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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Daash Raised Flags Of Surrender

 Raising organization "Daash" terrorist, Wednesday, flags of surrender in front of Saraya of the Sadrist movement in the peace Dzero Ishaqi in Salahuddin province.

 A leader in the brigades that "gangs Daash raised the flags of surrender in front of the painful and suffocating siege strikes by men in Saraya Island." Ishaqi.

 The leader of the "Aldoaash suffered very heavy losses of life equipment."

Spontaneous Celebrations To Celebrate The Battle Of Liberation Anbar

 5/28/2015 0:00  The cities of Iraq is witnessing the distribution of sweets and broadcast patriotic songs and car decoration Iraqi flag
Kut – Hassan Shahid al-Azzawi,   many cities saw yesterday spontaneous celebrations victories achieved by the security forces and the popular crowd on the first day of the battle to liberate Anbar during offered in more than one axis toward the gray center.

 said the citizen Ahmed Saad (resident of Kut): “The large number of cars on Civil and cycling walked around the streets of the city of Kut to celebrate the announcement of the start of the battle to liberate the gray of” Daash “gangs.

He said in a statement the “morning” that cars and bikes decorated, as well as speakers which broadcast songs, patriotic songs accompanied by the voices of stimuli cars to build momentum and support our security forces.

Raad born owner of a sweets shop in Kut, he said: We have distributed sweets among the revelers citizens to celebrate the announcement of the start of the battle to liberate the gray of Aldoaash and the announcement of the initial victories of our security forces

 and popular crowd after their progress about Anbar University, captured Daash gangs and expropriated blood where he said, adding that we are important and we distributed sweets will not be enough, because Iraq is worth us a lot.

He said that we support the national our government and our military and all our security forces in its war against terrorism, in order that the people of Iraq to live in peace away from the wars and infighting that has not Neonol of it is destroyed.

The junior Walcott industrial director Iyad Aharkana has called for the need to unite all the slides to support and support for the security services and achievements and raids the nests of terrorists efforts.

He pointed out, “We’ll do our part from our school to educate the students by dealing morally and psychologically in support of the security forces efforts and the crowd folk heroes.

“He explained that educate students in schools and universities and even people in the car and cafes very necessary to have a talk the street in order to support the security services and popular crowd, praising the role played by the” Iraqi Media Network “in the campaign to support the security services , considering it as a national campaign

Hakiqih.oadav that the Iraqi Media Network campaign must not remain a single campaign, but must be support from all segments of society and attribution through posters and posters and educational seminars even in cafes and gatherings and youth forums.

For his part, Abdullah al-Lami ( resident of architecture) that the day of the victory of our security forces and the crowd People terrorists Aldoaash and edit Tikrit, Anbar them,

 is a happy day for me and all the honorable people of this country and will serve as a slap in general terrorism and those who seek to perpetuate the occupation loud.

He said “we will build our country with the help of sons of the homeland benevolent and honorable and will not ask for help from outside Iraq because we are the sons of Iraq and we are sure of the others. ”

Mohammed Ali (resident of Babylon) stressed that “our army and people of the popular crowd sawed Iraq’s prestige and broken the back of terrorism.” 
He pointed out that the day of final victory over “Daash” is very close, and which will be approved by the eyes of mothers and bereaved mothers and widows and orphans.

He added that this Today is a day of rehabilitation for mothers and the elderly and children, the day we have been waiting, as Sttnaqlh generations, and Stkhbarham that the Iraqis were able to edit their cities without external interference, which is the beginning of the end of terrorism Balm.ama 

Ali Mohsen (resident of Nasiriyah) stressed that our ancestors were able to bring out the occupier By Alvalh and Almquar a dominant weapon at the time, but the Iraqi people will be able to expel the invaders Aldoaash by unite and word, and stand up and stop one man.

“The Iraqis have proved today that they are able to edit their cities and the maintenance of the land without the interference of foreign parties.”

He added that the expulsion of Aldoaash will miss the opportunity the terrorists in the regional countries and critics of this people who are trying to reopening the wounds, whenever we have tried to address them.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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