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Sunday, May 31, 2015

"It Is Simply Opinion" Part 2

Source: Toss 

 Iraqi market require counter the negative effects
 5/26/2015 0:00  Despite the advantages of integration with the global economy 

 BAGHDAD - Imad emirate  variables that the Iraqi market experienced over the last decade, its effects may be positive in some respects if we took the door met for a lot of consumer needs 

and regarded as an outlet to brief him on the developments and progress science and technology in many countries of the world which come a long way in this area, it is an opportunity for the national economy to integrate into the global economy and adapt to Mostagdath.hma 

what he told the morning d. Sattar al-Bayati of the Research and Studies Centre at Mustansiriya University, said: However, the fact refers to a collection of the negative effects that could let go of those variables on the economy and the consumer together, but that is reflected on the economy generally, whether negative or positive is reflected on the consumer . 

depletion of resources and continued d. Al-Bayati said the negative effects that Sttrkha these variables on multiple consumer including a lot of new goods is necessary for the consumer, 
but it could be a drain on the resources of the community, especially those shoddy goods or which does not know the origin and which do not live in use long, and offers the consumer to cases of fraud and deception

 By some ads or weak people who promote the goods of poor or food unfit for human consumption this distorted situation led to the increase of unemployment rates due to stop factories for production and non-Iraqi product competitiveness due to the low prices of imported goods.

 He noted that this has led to the increasing incidence of financial and administrative corruption and the spread of its manifestations in society with increasing cases of tax evasion and depriving the state of important materials could be used in the reconstruction of infrastructure and the provision of services to consumers.

 He d. Al-Bayati, that the continuation of this situation led to the emergence of state-dumping commodity due to the heavy deployment of foreign products in the domestic market. 

He said the dumping commodity is one of the trade policy instruments and means selling item in foreign markets for less than the price that is sold item itself in the internal market, dumping may be temporarily or permanently

The purpose of the interim President of dumping is the disposal of various surplus goods which can not be discharged without reducing the price of this as well as the dumping to be casual or emergency reasons and not intended to control the foreign markets. 

He continued .. either permanent dumping, the aim is to exclude competitors from the market and control them with a view to its monopoly, and flooding the targets harmful, including the elimination of the domestic industry that can not withstand the decline of foreign goods imported prices and this is what actually resulted in the Iraqi market. 

Consumer Protection confirmed d. Al-Bayati, for an end to the negative effects left by the new changes in the Iraqi market requires a collective effort and not an individual combine with each other to face all the negative phenomena in society, including the activation of the role of the regulatory bodies,

and stressed the funding of associations and centers the consumer in committees and government institutions that are related to the development of protection own policies and consumer protection with the provisions of control of the international borders of Iraq with its neighbors and abide by the provisions of the WTO agreements in relation to the WTO tariff and prevent the use-dumping policy.

Snowbird:   There is an important meeting coming up June 2nd in Paris to determine the fate of Syria. I don't think Assad is invited. LOL.

Iran is broke. Iran has a liquidity problem. Iran is in deep trouble. I am sure they are looking forward to inspectors from the UN in the very near future. 

How many times have we heard "the war against terrorism would be fought on Iraqi soil." Iraq will be the platform for the war against terrorism. 

Iraq is not broke. Iraq has a liquidity problem all right. His name is Dr. Shabibi. He holds the checkbook. Dr. Shabibi is Iraq's liquidity problem. Follow the road map, work the plan to completion boys and the checkbook is yours. Some Dr. Bakri didn't jump in the middle of this plan and change it. JMO. I could be wrong. 


 OK, on with today's news... 

  Islamic Cooperation Organization offers $ 500 million in aid for Iraq

Thursday-28 May 2015 No 793  ~ BAGHDAD - my day: Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, the Islamic countries need to cooperate with Iraq in the war against terrorist groups and extremism in the region .ozkr his office said in a statement that the specific Sheikh received, yesterday,

the President of the Islamic Cooperation Organization Mission in Iraq Hamid figs , who announced that the organization provided financial assistance to Iraq in the amount of $ 500 million in the form of grants and soft loans to contribute to the construction, reconstruction, development and care of the displaced, orphans and widows.

He called figs expedite the document of cooperation for the implementation of aid projects and disbursement of the necessary funds for development programs authentication, adding that it was agreed at the last meeting of the organization on the need to convene a special conference of Iraqi forces and combines all components within the framework of national consensus and compromise.

He said he was due to this conference will be held since 2009, but unfortunately it does not support and encouragement of the previous governments, but we feel that the time is right to hold this conference in Baghdad, especially Iraq today is fighting with all its components terrorism,

and Iraqis themselves decide agendas and themes that arise are discussed in Conference and, unfortunately, there are some of the neighboring countries do not want security and stability of Iraq and this increases the suffering of the people.

External borrowing .. Do you solve the financial crisis or increases in complexity?

Thursday-28 May 2015 No. 793   ~ Baghdad / My Day: At a time when the Committee discussed economic affairs Article (2 / II / a) of the Federal General Budget about the version of the external loan bonds Law, deputy confirmed for the National Alliance that the central bank's contribution to tackling the financial crisis experienced by the country avoids external borrowing and harsh conditions.

 "While the Finance Committee member said that the current crisis can not be solved through the posts just international economic conferences, and must be legislation supportive laws for the private sector and activating important economic sectors .

oakdt Committee on Economic Affairs its fifteenth session under the chairmanship of Deputy Prime Minister example, has typically Nuri Shaways to discuss the article (2 / II / a) of the Federal General Budget about the version of the external loan bonds and the envisaged results from the issuance of those securities law .

ozkr statement to the Committee that "the meeting discussed during the meeting the positive impact resulting from obtaining a credit from the rating agencies rating International to support the economy and the construction and reconstruction in Iraq by increasing the financial resources of the state derived from these bonds.

"The statement added," The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs and the membership of ministers (finance, planning, commerce, agriculture) and Chairman of the National Authority for Investment and Advisor to the Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Ministers of Finance and Administrative Affairs and the Director of the Legal Department of the Office of the Prime Minister. " 

The Committee also hosted both the Chairman of the Finance Committee House of Representatives Ahmad Chalabi and head of the economic and investment commission Jawad al. In the same context, the National Alliance MP Ammar Tohme said, "The central bank's contribution to tackle the financial crisis avoids external borrowing and harsh conditions." 

He added in a statement that with the lower oil prices and the adoption of the Iraqi economy, mainly it as a source of imports, many of the important projects and public services and the provision of job opportunities, been negatively affected by these conditions,

pointing out "that the use of the state to impose taxes, followed by higher prices and lower real income of the citizens level, not a sound It includes problems and the emergence of a broad social suffering. "

He added that" borrowing from international organizations to adopt (the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank) will impose conditions on Iraq may be reflected on the citizen and the burdens and prices doubled it. "He explained,"

 The tasks of the central bank to contribute in addressing the economic crisis and support the development, calling for "the withdrawal of funds from the reserve balance of the amount, which does not affect the stability of the local currency,

 so that we can by those amounts of make up the shortfall in revenue and employ them in the completion of the investment activity in and the productive sectors and the operation and development of public services sector state-owned factories and contributing to the launch of appointments for graduates and the unemployed

"He called Tohme to" that accompanied these measures of support to build a base for strategic industries such as steel mills and steel and petrochemicals and agricultural sector directing "the To that said member of the Finance Committee,

Masood Haider said the financial crisis current can not be solved through international economic conferences posts only, calling for legislation supportive laws for the private sector and activating important economic sectors. 

The MP said the Kurdistan Alliance Haider in a press statement: "The economic situation in Iraq suffers from a lack of managed properly and not to activate the important laws and apply them to the ground," he said, adding: "The Government's preoccupation with the political situation and leave the economic situation, stocks Ptazem financial situation

and increase the proportion of the deficit in the state budget ", stressing Haider, said that" Iraq's participation in the fourth Economic Forum at the Dead Sea was a political post more than being economic,

and expressed the political and security situation in Iraq did not address the economic situation, "calling to benefit from economic conferences subtracting investments on international companies and attract investment in the country.

"It is said that Iraq participated last Friday in the World Economic Forum at the Dead Sea in Jordan, as well as Arab and international countries.
Snowbird:   I bet the meeting between Nouri al-Stupid and Stewart Jones was interesting today. Probably a farewell meeting and to deliver a message from President Obama on behalf of our men and women in the US Military. The USA and the innocent people of Iraq wipe our hands of you. Don't mess with the United States of America. LOL. 

The Islamic Banking article today was huge. I doubt the forums will report on this article, of course Frank recieved it 5 days ago. He said he would let us know if any important news came out of Iraq. 

Nothing new to report he said, The news has been really slow. LOL. They ratified the Islamic Banking Law. The "Acting Governor Agency"Keywords will be meeting with some important dudes in the GCC next week. 

New Zealand and Saudis Arabia along with many others are scheduled to open their embassy's in Iraq next week or the following week. I already know what the naysayers are saying. "No they wont.

 I will believe it when I see it." Open your eyes and look in the news and you will see it. Take your focus and eyes off the 50,000 dinar note and a 86 cent rate. The 50,000 is not going to turn into a 50.

 Only outgoing al-Stupid can do that kind of magic. Hell, the Iraqi people are not the stupid ones here. They know the difference between a 5, 50, 500, 5,000, and 50,000 note. The Iraqi people are not confused.  

Oh yeah, I didn't forget about the ONE article today that said the laws would be postponed until the next legislative session. Several seemed to think I missed it. I saw it. I simply didn't think it was worth the time to copy, paste and send it. Too many awesome articles today. I loved the new investment law article today with the amendments. I wonder if they threw it in that "basket." :-)

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