have the same ending goal again thank u

vtech: Bankers and economists warn that Iraq be included in the black list and calling for urgent reforms


 vtech: Black listing is a REAL thing

vtech: Reform must happen and very very fast


jazzyblue: i was told in another room when i asked them in private .......(the big person of that chat site) ..........when these blacklists articles first came out...........i was told in no uncertain terms that this blacklist is not real and it was a bunch of i researched it........and low and behold there is such a thing ........

[11:00:20 AM] TxBrand: ‹@jazzyblue›  :ninja: thumbs up

[11:02:40 AM] jazzyblue: The FATF blacklist was the common shorthand description for the Financial Action Task Force list of "Non-Cooperative Countries or Territories" (NCCTs); i.e., countries which it perceived to be non-cooperative in the global fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.

Although non-appearance on the blacklist was perceived to be a mark of approbation for offshore financial centres (or "tax havens") who are sufficiently well regulated to meet all of the FATF's criteria, in practice the list included countries that did not operate as offshore financial centres.

The FATF updates the blacklist regularly, designating countries to be added or deleted.

The term "non-cooperative" was sometimes criticized as misleading, as a number of the countries which appeared on the list simply lacked the infrastructure or resources to cope with relatively sophisticated financial criminals who try to operate there.

Since 2008 the FATF has, at the behest of G20 leaders, installed a more analytical process of identifying jurisdictions deficient in their anti-money laundering (AML) and anti-terrorist financing regimes.

jazzyblue: THAT is a blacklist

 www.fatf-gafi.orgs/... that is the FATF site if you look on the right hand side of it you will see Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: on-going processs and iraq IS on that list :) ty (jazzyblue)

 jazzyblue: sorry hit a wrong key lol

 www.fatf-gafi.orgs/... (jazzyblue)

azzyblue: sorry the link does not want to post

whitelions: ‹@jazzyblue› is this the site you wanted us to see ?

jazzyblue: and no it was a certain part of that site

jazzyblue: the part that shows that iraq is NOT making adequate progress at this point

azzyblue: but ty for the main site link

whitelions: your welcome

jazzyblue: and the fact that a blacklist DOES exsist, contrary to common misconceptive belief by some

whitelions: ‹@jazzyblue› I'm going through the site and under country's Iraq is not on the list

whitelions: ‹@jazzyblue› I don't see compliance ongoing

azzyblue: thats why i was trying to get the link directly to that page

azzyblue: it shows on the right hand side

azzyblue: okay on the home page hit the one that says topics

azzyblue: then hit the one that says high risk and non cooperative jurisdictions

[07/02/2015 11:38:03 AM] whitelions: under what category would it be topics countries or documents

azzyblue: at the top of the home page you will see topics

jazzyblue: click that

azzyblue: then find the one that says non cooperative

 www.fatf-gafi.orgs/... (Donnie)

 www.fatf-gafi.orgs/... (whitelions)

jazzyblue: okay i DID NOT DO THAT

Donnie: that's not good

 jazzyblue: someone else did lol

 Donnie: what happened?

 jazzyblue: well i think its because its a document trying to show

 ‹@jazzyblue› www.fatf-gafi.orgs/... (whitelions)

jazzyblue: LOL

 Donnie: is this what happened before also?

 jazzyblue: now you see what was happening to me

 whitelions: it's the site and how they have there links

jazzyblue: but none the less its there


 jazzyblue: if you look you can find it from the main site

www.fatf-gafi. orgs/high-riskandnon-cooperativejurisdictions/ (whitelions)

 Sam: so are we still sitting at the point where we have bad news??? something blacklist

Sam: still the concern of the day

 Sam: who was talking about this earlier

jazzyblue: no it was just a passing piece of a conversation

jazzyblue: but it has lasted because of that link wanting to play games

 Sam: ok so this is not "pending" bad news

 jazzyblue: well on that site it DOES state at this point iraq is not complying adequately :(

jazzyblue: buttt does state that it is ongoing progress

 whitelions: the black list is for countys that have junk money and keywords is trying to save his hide but in him trying to save his hide they may get something done lol

 Sam: ok jazzy

 Sam: ‹@whitelions› so are you saying that basically iraq has junk money but keywords wants to save face and may have a bee now in his bonnet to keep face

[07/02/2015 11:50:39 AM] jazzyblue: define "junk money"
 Donnie: Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: on-going process – 27 February 2015 Paris, 27 February 2015 - As part of its on-going review of compliance with the AML/CFT standards, the FATF has to date identified the following jurisdictions which have strategic AML/CFT deficiencies for which they have developed an action plan with the FATF. 

While the situations differ among each jurisdiction, each jurisdiction has provided a written high-level political commitment to address the identified deficiencies. 

The FATF welcomes these commitments. A large number of jurisdictions have not yet been reviewed by the FATF. The FATF continues to identify additional jurisdictions, on an on-going basis, that pose a risk to the international financial system. 

The FATF and the FATF-style regional bodies (FSRBs) will continue to work with the jurisdictions noted below and to report on the progress made in addressing the identified deficiencies. 

The FATF calls on these jurisdictions to complete the implementation of action plans expeditiously and within the proposed timeframes. 

The FATF will closely monitor the implementation of these action plans and encourages its members to consider the information presented below. Afghanistan Angola Guyana Indonesia            Iraq Lao PDR Panama Papua New Guinea Sudan Syria Yemen

vtech: ‹@Donnie› your thoughts on the blacklist articles that just keep rolling out today

Donnie: no comment

TxBrand: dang is Tony right ? Banking expert Adnan Chalabi (Ashur Bank) said there were two prices for the first exchange in Baghdad and one in Erbil, what exists in Arbil over Baghdad about 20 points and the reasons that led to the increase in price of the dollar, adding that the head of the re-money required to learn how to re-scientific study the heads of migrant money and provide the appropriate conditions for the return of these :shocked:

vtech: ‹@TxBrand› but its not internationally live

TxBrand: The domestic production in the past decades was covering the local need of oil, dairy and leather and other was not Iraq imports of these goods, but now these projects and paid very huge stopped and was run by 2,000 workers, and today 6000 employing workers and represent their salary burden on the budget and this requires General address, calling for the development of domestic production to substitute for imported and ease the burden on the budget. 

D business man. Ahmed Ibrahim said the retrenchment is not always true in the present time may cause a recession and kills imports. Banking expert Adel Nouri expressed concern about the Iraq Central Bank be included in the

vtech: Money Laundering Act avoids serious damage to Iraq He called on the governor in a press statement on parliament to speed up passage of the bill to spare Iraq and put it in the black list, which have serious implications on the international position of Iraq and the national economy, pointing to Iraq a few grace period to enact the law requires to give him a preliminary to pass, to save time

 whitelions: ‹@vtech› thats the one butt saveing article lol

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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