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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wednesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 27th, 2015, 12:46 pm

Wednesday News Summaries and Commentaries

I must apologize, any time I see the name "Ashton Carter" I think of "Ashton Kutcher" from "Two and a Half Men".....and my mind automatically starts to question the reality of things.....sorry just had to throw that out there.

The news today is good and is mindful of a country under a great deal of wartime stress as is obvious from many of the news articles today....the Iraqi's I think are using great care to focus on their positive work at the moment, using all their tools to prove the US wrong in their assessment from over the weekend....more power to them I say.

The other great thing that is good ways for them at the moment....indications of good things to come. I am not sure why but when Frank talks about a week or so of silence.....all I can think of is "cooking" that goes into a humongous cookout effort for things like crawfish, crabs, corn on the cob, potatoes and other delicious things that would make many so happy.....a cookout of magnificent proportions on a beach somewhere.....know what I mean.....

I'm sure Frank and teams grow weary of simply cooking news and intel all the time....let's add something of sustenance for a change.
Lost in Iraq

All I'm going to say here is that these words by the Sec of Def are liable to come back to haunt him for a long long time.

Iraq: a hundred thousand fighters for the Liberation of Anbar tribal support

PM Abadi and his security and armed forces are playing things close to the chest and not giving out critical military strategy at this point.....they are pointing though to an organized joint effort of forces being mounted to retake Ramadi and other parts of Anbar the coming hours/days it sounds like....meanwhile they continue to "mop up" things in the Salahuddin province in and around Baiji....they are amassing forces for a concerted offensive it sounds like that will be designed to not only surround DAASH forces but to drive them to extinction in some of these troubled areas.....

Even in this article there are mixed messages coming from the US administration money is on the Iraqi's breaking through any DAASH strongholds in the days ahead to show the world that the Iraqi's resolve remains strong and they are intent to crush the efforts of DAASH in many areas.

Ameri confirms progress in Anbar and the Pentagon reduces the importance of the process of "Beck Iahasin"

Iraqi forces are showing their abilities to take back from DAASH key real estate areas while the DAASH folks are leaving behind equipment they would not have done so in the recent past.....the Anbar tribal leaders don't like seeing the Shiite troops in their province but I think they can see that help is needed to overcome the advances of DAASH....meanwhile the US complains about the name given to the operation.....I have to question if the name is really all that important....but vanity can be an issue with some I guess.

Developments in the security landscape in Anbar and Salahuddin

So much focus in and around the Salahuddin and Anbar provinces this week....fighting continues for possession of the Baiji Refinery with the Iraqi's now saying they hold 70% of it.....meanwhile the Ministry of Defense is calling what is going on in the Anbar area especially towards Ramadi as being a model of cooperation between Iraqi forces and the Sunni appears they are overrunning DAASH positions more quickly so they are able to recover explosive devices before they have opportunities to use them.

Finance announces the start of work to send part of the budgets of the provinces

Ministry of Finance is saying that the government will start to work on getting budget money out to the provinces....claiming liquidity issues up to this point as the reason for it not happening sooner.....they continue to suffer with lower oil prices but are attempting to get partial payments to the provinces based on the 2015 budget.....this is big news in my opinion.

Parliamentary economy: the lack of confidence of citizens and companies and banks behind the decline in the performance of the banking business

This makes sense to me, citizens and companies have little to no confidence in the banking system thus the performance of said banks is putting funds into the local banks both private and public is a way to draw these entities into the steps that can lead to greater trust is a good way to start rebuilding the trust for all.

Iraq looking to convert the oil pipeline to Jordan along the path of Saudi Arabia at a cost of $ 18 billion

That oil pipeline from Basra to Aqaba, Jordan is looking for the best route.....working towards a route through Saudi with a total cost looking like $18 billion dollars......upon completion the pipeline should be capable of moving 150,000 barrels of oil per day....another viable outlet for Iraqi oil.

Taste calls for the central bank to contribute to tackle the financial crisis

Some political blocs believe that Iraq should be leaning upon the CBI and staying away from external sources when it comes to monetary loans......they believe that when the IMF or World Bank are used for loan sources that prices for goods tend to go up for the consumer....suggestions are being made to have the CBI provide amounts that would not affect the reserves of the country.

State-owned banks in Dhi Qar says it does not Thoudy adequate security protection

WOW, this is something I think I would not want to advertise....the lack of perceived security for the banks in Dhi Qar province....sounds like an open invitation for thieves.

Oil Minister: agreement other oil well and approve oil and gas law would end all problems

Well I'm not quite so optimistic as the Oil Minister appears to be at this point regarding an agreement regarding the oil and gas law ending all computational problems between Baghdad and the Kurds....though it should go a long ways in that direction.....they seem to be at loggerheads regarding computation of oil exported....and admittedly the solution shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.....but what I fear is the missing link in the oil and gas law is the computational issues that are also key sticking points for any firm agreement between them even today.....continued we said kinds of thought processes.

Raising the minimum wage for workers in the private sector to 250 000 dinars

I'm not so sure that more than doubling the minimum wage for Iraqis will be a viable answer for them going forward it will certainly lead to higher prices for consumers.....people have to remember that minimum wage is not meant to be a career effort for is merely a springboard to moving upward....a toe in the door concept....not a career.

A ministerial committee looking feasibility of issuing external loan bonds

Deputy PM Shaways Committee on Economic Affairs is studying the feasibility of external bonds for loans....this effort by his committee should be enlightening to say the least....they seem to have level heads and attitudes when dealing with such issues.

Governments of Iraq and Kuwait might have resulted in containing the problem to a diplomatic crisis between the two countries

It sounds like both Kuwait and Iraq are willing to put aside differences in an effort to see Iraq foster and promote more efforts towards national reconciliation.....even with tempers flaring between the two entities while in attendance at the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers....FM Jaafari was caught at the Kuwaiti airport where the Kuwaiti delegation worked to contain the situation and keep the Iraqi delegation at the conference table.

The appearance of Mohammed Saleh: quantities of oil exported will approach the target set in the general budget

Dr. Saleh reports that Iraq's exports of oil are approaching the levels set forth in the budget for this year.....this has been a long time in coming.....they failed to even make last years numbers so this kind of progress is very welcome especially at this time when oil prices have been on the rise....they are expecting third quarter oil prices to be above $65/barrel.....their budgeted price for oil was $56/barrel.

Newspapers: The Cabinet gives the public sector companies to open accounts in banks

Iraqi media is making reports that the Cabinet has cleared the way for pubic sector companies to deposit option funds, open bank accounts, and start making salary deposits for employees in private banks.....the Cabinet is also being asked to vote on credit payments for the Baghdad province to allow projects to move forward.....also look for the Chinese yuan to enter the Iraqi investment market somewhere in the 2 trillion yuan level.
Iran, Turkey and France is ready to enter into investments Iraqi Central Markets

As a means to help Iraqis bolster the Central Markets look for Iran, Turkey, and France to jump onboard with investment monies that will provide rehabilitative efforts for the markets....these efforts are believed to be needed to provide much needed assistance for those Iraqis living at or below the poverty levels in many areas of Iraq.

Kurds Demand al-Abadi Looks Beyond Oil and Budget Issues

The Kurds are purported to saying there is more to their disagreements with Baghdad than just oil and budget issues.....they claim that PM Abadi needs to look at the "big picture" if there is to be any real resolution between the two entities....while the Kurds are pointing to political bloc differences as the hold up of things....they also state that the solution must lie in political agreements by all.

Nineveh Deputy for demanding interior regardless 6200 member of salaries

Nineveh government employees are wanting to be paid.....nothing new here I am sure, all provincial government employees are wanting their salaries....who wouldn't....the Nineveh leaders don't seem to know why payments haven't been made...maybe they failed to get the emails regarding liquidity issues from the past few months.

Video: the security forces and the popular crowd and arrested hundreds of elements Daash Ramadi

Again more good news regarding Iraqi Security Forces against DAASH.....arresting several hundred terrorists....good efforts coming out of the Ramadi area of Anbar.

Hyundai E&C leads construction boom in Iraq

$6.04 billion dollar contract awarded to Hyundai to build a new refinery in Karbala will be their biggest endeavor to date.

Washington does not oppose contributions from Iran-supported Iraqi Shia militias as long as they operate under the Iraqi government

US claims to not be opposed to Iran supporting Iraq in the fight against terrorism as long as their efforts are done under the auspices of the Iraqi government...meaning that Iraqi leaders provide the battle plan and initiatives for the Iranian fighters....sounds like they would really prefer the help to be in the way of equipment more than manpower....especially if that manpower happens to be Iranian military leadership rather than fighting boots on the ground.

Gotta make a break here to deal with a few things.....will be in and out for a while.

Aloha    Randy

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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