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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Late Nite Wealthwatch Member Chat

Post From Chat Room

chattels: I have been reading Marcus Aurelius, " Meditations "

Donnie: ppl are saying the darnest things lately

AuntieMame: I could sure use some of the dinar at a 1 - 1 right now.

 chattels: He was the last of the " good emperors " of Rome - really an impressive human being

chattels: ‹@AuntieMame› manyhave been despoiled by arguably unrealistic expectation in the near term for the value of the dinar - 1:1 would be a historic revaluation

AuntieMame: gn everyone I pray for the best for everyone in the near future
vtech: love love LOVE all the news paying this off with DINAR

vtech: things

chattels: ‹@AuntieMame› gn and Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi banking sector reform project.

vtech: the more they keep using the dinar the better for us

vtech: chattels RULES

OOTW: ty auntiemame

chattels: "The only ones among you ( us ) who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve." - Albert Schweitzer

vtech: how why and for what reason would iraq want to stay with a us dollar worth more then their currency ?

ajay214: lol poppy says he is expecting a rate change this month, but (BUT) he isn't calling it. HUH???


OOTW: oh good i can get my hair done

OOTW: lol

chattels: each of us shall give an account of / for ourself in this life or the next i expect

chattels: i may be apologetic over my ignorance, but i shall have no shame over it


vtech: will this finally be our year

chattels: at the end of the day there is neither triumph or disaster if we fight the good fight - both are imposters

vtech: excuse me I asked if this will finally be our year...NOW I want date and amount

vtech: lol

chattels: ‹@vtech› i wish that i knew - Shabbibi said that he did not know, but that even if he did that he could not say, so .....................

vtech: Shabbibi is FIRED

chattels: what can we really hope to " know " ?

chattels: ‹@vtech› my thought / point is that there may be relative variables outside of the control of Shabbibi or whomever and / or that the event is a matter of National Security and we will not know / be told / able to figure it out

chattels: it is the nature of our conceit that we believe that we can with actionable certainty anticipate the conditions precedent or attendant to this event

vtech: I just hope we get told when it DOES happen

chattels: ‹@vtech› or that when opportunity does present itself that we are able to participate

vtech: true

ajay214: ‹@chattels› I like that - I am very ignorant about many things. Some I choose to learn about and much I don't care about. I will always have my character, which no one can take from me. It is my choice to do away with it if I so choose.

chattels: i seriously question why / whether the " haves " will allow us " have nots " to profit from this event in some egalitarian process

vtech: how could it be possible for us NOT to participate

KiwiDoc: ‹@chattels› bingo

vtech: internationally live and we can't exchange ?

chattels: ‹@vtech› not smart enough to discern that which is likely why i am one of the " have nots "

chattels: ‹@vtech› call me paranoid

chattels: call me skeptical

chattels: i am hoping to get lucky or be allowed crumbs from the table

 vtech: has there ever in history been an international live currency that only some could exchange ?

vtech: NO

vtech: Iraq is paying bills right now with what

vtech: in countless articles

vtech: Dinar

chattels: ‹@vtech› query ? suppose that some be " given " value for the currency they hold before that currency is cancelled, i.e., there is no international value / exchange of the currency edition that most of us hold ?

ajay214: I got into this thinking if it even goes to a dime, what a great return. Sometimes things just don't add up for me. People consistently say they can't function at their rate. Ah, they have for more than 10 years. No matter their rate, they still sell a barrel of oil for $60 US. I still believe they are going to do something. What that something is is beyond me now.

vtech: hey are paying in billions

vtech: petro exchange for it out of country would peanuts to them

chattels: is it unthinkable that some may receive preferential treatment and the rest of us left wanting ?

chattels: ‹@ajay214› agreed, 10 cents would be a great return

vtech: wrong .12 would better

vtech: lol

chattels: ‹@ajay214› pensive - i am sometimes optimistic and sometimes pessimistic, but always hopeful :)

ajay214: lol

ajay214: same here

chattels: it is not my intention to " wet " on anyone's parade, but i do think it fair to question aloud with candor and compassion

chattels: each of us must live with our decisions about this venture and the outcome may very well be life altering

chattels: i want neither credit nor blame for my sense of things

chattels: my hope is that whatever the outcome that the quality of fellowship along the way will in retrospect have value for us all

chattels: i have learned much already about myself, others and things that i really never contemplated before

chattels: this is the stuff of life and living

 chattels: we dreamed the dream and we acted upon our hope for ourselves and others

KiwiDoc: ‹@chattels› Amen

TxBrand: well if all else fails... we can get almost 1/2 our money back ( as of right now )

chattels: ‹@TxBrand› not if you have 50 dinar denominations :)

TxBrand: I called an exchange here and they will give me 500.00 per million

TxBrand: like I said as of right now lol

chattels: the arguable worst case scenario may be if other denoms are to be cancelled whether and what value will be offered for them

chattels: ‹@TxBrand› true - at some point before surrender and the abdication of government the confederate dollars became virtually worthless

chattels: will there be such a date for us and will we be able to anticipate it

chattels: i have decided to never surrender - it will be all or nothing for me is my current thought
Tex: ‹@chattels› just saw this .......

chattels: not working for me

Tex: uh oh i'll try agin

Tex: still trying Billboard Most people have no idea what this billboard really means.


TxBrand: ‹@chattels› not sure what your asking

chattels: is there something that you wanted to share ?

chattels: Tex: ‹@chattels› just saw this .......

TxBrand: ‹@Tex› does it have a website ?

Tex: don't know why it's doing it , I have tried different ways , it is about China comeing out with NEW WORLD CURRENCY Billboard Most people have no idea what this billboard really means.

TxBrand: wow

TxBrand: is this it ?


Tex: THAT is not the same article i was trying to send but it does have some of the same info

Tex: ootw brought and art. today about fiat currency collapse,, this fits with that article.

Tex: ‹@chattels› have You read the ABC article ???

chattels: ‹@Tex› reading now

Tex: ok

chattels: wonder what the date is on that article ?

Tex: Don't know ,, the other things on that page is current news

chattels: In Washington, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner both rejected China's call for a global alternative to the U.S. dollar's role as the international reserve currency.

chattels: that paragraph is " dated " or past

Tex: I'm sure they would ,, reject it would cost us alot i'm sure. But if this administration breaks us we may not have a choice.

Tex: I listened to a long news story about fiat currency collapes like Greese, he said most countrys arn't far behind Greece.

Post From Chat Room

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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