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Thursday, May 28, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 CC Highlights

 Post From KYFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 28th, 2015, 12:58 am  • 
     27 MAY 2015

** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! **


FRANK26:   We won’t get into too much dessert tonight … because Monday was … whew!!! That was some good stuff. 
On Tuesday, TopShelf came and told you about the LIQUIDITY on the CBI website and how they are making all of these payments. 

On Monday we told you about the Military (because we could) … and now … Get Ready … because today you saw 3 of the 6 cities that we talked about. [Life in Iraq isn’t all gloom-and-doom.]
The military in Iraq is fighting upstream … they are fighting our own leadership … however we feel very … SECURED! 

Why are these cities important? Because they have banks … that belong to the CBI

Dr. S got permission from the IMF … the green-light … he told them he needed security and “funding.”

They are asking for more money … but I don’t think they’ll give it to them. 

That funding was to just last them a month … and this month is coming to an end.

If you don’t see any funding going to them … it’s sink or die.

You’re walking into June … and you have no loans?

We also told you that Iraqi oil will be all over the earth soon. TA-DA!

You saw the articles on our forum.

Oil from Iraq will go global.

Cities will be secured.

Amazing technology being used … (it’s like Star Trek) … going on in Iraq right now.

Our military is so advanced … that Putin basically said … “no I’m not going to challenge America” … he knows what type of military we have.

When Iran said that they brought down one of our (USA) drones? LOL … we landed it there … so that we could learn what they were doing. 

Our Teams are “cautiously optimistic” because the advancement has happened so fast! We are very impressed. Super high chance before Ramadan.

They have no liquidity … and yet they are paying things.

How can you pay bills when you have no liquidity? Electronically  

But how is the possible if the rate hasn’t been released? The CBI website shows things? 

Let me give you a quick glimpse … 

What do we call the enemy? We call them DAASH … we do not call them ISIS.

 BLUE COUCH … Wouldn’t it be interesting if “ISIS” … (which you don’t read about anymore) … somehow was “retrained”? Maybe they would be put with Turkey. See what you can do over there … Syria. These are just thoughts.   

You see this … [Frank held up the Toledo Blade Newspaper and the Wall Street Journal] … today’s paper … I’m going to take they paper and turn the pages … and every page I will find something that is related to KTFA … 

*First Amendment issue … “pregame prayers to be eliminated” … violation of the constitution. 

*Iraqi’s taking back Anbar … (we know that already, don’t we)

*Hillary Clinton … seems to be the front-runner … because she has the most money. I know someone who sold her dinars.  Like this wasn’t planned 10 years ago. 

*Why should Syria save Assad? … (I just told you some info … didn’t I?) 

*How to prevent the fall of Baghdad … (you silly rabbits)

The media can paint any picture it wants and anytime that it wants.

We are farther advanced than we thought. This might happen before Ramadan. Nobody knows the date or the rate. They are running out of options.

We keep saying that they need to do something … well … we kinda think they did something … that they are making payments … you can get by with it “electronically” for a while … (usually per quarter). 

Did you see what they are doing with the borders before Ramadan? (Taxes)

I see an increase in pressure … like a bottleneck … the narrowing of the monetary reform.

I don’t see procrastination. I see a purpose and a speed to it too.

The citizens are helping in the streets with the soldiers.

Everybody wants this to happen.

It looks like they are really striving to get this done before Ramadan. 

Ramadan officially starts on the 18th of June.
Just like I told TS yesterday … you’re going to see more numbers and you’ll see them explode between today and next Sunday. They are speeding it up even more.

This blessing is coming … there were many delays … they could have done this 2011-2012 … but when O pulled us out … he thought he was helping the middle-east. (No!) 

I know deep in my heart this [RV] could have happened two years ago. Lives were lost. So sad.

I want to play you a voicemail from Delta. You know how we use an expression here in America … that we have “butterflies in our stomach” … that’s what Delta meant when he left this voicemail … 


Frankie, Frankie … the call was amazing. I think it was one of the best calls ever!

For the last 48 hours … I feel so happy … I feel like I have “birdies in my stomach” … that’s how I feel. 

The article came out today … the currency … the new notes are going to compete with the other currencies in Iraq – meaning the dollar, the Euro’s or whatever they’ve got there. 

They stated they were going to give value to the Iraqi dinar … indirectly they are giving you the announcement right there. I’m excited! See you in the future!

CC ended with prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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