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Friday, May 29, 2015

"It Is Not If, It's When A Currency Revalues"

It is not If, It’s When a Currency Revalues

It may not be making the headlines, but countries all over the world have been revaluing their currency for several decades or are about to, including China.

 [1] It is necessary whenever a country’s economic profile changes drastically. Changes such as an increase in exports/imports, manufacturing, construction, natural resources discovered, and technological achievements are just a few reasons this has become necessary.

Most revaluations are a good investment

Typically during the revaluation period a country’s currency is worth very little to nothing. It is in fact, the main reason a currency is revalued. So buying currency in countries such as Vietnam, Mexico, Myanmar, and Iraq during a revaluation is a 99% sure bet to make money off your investment.

This is due to the natural increase or ‘worth’ to a country’s currency after it is revalued. However, I am surprised how many people are ignorant about investing in currency and/or respond with “It’s probably a scam.”
It’s a no-brainer investment, but why isn’t everyone doing it?

About a year ago, I was speaking to a woman in Phoenix who knew I had Iraqi Dinar. She asked me about it. 

I explained what it was, and why it was an inexpensive low-risk investment for making money.
Her teenage son was listening and said, “If that was true, why wouldn’t everyone be buying it?” 

I promptly replied, “The main reason is fear of taking a risk. But, there are a lot of sure bets that people don’t invest in.” 

Then, I proceeded to tell him how back in the late 1980s many people who used Microsoft Office software knew how Microsoft stock was going to sky-rocket. But, in the office I worked at the time, only one person of the group of us invested.

In a few short years, she became a multi-millionaire from a few thousand dollar investment. What prevented the rest of it from investing? Here are just a few reasons, which may sound familiar to you:
  • I can’t afford it
  • It is too much of a risk
  • I will buy some when I have extra cash
  • My wife would be pissed
  • My last stock buying experience was a bust
  • I have two kids in college
Unfortunately at the time, I was one of the people who did not buy Microsoft stock. It was 1987. What was I thinking? My reason was, “I will buy some when I have the extra cash.” Or so I thought. If I had it all over to do, would I invest? Absolutely! So now that I am wiser, but not as well off, I invested in Iraqi Dinar.

Others I know have also invested in it. Unfortunately, unlike most currency revaluations, the Dinar revaluation is taking forever to complete.

Five reasons why the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is delayed

1. The obvious reason for the delay is Iraq’s infrastructure (agriculture, construction, education, banking, commerce, resources, and even halting oil production) was destroyed by the U.S. invasion. It has taken years – more than a decade – for the basic infrastructure to be repaired.

Conversely, in recent years outside investors are supporting what the country has to offer. Namely oil, but also Iraq is beginning to tender other industries that have the attention of China, [2] Korea, [3] Russia, and others, while the U.S. lags behind.

[4] Significantly, China made a decision that is a game-changer. To solidify ongoing oil contracts, the Chinese government relieved Iraq of almost all of its $8.5 billion debt owed to China.

 [5] Now that the infrastructure is stabilizing, it is now about evaluating the country’s industries, commodities, resources, etc. against the world market. This accounts for the any-day-now reports by countless Dinar followers…

2. A second reason for the delay involves the U.S. government. The occupying U.S.  Government/Military issued debit-cards to use over paper currency, but it is in USD, not IQD (Iraqi currency).

Part of the reason this was done was due to IQD being worth a fraction of what it used to be. Imagine going to buy toilet paper and needing tens of thousands of bills! However, the ripple effect, whether intended or not, is the Iraqi people now desire USD over their own currency. This has not helped the revaluation process.

A similar example in recent history

A scenario occurred in the late 1970s and early 1980s with the Mexican Peso that sheds light on the typical revaluation process. At one point, the peso was almost worthless. I recall hearing a number as much as 7000 pesos equaled 1 USD.

Not only did banks not have this amount of currency available, but the average person did not want to walk around with that much money. This, among other things (increase in manufacturing and exports/imports), forced the Mexican government to revalue their currency.

So anyone who amassed hundreds of thousands of pesos ended up a lot wealthier after it revalued! If memory serves, it revalued at approximately 12 pesos to 1 USD. Do the math: 7000 was 1 USD. Then it was 12 to 1 USD. 7000 divided by 12 = 583 U.S. dollars. [6]

With that understood, currently IQD is worth a tenth of one U.S. cent. Previous to Iraq being invaded, IQD was worth 1 to approximately $3.20. Keeping it simple, let’s just say the Dinar revalues at 1 to 1 USD.

 If you have 100,000 Dinar notes and you paid $100, they would now be worth $100,000. So your $100 investment just turned into $100,000 minus $100 (and exchange fees and taxes).

Another recent example that is similar to Iraq

Kuwait, a neighboring country, with a similar economy and oil reserves had their currency revalue last year for $3.50. [7] So for those who bought Kuwait currency before or during the revaluation are laughing all the way to the bank. What this means for the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is in all likelihood, it will revalue for at least what it started at, or higher.

3. A third reason for the delay of the Iraqi Dinar revaluation involves U.S. and China. It has been suggested that due to China forcing the U.S. to ‘pay up’ its debt owed, U.S. leaders determined the Iraqi Dinar to be their meal-ticket. Reports of the U.S. Treasury Dept. buying up huge amounts of Dinar are rampant. [8] Therefore, it is a strong possibility that the U.S. will pay China back using Dinar after it revalues, which should also strength the U.S. dollar.

The U.S. Government is the largest holder of Iraqi Dinar outside of Iraq” –

4. The flip side to reason number 3 is that the U.S. President is a Democrat, and Republicans (the military industrial complex are primarily made up of Republicans) will pull out all stops to ensure that ‘he’ is not credited with clearing U.S. debt., let alone possibly leading to a new currency standard, which leads to reason 5.
5. Yet another reason for the delay is less obvious to main stream folks because most people do not understand how fraudulent the banking system is. 

Once money was no longer backed by an asset, it became ‘made-up.’ But, don’t take my word for it.

Here’s are a few quotes that sum up the banking industry fraud from within the industry:

“The essence of the contemporary monetary system is creation of money, out of nothing, by private banks…”   — Martin Wolf, Financial Times, November 2010
 “Banks lend by simultaneously creating a loan asset and a deposit liability on their balance sheet. That is why it is called credit “creation” – credit is created literally out of thin air.”    

  — Paul Sheard, Chief Global Economic & Head of Global Economics, Research, Standard & Poors

The good news is that some speculate the Iraqi Dinar revaluation is going to be the first major currency to return to being asset-based. It will be backed by oil, gold and other tangible natural resources, propelling it to the leading world currency.
“The Dinar will eventually have substantial value, possibly the highest in the world.”

– Las Vegas-based investor, Ronald Scarpa

There is a double-edged sword to this scenario, however. On one hand, this fits perfectly into the U.S. saving the inevitable downfall of the dollar.

On the other hand, it exposes the banking fraud, and will take the control away from the banks. Also by establishing IQD as an asset-backed leading currency will act as a benchmark for other countries to follow.

In other words, currencies that are not asset-backed will lose their value, while those with asset-based currency will lead. Experts in the investment world refer to this as a global currency reset. [9] And as you can imagine, most banks, if not all, do not want this.

In conclusion, there are two positive thoughts to leave you with:

1) If you one of the millions of people who have Dinar, please hang in there. Just know that it will eventually revalue.

2) Out of this, we may have the start of currencies returning to being asset-backed and based. This will lead to these currencies over-throwing those that are not, and has the potential to restore power to the people, where it belongs.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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