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Saturday, July 25, 2015

Tidbits From TNT Members Saturday Morning


Swimfish: Iraq- how a 50% pay cut equals 100% or more pay raise

Lets say you are presently making 1,000,000 dinar a week.  (approx US $1,000 rounded)

You cut your pay to  500,0000

Now you are making US $500

They drop the 3 zeros now you are making 500 dinar and

Revalue at $4 and you are now making $2,000

The result is a real raise hidden in a pay cut.

eezee tree :The link shows what several of the governmental officials made in2010.

I wonder if the president of Kirdistan is taking a pay cut?

If the article is right, the President of Kurdistan Region made $400,000.00 USD per month. 

At a 50% pay cut to $200,000 USD per month would be equal to being payed (current rate of 1USD = 1190 IQD) 476,000,000.00 dinar per month.

At a revalued rate of $4.00 would be equal to $1,904,000,000.00 USD per month?

Please help me understand how one person can be payed that much monthly, even at  a 50% pay cut?


FUZE:  Seriously... Most large corporations CEO's make more and do a lot less. If these guys pull off this reset they deserve it! 

OK Rocks:  a dinar is a dinar... just with more purchasing power... which may be worth more than the lowly USD


Blackjack7:  Martha what's going on

  Iraq parliment is in session finalizing everything

  Martha you and I both know they aren't leaving without unanimous yes' across the board


Tishwash:  Today the launch of a unified national card project

07/25/2015 06:46

Interior Minister Mohammed Salem Ghabban called Saturday unified card project through a large celebration held by the ministry by the way a good hotel room in the presence of high-level reduction in order to multiple documents in a single document revisions and to reduce bureaucracy in government departments routine. 

The move comes after the launch of the government project to facilitate procedures for citizens and investors. Media Ministry Director Ibrahim al-Abadi said in a statement the "morning": that "the central opening ceremony will be attended by the heads of the executive, legislative and judicial authorities, members of the Council of Ministers and the House of Representatives",

adding that the celebration will witness the inauguration of the work by issuing a first consolidated cards for those wishing to attend and adopted the official document to prove their personality Official revisions to save time and facilitate the requirements of the citizens. 

"The project is in addition to that it provides accurate data and information for citizens would be a formal announcement on the break with the corruption in the government departments completion of transactions that will give it the credibility of the national machinery, and thus allow the support of development and investment programs." 

Abadi said that the Interior Ministry has created all necessary measures to issue the single card across the country work requirements through sexual circles associated with the ministry, saying: "All the directorates of sexual services in the provinces processing pre-requisites release the necessary work to give the single card for citizens, and that the ministry sent a special uncles so ". 

He said the Interior did not make any step after the fall of the regime, and continued the case to put the exchange of correspondence on the project up to 2011 until it was legislation consolidated card law, adding that the project opening today is a "civilized and important step" for the development of the administration and folding years ago and the Iraqi citizen heard promises about "Unified Card" and did not touch anything. 

For his part, the technical deputy to the province of Baghdad Jassem Mohan Boukhaty said in a statement the "morning": that "the first phase of this project will be launched on Saturday, and will ease the burden of the use of the four documents in formal reviews when citizens", pointing out that the province has been delivered by the project system (GPS) cross erected thousands of cameras related Web network to show all citizens data in Alnzam.ccant Interior Ministry confirmed "the arrival of shipments of device and equipment for the system of national card with the arrival of the first shipments of crude national card," pointing out that "the specialists in the card Directorate will put a special mechanism to call the citizens and explain how their review to the circles in which case the installed chains. " 

According to official estimates that the financial cost of this project, believes that the reduction of the four official cards and one card, will increase to $ 400 million, but it will ensure the reduction of millions of cards, and turn them into digital information using modern devices and systems. 

Mot:  Two informally dressed ladies happened to start up a conversation during an endless wait in the LAX airport......

The first lady was an arrogant   Snobbish woman married to a wealthy man.

The second was a well mannered elderly woman from the South.

When the conversation centered on whether they had any children, the  first woman started by saying, "When my first child was born, my husband built a beautiful mansion for me."

The lady from the South commented, "Well, isn't that precious?"

The first woman continued, "When my second child was born, my husband bought me a beautiful Mercedes-Benz.. "

Again, the lady from the South commented, "Well, isn't that precious?"

The first woman continued boasting, "Then, when my third child was born, my husband bought me this exquisite diamond bracelet.

Yet again, the Southern lady commented, "Well, isn't that precious?"

The first woman then asked her companion, "What did your husband buy for you when you had your first child?"

"My husband sent me to charm school," declared the Southern lady.

"Charm school?" the first woman cried, "Oh, my God! What on earth for?"

The Southern lady responded, "Well, for example, instead of saying "Who gives a Chit?," I learned to say, "Well, isn't that precious?"

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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