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Friday, July 24, 2015

Early Evening Chat w/BGG 7-23-15 Part 1 of 2 Early Evening Chat w/BGG 7-23-15

Baxter1243 - Evening Mr White..... So..... how we look towards the end of the month and the Tariff enactments..?

BGG - Good evening Mr White  You up for a Chat??

wmawhite - I seriously look forward to each day because I believe that Iraq along with the entire region is at the point where Iraq will move forward at any time.

Baxter1243 - Thx.. Mr White... I hope so..
BGG - Well that's one way to start off a Chat!!

wmawhite - I have about an hour maybe..

wmawhite - Seriously, the dynamics are huge.
BGG - Gimme' one sec...

wmawhite - And I don't care what day of the week nor month.

wmawhite - It doesn't have to be the 1st, can be any day now.

Baxter1243 - I dont know how they can enforce these Tariffs and not do something with the currency... the inflation will go thru the roof..

BGG - Supposedly - Fridays are off limits to "monetary reform" - according to those with "inside sources"

wmawhite - Exactly.........those are small indicators of what is coming.

BGG - so - probably safe for tomorrow

wmawhite - Is Baxter still up?

Baxter1243 - yep

Baxter1243 - Hey... you and BGG go at it... I will lurk..

GrannieAnnie - I have a front row seat to

BGG - Have you been seeing this Maliki news lately??

BGG - WOW?!?

wmawhite - The tariffs are an example of what needs a change in the value.......because they/CBI will never speak directly about the coming change.

wmawhite - I was listening to your call.

wmawhite - and the idea of him taking on SA (Saudi Arabia).   Pure idiot.

BGG - the most recent bit being this...

wmawhite - death wish

BGG - Yes - him taking Saudi Arabia is a pure deflection tactic... shows how desperate he is...

BGG - that kind of "anti-Sunni" jibberish plays well with the Shia hardliner base...

BGG - but is pure bunk because the Saudis have had to deal with attacks from ISIS recently as well... ISIS is against everyone.

BGG - the most interesting part - Baghdad backed away from him immedaitely - they want NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT JIVE!!

wmawhite - and what does SA opening an embassy in Baghdad say about their concern in Maliki?

BGG - and then the piece came out about Massoum potentially resorting to using his constitutional right to "sack" Maliki...

BGG - I think without Maliki setting fire to the whole Middle East the Saudis would have had an embassy there a while back...

BGG - Baghdad needs to mend these fences and quick... they don't need this dragging on.

BGG - in fact, there was another article in the Iraq News Thread... very interesting - lemme' get it...

wmawhite - The two major players in the region......Iran and Saudi want nothing to do with Maliki...hmmmm

BGG - Saudi Arabia calls for the application of the "reforms" in Iraq to maintain its unity

BGG - called the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, Thursday, to the application of the "reforms" in Iraq to maintain its unity, while stressing the importance of addressing firmly for "riots" of Iran in the region...


wmawhite - That sounds as though SA is reaching out to Abadi.............supporting his efforts.

BGG - The point being - the Saudis know what needs doing...

BGG - exactly - and here's the thing (Abadi knows)... the Saudis can change the financial future of Iraq very, very quickly...

wmawhite - Good point, BGG

wmawhite - The Saudis still have deeeep pockets.

BGG - with an ally in the region the Saudis might be far less inclined to continue driving the price of oil down... Iraq needs to get more for their oil.

BGG - it would help Abadi a lot to be on good terms with them over the next few years

wmawhite - If Abadi is to reach out to the Sunni in Anbar.................the largest Sunni country in the region is Saudi Arabia.................and they are Iraq's southern neighbor.

BGG - Exactly - it all works together...

wmawhite - My money (IQD) is still on Abadi.........

BGG - fortunately for us... Maliki being gone serves another vital interest (to us) as well...

BGG - this latest rash of attacks on Maliki - I don't see how he survives...

BGG - (politically - that is...)

wmawhite - Did you see the announcement that the USA may start using bases in Turkey to strike ISIL?

BGG - roughly the 20th would have been the earliest he was "reported" to have been going to resign..

BGG - when he didn't - did everyone notice how direct and pointed the attacks in the media were??

wmawhite - BTW...............that puts Mosul in easy reach.

BGG - like the 21st and 22nd...

BGG - then Maliki fires back at the Saudis - it's such "amped up" rhetoric - he almost looks crazy...

BGG - then - as of today - apparently Fuad Massoum is circulating the reports (or someone in his camp is) that he's about done with Maliki...

BGG - the US able to use Turkish bases to strike ISIS makes things look very "cut and dried" - the Turks don't (and haven't been) involved in any coalition until the end.

BGG says to TimandJulie - Hey - long time no see. Glad you're back!!
wmawhite - Report: US may now launch ISIS strikes from within Turkey

TimandJulie - sorry to interupt, please continue

wmawhite says to TimandJulie - No problem....

wmawhite - I truly believe that the clock is ticking on ISIS in Iraq and syria.

BGG - Yup - the Turks have also been hesitant to side with anyone against ISIS (until now) because they so severely dislike Assad...

BGG - great point - and I think you are correct...

BGG - and Maliki (ticking on him too) - time is short for them all.

wmawhite - Last week all we saw coming out of the Iran deal was stability in the area.............including Syria.

wmawhite - My this with winter..............ISIS will be on the way out of Iraq looking for some other place to set up shop.

BGG - Here's another interesting piece...

BGG - Efforts to enact laws that support the monetary policy of including "federal tax and revenue"

BGG - The parliamentary finance committee expressed, Thursday, for it seeks to discuss and approve the pass a number of bills in the House of Representatives and that serve the monetary policy of the country in general.

He said the Commission's decision Ahmed Hama's / scales News /, that "we have a lot of bills to be included on the agenda during the next sessions to improve the monetary policy situation of the country," stressing that "the most prominent of those laws is the" federal revenue to the state...


BGG - That was just today...

wmawhite - Call it tax or tariffs.........they need revenue.

BGG - Amen - none of that happens without VALUE!!

wmawhite - Another indicator of what is coming...

BGG - True 

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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