Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Wednesday Morning

Dinar Updates:

Millionday   Article quote:   "...the Presidency of the Council of Representatives is determined to pass more than 20 laws, said during the next three days, the most important of the National Guard and the Federal Court and the parties." 


Q:  [Does that include HCL?



Topic: Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact. William James

[Studmuffin] music  I believe for every drop of rain that falls, A flower grows, ...... I believe that somewhere in the darkest night, A candle glows. .......

I believe for everyone who goes astray, Someone will come to show the way. I believe,.. I believe. .......I believe above the storm the smallest prayer, Will still be heard. ........I believe that Someone in the great somewhere, Hears every word..........

Every time I hear a new born baby cry,....... Or touch a leaf or see the sky. Then I know why, I believe. ........Every time I hear a new born baby cry, Or touch a leaf or see the sky. Then I know why, I believe. music ...



Bonshoon:  Bottom line is this thing is done, overcooked, ready to be experienced in it's fullness. No other news matters. They ave pushed it thru and willl keep trying until successful.Amen


Landa Global Conference Call 5pm EST today:

Landa Global has been hosting a dial-in conference to inform holders of assets and intermediaries of the current status of the historic bond redemptions, and general information in respect of procedures and pricings of assets.

To access the weekly conference, please observe the following information: 

Date:  Each Wednesday
Time:  3:00 p.m. Mountain time (MST)
           5:00 p.m. Eastern (EST)
           4:00 p.m. Central (CST)
           2:00 p.m. Pacific (PST)

Conference line:  (559) 546-1000
Access Code:     1013931#

The complete past recordings of all conference calls  in mp3 format files are posted below for easy access after the conference.




G T  May 27, 2015 at 10:07am

Baghdad-Kirkuk Highway Reoptens

May 26, 2015

According to a report from BasNews, the Baghdad-Kirkuk highway was reopened on Monday, having been closed since March 2nd due to attacks and threats from the Islamic State (IS, ISIS, ISIL).

For the moment, it is only open to personal vehicles, taxis and buses, and is not yet open to trucks.

The Shi’ite militia group Hashid Al-Shaabi is reported to be currently responsible for ensuring security on the highway.

(Source: BasNews)

Frank26:  LAST NIGHT ON YOUR CC:  "Iraq OIL is about to be SPILLED all over The World !!! "

KTFA   Frank


walkongstick :Oil Minister: agreement other oil well and approve oil and gas law would end all problems
By Mohammed Emad 27/5/2015 10:35 a.m. |

Brother - Baghdad
Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi stressed that the oil deal with the Kurdistan region, "other well," noting that "approval of oil and gas law will end all computational problems with the territory."

Abdul-Mahdi said that "the oil agreement to date other very well and is a strong", adding that "in recent days when we went to the Kurdistan increased delivery rates to {700} thousand barrels and we hope from now to the end of the month to be Muslim quantities close to the agreed" .

He pointed out that "the relationship with the region and good sound and explicit but will not solve all the problems there are and will remain stuck if you do things sitting province and the center to solve them."

He said Abdul-Mahdi, his speech by saying that "there are principles not developed because of the absence of oil and gas law," stressing that "the adoption of the oil and gas law will end all the problems calculations with the region so we have to sit down to put a final and constant adjustments of production and export in the share of the region and do not want to turn to the seller and the buyer ".

The oil agreement concluded by Oil Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi with the Kurdistan Regional Government may solve a lot of problems between the two parties, and which had worsened in the previous government time, which returned to normal between the two sides and led to convergence through the negotiating delegations of both Baghdad and Erbil , visiting President of the Region Government Nechirvan Barzani to the capital and that the visit by the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to Arbil, which contributed to the dissolution of ice accumulated for nearly eight years, amid assurances by the federal and the Kurdistan region governments fully bound by the Agreement and its implementation on the ground; to end the tensile case and attractions that existed throughout those years.


JDTolle   » May 27th, 2015,  Whatever changes may come

You cannot stop life from changing, and you wouldn’t really want to. Life by its very definition is a process of change.

Though you cannot stop life from changing, you can choose to successfully deal with the changes. In fact, you can learn, adapt and adjust in ways that change your own life for the better.

Every time the world changes, new positive opportunities are born. And somewhere, in some way, the world is changing in every moment.

Instead of wishing that things had stayed the same, find the new possibilities that have been created. Choose to see that what can be gained is more valuable than what has been lost.

Security is not found by denying or hiding from the changes. Lasting security comes from being able to thrive and prosper, with your integrity intact, no matter what changes may come.

Whatever the change of the day or the moment may be, there is a positive response. Challenge yourself to find that response, and to make every change a change for the better.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.
-- Pablo Picasso

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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