Don't WAIT!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

DebTarHeelGirl: "Be Encouraged Today"

BE ENCOURAGED TODAY - Never give up on the knowledge that our SUDDENLY shall come.  Try NOT to put a time table on it – NO ONE has the total info on this global process.

Even when the challenges are too frustrating to manage, put a sticky note next to your computer, on your mirror or somewhere to be reminded, THE GCR IS REAL and even though we are last to get paid, IT’S COMING!

Take it one breath at a time.  One hour at a time. One day at a time if need be, but stir up your faith knowing we were not brought this far to be dropped.

Remember what your goals are in your everyday life giving affairs now and stay focused on it.  Just KNOW IN YOUR KNOWER that our SUDDENLY is processing and is coming!   AMEN?  AMEN!

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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