Don't WAIT!

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Frank26 and KTFA Members Saturday Afternoon

Mountainman:  CBI SAID......I hear ya too....NOW Psychologically it is going to DRIVE your Country INTO the STRATISPHERE because there is a DEMAND inside and OUTSIDE your Country SHABS!!!

Not to mention the Iraqi Citizens would LOVE to CELEBRATE w/ KOOL and the GANG having INTERNATIONAL status, Purchasing Power to KICK off RAMADAN, and let's NOT forget OLD SLEEPY (MALIKI) is going to have a really, really, BAD RAMADAN.....whenever they WAKE him up......Hmmm.......Yes it is going to be his Worst nightmare....

ONE YEAR ago JUNE 10, 2014, He committed TREASON against his Country and PEOPLE!!! LAWS are Awaiting You (M)!!! .... I'd be Scared too!!!

It's about........TIME..ING....   Blessings, Mountainman

Frank26:  Add this to YOUR thought process:

If.   They woke him up.

It would only be because the MR was announced.

imo.     imo Strong opinion.       KTFA   Frank


Silently with a mature discipline of wait ........ This is what has ALL our TEAMS excited:

(See Article Below)

"........according to the monetary banking law, has to be a return to basic sources which constitutes a strong factor in restoring confidence to our national currency........."

According to LAWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ........ That are NOW in place with the GOICBI and her recaptured regional banks in Iraq ......... THEY HAVE TO LIFT THE DINAR'S THREE ZEROS from the IMF'S PROGRAM RATE because these LAWS are NOW demanding this step in the MR.

Along with THE GREEN LIGHT from THE IMF to do these LAWS and LIFT THE THREE ZEROS ........... Tomorrows CBI SS (Spread Sheet) will be in logarithmic growth.

KTFA .......... It may seem silent to You ............... But only because we are with You until MONDAY'S CC.

Aloha ......... From The Heart........ KTFA      Frank


walkongstick :
The deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency restores its monetary value - Fahd Antar Dokhi ***

Was Alojdrb (Bremer) head of the Iraqi destruction authority when it canceled the Iraqi currency of the former regime the end of 2003 to find a coin which reduces the presence of zeros, the fact that the Iraqi economy, the traditional inflation stages exceeded even arrived to the brink of collapse, and this procedure is one of the means at hand to address the weakness of the value of the Iraqi dinar, according to the monetary and banking law, has to be a return to basic sources which constitutes a strong factor in restoring confidence to our national currency, it is deleted three zeros from Almtadolh currency now put metal and paper dinar parts, including (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 fils) .. which will bring the following benefits:

1. Ease of circulation and clarity and knowledge of monetary value easily even to foreigners and Hmaaaml Assistant to buy and handle them and trust the other hand, the lifting of monetary value against other currencies ..

2. Altfelicat paper perishable and damage, in contrast, the coin is not affected trade and the use and therefore can be manufactured again.

3. reduces the cost of printing that JD (25) which will replace the 25 thousand dinars Alnaamhalmtdoualh currency is currently easier and quality will be high ..

4. strengthen the fabric and improved through the addition of the elements of the global currency that is not affected by natural factors such as water, and bear scrubs and tear resistance and decay.

5. reduce the cost of storage in banks, because we need to Qasat less and less effort and also the lower the number of employees by the more control and insurance prohibitively high.

6. easily transported over long distances and easily provide a high proportion of them safely.

7.. Strong cash currency contribute to strengthening the elements of the national economy.

8. provides speed and accuracy in trading in settling accounts.

9. gives the workers, giving them greater self-confidence.

10. is the risk of error in the calculation of its simplicity and clarity.

11. This will rebuild global confidence by banks and increases traded.

12. also provides cash to expand its value against the US dollar, the euro and the EU.

13. The printed specifications make them immune to fraud. There are a lot of countries that embarked on this procedure, including the Turkey even scrapped term million to replace the thousand, and can develop a mechanism to withdraw the old currency by subtracting the new currency with them and set a time ceiling to suspend trading Balkadimh record for a period of Omayorasth months, in light of that holds the government banks did not place them again in the Dealing even decay within the period specified ..

* Fahd Antar Dokhi member Iraqi Economists Association      LINK  

Frank26:  The HCL to us is The Mother of all LAWS ............. As this one is The Father of them all.

Trust me when we say .......... These are bigger STEPS taken than Neil Armstrong took on ........ July the 20th.  (See Article Below)

KTFA    Frank


walkongstick : Kurdish lawmaker confirmed on Saturday that the government is ready to work the new tariff Kurdistan region.

Said Finance Committee member Abdul Qader Mohammed in a statement to / scales News /: "The provincial government is ready to work the new tariff, after the visit of a delegation of the parliamentary finance committee to the Kurdistan region and discuss with the Ministry of Finance in the region about all of these topics."

"The delegation concluded with the Ministry of Finance in the region to work the new tariff by the end of next July."

He said that "for the decision of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi discontinuation of the new tariff the first of August next to a very, was supposed to be a decision to implement it as soon as not to stop the work done, as this tariff lead to increased imports of Iraq and to increase Iraq's income."

It is said that the President of the Independent Parliamentary Bloc MP Sadiq frankincense confirmed on Saturday that the prime minister Haider al-Abadi face to stop the introduction of the new tariff the first of August next up to and until the completion of officials of the Kurdistan Regional Administrative their procedures for the application of the tariff at border crossing points. " ended 29/8 j   LINK

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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