Don't WAIT!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Thursday Morning


(See Article Below)  i like songs ........... Like this one:

Another one bites the dust ....... And another ones gone La La La La

Well ..... Almost done.   Before Ramadan........ Cool.

KTFA    Frank

walkongstick :Baghdad: Iraqi forces have Ramadi 'surrounded

By Rudaw 20 minutes ago
ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Iraqi Defense Ministry has issued a statement claiming Iraqi joint forces have besieged ISIS militants in Ramadi, cutting off supplies and reinforcements from other extremist-held areas in Anbar province.

“Our intelligence information shows that ISIS can no longer receive military assistance in Ramadi and Iraqi forces have surrounded the city in all directions,” Qais Al-Robai, media officer of the ministry, told reporters in Baghdad on Wednesday.

A security official also told Rudaw on Wednesday that an estimated 17 ISIS militants were killed
in Ramadi by Iraqi fighter jets.

ISIS took control of Ramadi, capital of Anbar province, on May 17, raising their black flag over the governor's compound and setting it ablaze hours later.

The retreat of the Iraqi forces recalled the collapse of Iraqi police and military forces last summer, when the Islamic State group's initial blitz into Iraq saw it capture about one-third of the country.


Walkingstick » May 28th, 2015, 7:09 am

CBI News & Announcements

To / banks approved the exercise of all banking and money transfer companies approved all and mediate the sale and purchase of foreign currency approved all companies ( members of the Board of Directors and Director Commissioner )


Frank26:  imo anytime the CBI decides to tell You something ........ You should LISTEN.

It is the echoed voice of DRS.

In this case banks / brokers/dealers/traders around the world are connecting with the CBI to do foreign currency transactions.

Whereas many would consider this to just be useless noise ......... It is more for the MR.

It establishes more control of the IQD and less counterfeiting. Hmmm......... Now who is it that wanted this? Oh yes ........ The IMF and USA.

imo .......... Conquest of CITIES is encouraging this announcement.

KTFA   Frank


   Association of Banks: motionless banker active in the next phase

Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: Iraqi private banks confirmed Association, Thursday, that mobility will be a banker active in the next stage because of recent measures of the Central Bank.

The head of the Association of Banks and the depositary of bitter melon for "tomorrow Press," that "the government and central bank functions provide the necessary support to domestic banks own, especially with weak cash flow, and the recent actions of the Central Bank grants loans to banks and the strengthening of banks experiencing financial problems will be reflected positively them. "

He added that "such actions would cause mobility banking flexible and active during the next phase," pointing out that "this movement will be dependent on the activation of these measures and their continuation."

The Central Bank of Iraq, Tuesday, (May 19 the current 2015), launch trillion dinars for private banks to finance small and medium enterprises loans, and increase the share of dollar sales for banking companies and foreign transfers, and the development of measures to to address the lack of liquidity in some banks.



Thunderhawk:  Jack Lew On Greek Default: Don't Think Failure Is Of No Consequence Outside Of Greece




(Late last night)  RichLady :  I Feel a RV Coming...​....Got Some Insider Info Today…Get Ready It's About Be Here!!! ​

RichLady ;Look For It By Sat into Sun


COdreamer :   Iko GM any changes on the forex front?

Iko Ward : CO, Forex appears to be in a holding pattern. No significant changes in the basket, and dong is still dead in the water



Wilbur Grodan:  MARKET ACTION - The 90 BILLION DOLLAR tennis shoe store and the END of BANK NOTE derived finance capital...


Freedom  May 28, 2015 at 11:06am IMF Chief Wants  Russia Back in G8

  13:31 28.05.2015

The international community functions best when all its members, Russia included, are working together to achieve good results, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said Thursday.

IMF Counts on Russia to Ensure Regional Stability - Lagarde

The G8 format ensured the best results for the group of the world’s leading industrialized nations, Lagarde said in remarks, carried live by Germany’s ARD television on Thursday.

Christine Lagarde is taking part in a meeting of G7 finance ministers in Dresden, Germany.

“I believe that the financial G7 has essentially been a strictly seven-nation club… Russian representatives occasionally joined in, but only rarely… However, the international community functions best only when all its members, Russia included, sit together at one table working hand in hand and achieving good results. I hope that, sooner or later, we’ll see this happening,” Christine Lagarde said.

The Group of Eight reverted to its previous, seven-member, format in 2014 when, in the wake of Crimea’s reunification with Russia, the G7 leaders decided to stay away from their planned summit in Sochi and, instead, gathered in Brussels without Russia.

The G7 comprises Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.


Topic: There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing. Lorraine Hansberry


Dinar Updates:

tman23  We are grasping at a speculation that $21.50 could return $18,000 usd or $86,000 usd...which is ludicrous to anyone with common sense...

 But reality is it has a chance of happening...a revaluation that involves a profit...

Iraq has been very evasive on the subject... I would not follow this for 1 day if I did not have the belief that there is a great opportunity for a substantial profit...and that profit is not from a slow float gaining value.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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