Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

KTFA CC Highlights From Frank - Delta & Top Shelf Part 2


DELTA:    Just a quick update about the CBI. I’m so proud to be a part of the US family.

I’m excited … it looks like we are ready to finish the final chapter.

We have some confirmation about the article came out about the 50 dinar … the 1,000 dinar … the 100,000 dinars … basically the confirmation from the CBI … they stated that the CBI is planning to increase the value of the Iraqi Dinar BEFORE they introduce those denominations.

Remember we’ve been debating … which is going to come first … the chicken or the egg?

It’s looking like a 90% chance they will introduce the 50 and 100 dinar notes are the same time … and they will be worth about 50k to 100k … basically equal to a $100 bill.
The private sector … they wanted to activate it two or three months ago … there was a big seminar a few months ago that Abadi hosted about it .

Sometime this week they plan to activate the private sector.

Lots of things starting to line up. MasterCard … private sector … and waiting for the CBI to give money to those private banks for loans.

Looks like we might see the rate change before Ramadan.

We all know that by releasing the rate … it will activate a lot of things. The private sector, MasterCard, the Qi Card, bonds … credit rating.  A lot of articles coming out … unbelievable Frank!

We believe that everything is done … just waiting for the right timing between the GOI and the CBI.

They have to do it ASAP … without it … the money will bring security! Dr. A knows that. The GOI knows that.  Looking for the CBI to pull the trigger.

Looks like the president Parliament of Iraq … just had a closed door meeting with leaders … and agreed to pass about 20 pending laws … just waiting for voting … to be accomplished in the next 3 days! The investment law is a part of it.

They were supposed to do it 2 weeks ago. I am expecting the investment law … the market reform has to happen before that.

Everyone knows that the CBI is coming out with a 50 and possibly a 100 IQD note.

The adviser for Abadi … he said that is what they need to reduce the money supply … will be easier for citizens to carry around … and they will be able to use them inside and outside of Iraq.

Iraq has to be Article 8.

The IMF told them a long time ago … to lift the 3 zeros … the exchange rate.

Some people are getting the articles confused.

A new article with the deletion of the 000’s in the next 2 years….that’s good for us (but there’s confusion) – they’re going to use the money supply significantly – 60-70% with those lower denoms with a higher value.

They’re waiting for that and something to happen….some indication something big is going to happen this week and the special committees are trying to activate the private sectors.

But they can’t do it unless they’re international … for investors to have freedom movement of capital – which is required for Article 8.

Notice the pattern … looks like they do things every 3 months … so I’m looking for the 1st week of June … because the CBI gave them the green-light on March 3rd.

Remember I gave you the example of Libya … conditions there are 10,000 percent worse and yet they have a currency worth .74 cents.

Looks like the rate is going to change BEFORE the lower denoms are introduced.

We’ve been waiting for about 5 months now for the activation of the private sector.

Just waiting for the rate.

FRANK:   Do you see that MasterCard wanted to come into Iraq … still needs an international rate … but they still issued the cards to the retirees living outside of Iraq. Position and posturing.

Barzani has been patient … but he’s told the USA, the IMF to fulfill their promises.

DELTA:   We are very, very close.  They have to do this Frank.   Everyone is ready.

All they need to do is lift the 3 zeros.  IMO … this is the right timing … before Ramadan.

The Muslim nations … it’s all about the whole family getting together….one month they shop – currency and exchange rate that’s going to make a lot of difference and the people can buy food, clothes.

They’ll have one month of fasting – for one day and one week it’s all about money –purchasing products and food….if they do it during Ramadan … it’s going to be confusion, but if they do it a couple of weeks before, they’ll use the dinar and not shock the market.

In our teams opinion … the longer they go … it pushes they into July.

Iraq needs the money … they have no liquidity … they need to do this.

The government needs money … bonds … private sector … etc. ASAP!

The longer they wait … the more problems that can crop up.

We believe that the window is NOW until first week in June.

No one knows the date … we know it’ll be 85-86 cents … the next window is from now to the first week in June … or they’ll miss the boat and it’s till good news.

FRANK:  Last year is the first time we didn’t see the GOI go on vacation in the summer.

They are there working.

If they don’t accomplish the security of their banks within specific cities that are tied into Baghdad we’re going to see unusual things this summer. It is permissible to work during Ramadan – it’s just rare.

Iran is now fighting with us. Good grief Delta, what does that tell you? The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Iran desperately wants the RV too. Don’t they Delta?

DELTA:   Absolutely. Iran and Iraq have a moral border together.

You can’t make Iran mad because they can do a lot of damage in Iraq.

One part, I’m not 100% sure, but one part of the RV is because of Iran because they have a lot of influence. The CBI has more than one director … 3-4 of them who have very close ties with Iran…a lot of people don’t know that…but they’re directors of the CBI.

My speculation is the US have made so many mistakes … and Pres. O has made many mistakes … but the one good thing that was good was to make a relationship with Iran and make things stronger and take the sanctions out.

Remember … it will help Iran but the US more than any other nation because the US holds the next most reserves which is a lot of money. If you think he can damage Iran, it can’t succeed….in order to welcome the plan; you can’t do anything to Iran.

If it weren’t for a border, but you can’t fight them. This is about a revaluation that’s going to help the whole world’s economy.

We’re always going to have problems between Iran and Israel. That’s a fact of life.

But Iran has a big influence. Everything you see … it’s all about money.

When Iraq revalues … it’s a one-way street … they cannot go back again!

FRANK:  We just got info from our Team.

Apparently Al Baghadi is now in Iraq. He went over the Syrian and Iranian borders to oversee the battle (according to Israeli intel).

Step into the parlor … said the spider to the fly. ;)

So … let me talk to you briefly about the VND … so that the family can study up for tomorrow.

Inflation is like cancer to an economy … is it not?

How does the IMF tell a country control inflation?

Interest rates and revalue their currency

I see the economy doing good in Vietnam

The Vietnam Central Bank has been degraded twice in the last year. This is not a negative thing … it is a huge thing.

If the IQD doesn’t do something by Ramadan … the VND is on a launching pad!

Tomorrow, I’m going to take this a little further because they entered the trading pack.

DELTA:  I’ve got to go. God bless you all!

FRANK:   Hyperinflation in Vietnam … they controlled it  -- I told you … two years ago … the VND is a mirror image of the IQD.   We didn’t think it would not consider “waiting”

TOPSHELF:   I’m seeing that the amount of the assets that are being putting into the CBI … are tremendous … by 3 different arms.

The one arm … the ISX … it has not officially reported its new numbers. We know they have the reserves … 150% times the amount … not 1.5 times.

The cash in the CBI is in the Billions … also more cash in the banks now … LIQUIDITY in the banks … for the private sector.

The 50 dinar note … removing it … does not do anything for Iraq in helping them print these lower notes.

The confusion has been done on purpose. Remember a dinar is a dinar is a dinar.

Now if they pulled out a Trillion 50 dinar notes … and now they only print 1 billion of the new 50 dinar note they could also print other denoms (lower) coming up to the same 1 Trillion dinars that they removed out of circulation … but it’s back in.

That actually shows on an actual spreadsheet….so when they talk about reducing the physical notes, even the multipliers, is to remove the 000 notes by taking them in.

They only exist in the physical notes, not in digital currency. That’s how you remove them.

They’re trying to keep the class of the note the same…the value currently, once it revalues, is the same amount of the total lower denoms. So the value and dinar count will remain the same, but note count, will increase.

I see that the GOI is being paid in billions in US dollars.

There’s not a single missing claim in dollars or dinar at this current time.

The largest amount in US Dollars every paid in history in the last almost 5 months. One month it was 6 times the amount of last year’s.

I already told you there’s more money in the bank from the CBI at the moment … may not be handed out yet.

FRANK:  We can see them in the system. What know what air force base will be sending them. You’re finding liquidity. Have you seen the new 50 dinar?

TOPSHELF : No. The foreign currency deposits into the CBI are the largest over….I’ll touch on what that means tomorrow.

The reserves said that the CBI that are backing tell you that it’s the dinar. It’s 150% and telling you there’s certain things that are coming up – I’ll address that and the bond issue….how long, what’s been going on, how it’s working, and what they’re going to do.

The bills have been paid out of US dollars. That’s why they didn’t show the auction…not hiding it from us, but the globe.

(So they are helping them because they’re paying their debt.)

Even on inflation – they can’t raise interest rates until the debts are paid down or they won’t be able to afford the interest on the payment.

There’s a connection that was done….if the debt is not paid off, there’s a strategy off and it pertains to the dong itself and they’re copying it exactly….it’s at the highest level it’s ever been … but yet, the dinar value hasn’t increased. ;)

In 2 years their assets has been growing 10-30% a month.

Whether it’s any commodity or precious metals, or resource. We’ll touch more on Ashton tomorrow.

Turn back to the end of Oct….boots on the ground when they officially get boot on the ground. That already means the security that was meant to be but it was already in place. Didn’t mean it was going to happen overnight and that’s why Ashton Carter does what he does.

The thing Carter said was more for our press … for our people. So over Memorial Day we would be honoring them … honoring our people because there are still giving everything they’ve got to the globe.

So, the security that’s going on …it’s been a while now. We talked about Egypt, Libya, etc…they’re on the move.

Iran – about what Delta talked about – everybody’s not bad and if you get enough good people, more good will come out of it than bad.
FRANK:    Back on the 11th or 12th of this month, WalkingStick sent me a copy of the article – told him not to put it up on the form but I held it up …this is what we think is the 50 dinar but the image is only 1/3 of it. They left out the serial numbers, upper left hand side, no signature…etc. 

But the article says the CBI TO ISSUE LARGER VALUE of BANK NOTES … they show the 25k in front of the 50 that will become equivalent of the 25k.

TOPSHELF: It’s a play on words. The new 50 IQD … it’s going to be one of the highest retail public notes that they have. A greater value than it was before so it’s how you take it in. They’re saying the public doesn’t know so the public doesn’t know better. 

FRANK: The article is backing up what they’re about to do with the value of their currency. Well, I guess we are helping them….these articles are a few days old. 

TOPSHELF:   We don’t want to put our military in harms way – it’ll play out. The only thing that’s important is to get through it. Notice what they DON’T show….not anything at all to back up what they’re doing. 

Also, this has to do with the US. Some people think that they almost made it impossible for the US to participate in anything because it’s left in limbo, both governments aren’t there, and our government dysfunctional. 

You go back in 2010 giving it to the Secretary of State, Kerry, who does go over there that overlooks everything, he has some “privileges” … (kinda like the American Express card … “don’t leave home without it” … just bring something back with it. ;)

That can be used … there’s not on the US end and people look at Ramadan…are they going to get it done before. I would believe they would do it at a time when they CAN’T do anything so don’t get caught up with what they show you – looking at the negative, think about what they’re not telling you and then they come out with something else and we believe it. 

Their worse things would be put in place to not be an issue and it’s time to get things done. I’m being more confident than I have been. 

FRANK:   All 5 teams are telling me “thumbs up”….I think they agree it’ll go into Ramadan, but nobody knows that but Dr. S has the stick of dynamite. 

TOPSHELF:   Yes, they could go at any period of time, but they had a responsibility to do it right (and saying this in the right way) – and tomorrow see how to word it as to what I’ve gotten over this last weekend – the table’s been set even here with the re-structuring of things and that’s being re-financed because they need to get on with things to do. 

Yes, I see that … you can definitely get that feeling that it may not happen yet but it could happen at any time … we’ve seen delays … and you used the example about getting a pair of shoes and pants, I wanna go to the dance now. 

They’ve paved the way to go to their dance. I think both sides are in place and they’ve just helped each other in the last 72 hours and it’ll come out in the public knowledge for these cities … and it’s time for that reversal to happen.

FRANK: This article isn’t up on our forum….we’ve had it but didn’t put it up because it’s the responsible thing to do, but be with us tomorrow with TS to see how liquidity is helping Iraq pay its bills. Every day it seems like they’re leaking oil more and more ... it’s obviously going to support the budget.

This article … for those seeing it…the title “THE CBI IS TO ISSUE LARGE VALUE BANK NOTES” … lending the government to inflation. 

An important step to support the economy … the CBI plans to issue large bank notes that are in circulation right now.

 It goes on and on about the monetary reform, but it’s NOT a real 50 and that’s why we didn’t post it on our forum.

I want to thank Delta and TopShelf and our Teams. I hope it was a good holiday for you. Keep our prayers in your prayers … those on land, air and sea. ;)

CC ended in prayer.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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