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Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 1st, 2015,

Friday News Summaries and Commentaries

Clauat..ganh Zamili between the cocoon and "hospitality" al-Maliki and Iraq in the wind !!

Well I see there is a challenge made to decipher this article....took a bit I will admit....but basically Maliki hasn't been interrogated as yet....his former Defense Minister didn't bring anything enlightening to the table except to point out that he believes the reason for the fall of Mosul had to do with the differences between the Nineveh province and my strongest opinion....poppycock....

He's simply trying to throw the heat away from his leader....Maliki....they need to keep digging, they need to work their instincts on this and most importantly....they need to drag Maliki before this committee and listen to his version of the might get the military brass to lie for Maliki, but the lower levels....they won't consistently tell the same story...
Maliki as most have written and stated...."hosted" or encouraged this catastrophic event....if this committee white-washes the information they have been presented....then there will be hell to pay in my opinion....there are fingerprints all over the blueprint of this tragedy and those fingerprints all have the blood of the lost Iraqi lives....the blood of the lost Christian lives....all over them....Maliki's fingerprints.

Foreign parliamentary: Proposal Congress rejected the government is confirming the official channel armament

I am sure the Iraqi government is scratching its head over what the heck the US Congress is trying to pull.....providing arms and support separately for the Kurds and Sunnis....what gives here.....the Armed Services Committee within the US House voted to fund the arming of the Peshmerga and Sunni tribesmen above what is provided to Baghdad in funding....the Iraqi Parliament is up in arms (no pun intended) about this action....but they must keep in mind this vote is a long ways from passing the House and Senate floors....a thinly veiled motive of Biden to create the three-part state within Iraq that he's long wanted.....creating a crack in their attempt at national reconciliation.

Abadi, the World Bank Vice President: We want to take advantage of the crisis to build an economy long-term vision

PM Abadi and the leader of the World Bank ME spoke and discussed current economic and financial situations within Iraq....specifically those areas liberated from DAASH.....and the financial situation in particular....Abadi wants to use this current financial situation within Iraq as a springboard to bring new economic success to the Iraqi citizens....and from the sound of things the WBG is more than ready to sit down with Iraq and prepare a game plan that will bring cooperation to a great many facets of the Iraqi economy across the board.

Barzani signs on draft constitution of Kurdistan Referendum Law

President Barzani has signed a "draft" of a constitutional referendum a committee must be formed within 30 days and any decisions that come from this committee will be seen as a national consensus for the Kurds....their work should be completed within 90 days or Parliament may extend the date.....anything they generate for a vote must be approved by 2/3 of the Parliament.

Parliament of Kurdistan welcomes the decision proposed to Congress and is considered "very important step"

The Kurds of course welcome the vote that was mentioned earlier by the House Armed Services Committee that would fund the arming of the Peshmerga....they have been demanding more arms and ammunition from Baghdad with little results and they clearly see this as a means to help them in this fight against terrorism.....sounds like the US is talking out of both sides of its mouth way they want to usher in a three-part state...but the other side of the mouth continues to recognize a unified Iraq....oh boy what is to come.

Zebari: Iraq aspires to obtain a sovereign rating of the bonds worth five billion dollars

Finance Minister Zebari continues to talk along the lines of Iraq seeking sovereign credit ratings prior to the issuance of international bonds....bonds that would be worth $5 billion dollars....the better their credit rating the more stable the bonds will be seen and more lucrative for investors.....with the start of this process they are seeing that banks are interested in helping them to attain their goal....Iraq is naturally trying to keep this proceedings as quiet as possible.....they must open their books to which ever credit agency is dealt with so their financial practices may be fully examined prior to a rating being established.

Masum, confirms in a congratulatory remote workers need to provide opportunities for the Iraqis in investment companies

President Masum extends congratulations to investment companies for their interest in Iraq and their interest in creating new jobs for Iraqi's through their investments in the projects of the country.....he also used this time to encourage the redevelopment of the private industry within Iraq.

Government commits the provinces to support local agricultural product and is discussing with China to prevent goods Alrdiah

The Economic Affairs Committee announced a commitment to support local provinces and agricultural products with the issuance of a memorandum of understanding with China that would prevent shoddy products being provided to the Iraqi citizens....this MOU would prevent the flooding of Iraqi markets with imported crops thus allowing the Iraqi market itself to grow....I only hope the Iraqis will be capable of growing superior crops than what would have been imported....otherwise they will still lose.

Federal Court emphasizes that pass the law requires two-thirds of the members of parliament vote

With regard to the Federal Court Act....the Federal Supreme Court has stated that 2/3 of Parliament must approve provisions of the law as well as the law in general.

Committee discusses the fall of Mosul Hosting (Nuri al-Maliki)

More on the investigative process involving the fall of Mosul and who may have been behind the crumbling of the Iraqi Army in such a quick fashion....they need to still "host" other words...put him upon the hot seat for an appropriate grilling time.....again the former Defense Minister says he has nothing new to offer the does that mean he concurs with the others who have pointed in the direction of Maliki....meaning what has been said already has been the truth and nothing but the truth.....or is he merely trying to deflect blame from his former boss....he definitely is not stepping up to the plate to take the fall for him.

US State Department: Obama will meet with Barzani next week

Timing is everything....President Barzani will be in the US next week and will meet with the President and VP and others...meanwhile the Armed Services Committee in the House voted just this week to fund arming for the Kurds...timing timing timing.

Oil announces preliminary statistical exports in April and emphasizes the highest rate since the eighties investigation

The Oil Ministry announced April's export results in their initial reports of the month....stating that exports were at all time highs since the 1980's.....they saw revenues of $4.8 billion dollars after exporting a total of 92.3 million barrels of oil, equating to about $51.70 per barrel.....remember the lag behind the Brent Crude prices of oil that we see daily posted....generally $5-7 dollars behind the Brent Crude math shows 92 million barrels of oil for the month to equate to roughly 3.066 million barrels per day....not 2.00098.

Charges directly to the owners of masterminding the plot to overthrow the government of al-Abadi

It seems that deputies from various political blocs are stepping up to the microphone and blaming VP Maliki for attempting to mastermind the plot to overthrow the government of PM Abadi.....this comes after the alleged issues surrounding a recent event in Anbar where nearly 140 soldiers were killed last week in the Anbar province....

Maliki apparently still has some strong ties with certain elements of the Iraq Army....Maliki supporters were trying to claim these deaths were caused by Abadi's military leadership...but it is now sounding like the shoe is on the other body....that of Maliki....

If he realized yesterday that he was being ratted his sudden medical condition now suspect.....meanwhile Abadi is asking you really want to go back to the way things were....or do we continue to move ahead making good strides to improve things....the choice is theirs....according to him.

Abadi raise the first lawsuit against the parliamentary

It has been confirmed apparently that PM Abadi has filed formal charges against a member of Parliament for misleading the public and offering intelligence information during the war on terrorism including information that would have been beneficial to the careful what you print, post, or report as news.
Parliamentary Finance: borrowing from the World Bank will press on the Iraqi economy in the future

So now the Finance Committee is admitting that because of the way the 2015 budget was written they knew in advance there would be borrowing from the IMF....they claim this is not a first that other countries have done the same....the deficit that is created is known or expected to be covered by loans that can be obtained from the least they say past history has shown them that....borrowing even in good times is a norm it appears.

World Bank: we are committed to supporting Iraq to overcome difficulties

The World Bank Group remains committed to Iraq and their rebuilding and reconstruction efforts for those areas that have been liberated from DAASH terrorist cells.....again this comes in the form of mostly humanitarian types of aid and funding.

Merkel extend an invitation to Ebadi to attend the meeting of the seven major countries in Germany

Germany has extended an invitation to PM Abadi to attend a meeting of seven nations to be held in Iraq an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding the war on terrorism.

Private banks critical of its own law and the government are given: will be amended and will support them more than one project

Basically the current law from 2004 as written does not do much in the way of coverage for private banks today and needs a major the government is being far more supportive of private banks than they were back then and the new law needs to reflect that support....sounds like what we can be expecting is a wholesale new law....

Even the CBI is recognizing it is time to get a new law on the books and is recommending an urgency in making this happen...hopefully the end result will see a more balanced approach between both public and private play with the big dog public banks though the private banks will be expected to cough up their required capital amounts just as a public bank is expected to fly-by-night operations.

Ok, right about now I'm feeling hungry and need more coffee....quick while Frank blinks....grab those cookies.  Aloha     Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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