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Friday, May 29, 2015

Ancient Symbolism In Iraqi Dinar  Part 1

Ancient Symbolism in Iraqi Dinar Reflects the End & New Beginnings (Updated)

Dinar is the currency for Iraq, and has been undergoing a revaluation for several years. The effort to revalue a country’s currency is not uncommon when an economy has changed dramatically as you can imagine Iraq’s has. 

The intent of this undertaking is to obtain a more accurate value on a given currency to match its new economic posture in the world.

Meanwhile, something extraordinary was starring me in the face and recently came to my attention. While looking at the 25,000 Dinar note, I realized I was looking at ancient Sumerian symbols which reflects nothing short of the return of the ‘gods’, new prosperity, justice, and universal law. Here’s how:
The image (left) is the 250000 Dinar note. In the center is a famous scene found on an ancient stella depicting the Sun God, Shamash handing the Sumerian King, Hammurabi codes and laws.

The Hammurabi codes were the predecessor to the Ten Commandments. They were laws passed on from Extraterrestrial Beings, one of which was Enki.

It was Enki who had compassion for humans, and desired them to learn of knowledge and apply universal laws. Enki is also credited with being the ‘god’ who commissioned Noah to build the ark.

But, for the most part, many of these ‘laws’ humans have been misunderstood, mistranslated and deliberately omitted portions prior to giving them to the public.

In addition, Shamash is sitting on what is known to be a symbol for a portal. Several kinds of portals are in Sumerian depictions and show the Annunaki using them, not humans. [1]

 This may account for why the land mass (brown area that looks like Mesopotamia) between Hammurabi and Shamash is representing when the Annunaki come to Earth, not the other way around. There are numerous references to ‘gods’ being seen coming in and out of what our ancestors called ‘water-doorways’ or stargates. [2]

This central scene is surrounded by an arch-like symbol, which is reminiscent of a stargate.  Many of us are aware of the stargate used in the movie and later in the SG-1 TV series. It also looks like a real stargate found in Egypt.[3]

 Although the ‘Disinformation Authorities,’ particularly those in Egypt, would like the public to think it is a hoaxed photo (2nd from left), this stargate looks very similar to the ones painted in early religious depictions, showing angels, and even Jesus coming through (see the two right images above).

Looking at the above images we can see that the element active within these stargates does look like water. Perhaps this is why Ea Enki’s name means Ea = Earth and Enki means water.

Another interesting symbol on the Dinar note is that the stargate is flanked by two white horses. Horses in animal symbolism represent the freedom of movement, safe movement (sure of foot) and the ability to overcome adversity. [4]

Also, the return of gods has been compared to the return of the righteous one, and in different cultures and religions this includes, but is not limited to Jesus, Quetzacoatal, and Vishnu in the form of the 10th and final incarnation or Maha Avatar (great incarnation) known as Kalki. Kalki is depicted as returning on a white horse (sometimes Pegasus).

 The significance of a white horse as a ‘rescue-like’ occurrence is well known in ‘the damsel in distress being rescued by a knight on a white horse’ story. By swapping out ‘damsel’ for Gaia, our planet and the knight on a white horse as Enki/ Quetzacoatal/Kalki/Jesus with this being white light through a portal, we can start to see some very interesting profound meanings to this symbol.

Just as important of a symbol is the green eyed dragon on the left side of the note. A green horned dragon in ancient Chinese traditions is the most powerful. The fact that it is only one eye that is colored in green is a depiction of the third eye, the God Eye. The green horned dragon is also known as Lung, which signifies breath or the breath of God.

 Also, in Chinese traditions this dragon has the power to produce rain (water); the element of life and is a symbol of rising sun.[5] This further ties in with Enki, and the god of justice, Shamash
Additionally, Enki and his son, Marduk, who later was given reign over the Earth are associated with the word U-SHUM-GAL. According to translated ancient cuneiform text, this term means flying, fiery, serpent, and SHUM translate to ‘sky vehicle.’ [6]

The return of Enki is the Mayan Quetzalcoatl or Quetzal and Quetzal is considered to be the wise, just and green flying dragon.

When we look again at image above of the entire Dinar note we can see the tail of the dragon wraps around ‘out of sight’ and underneath. Could this be indicating it is in higher dimensions? The fact that it is the foundation, and curved resembles the ancient Egyptian depictions of the duat (see image on right). 
The duat was considered a form of traveling to higher dimensions

Green is significant in other ways. Alchemists see the transformation processes as interactions symbolized by red (masculine) and green (feminine). Referred to as the “green light,” it occurs during the burning of various chemicals, as well as during the infrequently observed “green ray” of the rising or setting sun.

Known to be a symbol of illumination, alchemists also saw the so-called secret fire, which was “the living spirit,” in the image of a green, translucent, and fusible crystal. In alchemy, green in compound forms such as “green dragon” usually designates solvents that are capable of dissolving even gold.  [7]

For this reason, it hints that the Dinar is a part of the new ‘gold’ standard.

In this case, the green dragon is often depicted ‘about’ to eat its own tail. The ourborus is the symbol formed once the dragon eats its tail, completing the circle (cycle) and re-creating itself (Sometimes shown as a snake or Kundalini.

 See images below). For this reason, the fact that it has not yet eaten its tail, suggests we are on verge of this cycle ending, a new cycle beginning as the Mayans, Egyptians and others have prophesized.

Another unusual correlation arises with the green dragon. Ultra secret groups exist known as the Order of the Green Dragons and the Green Men, who speak to the order through dreams and are hidden within the mountains of northern Tibet (Higher dimension? Inner Earth?).
Little is known about these groups except a tradition they hold which tells of a time when those in Asia will come forward as the ‘controlling’ party and there will be a spiritual movement where humanity “will shed its mortal trappings to rule in transcendent glory.” [8] 

When you consider David Wilcock’s latest information about China and ancient gold holdings, this is a clear sign that there is much more to the revaluation of the Dinar than we may have thought. [9]

Finally, if all of the above hasn’t convinced you that there is something more than ‘meets the eye’ when it comes to Dinar, how about the fact that a recent crop circle in Italy spells out in ASCII code the words Ea Enki! [10]

This coupled with the fact many predictions speak of the Grand Alignment with the Center of the Milky Way appearing to look like an ouroboros. According to the Mayans this event is referred to as the Cosmic Cross, and includes the snake in the Garden of Eden and the Tree of Life. 
Similar to the Mayans, the Greeks knew the Milky Way was on a time cycle that comes to an end, and called this sign SUNTELIA AION (AION = ouroborus), which means ‘the sun rising out of the mouth of the ouroboros’ and is due to occur on the exact end date of the Mayan calendar or 12/21/2012. [11]

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

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