Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

KTFA's Frank26 & Top Shelf CC Notes Part 1 of 2

Post From KTFA By FrostyTheSnowman » May 27th, 2015, 3:33 am  • Part 1 of 2



** The comments made by Frank26, TopShelf and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! *

FRANK: Next Tuesday … AggieDad will be leading you in Bible Study … and Andy will be doing our first Sunday of the month prayer calls. TopShelf has found some LIQUIDITY in the CBI spreadsheet that he’d like to share with you.

 Interesting indeed how they are paying things.  Today we see more money pouring in … millions … billions … the IMF … you see Abadi telling the international world to come in. Help us! 
TS – I’ve been waiting all 24 hours for this! You’ve got the best newshounds in the business! What’s different here (at KTFA) is with the guidance from you (with knowledge) your Teams, they know where to look for information and knowledge.

QUESTION – How much is a 25,000 dinar note worth right now at today’s exchange rate?

ANSWER – around $23.00 USD

QUESTION – So two 25,000 notes equal … 50,000 dinars … which would obviously be around $46.00 USD

How long have we been telling family … that to remove the 3 zeros … and we’ve been going with the theory that the 50 dinar note would be a LARGE VALUE NOTE … on the revalue happens …

 if they remove all of the 3 zero notes … if they came out with a new 50 dinar note … the old two 25k notes … would be equal to a 50,000 dinar note … would only be worth $46.

So a new 50 dinar note … would be equal to a 50,000 dinar note … under the new structure. I’m not taking into consideration at all … any of the additional liquidity behind the dinar.

This is what the CBI is saying with numbers. Numbers translate the same … no matter who (or what) it is. It’s a universal language … a language of numbers.

A 50 dinar note … up and coming … is technically the same thing as a 50,000 note today – once you remove the 3 zeros.

The internet and the people who laughed at us months ago are just now catching on to what we’ve been saying.   But … do they understand what is coming next? 

Do they understand the numbers that are coming out?  How much value is there? 

Do we let the number play themselves out?

The knowledge and confidence is there. 

I’m bouncing off the walls right now, waiting for what is coming. 

There is great expectation … I know it’s not over until it’s over … but … there is just too much LIQUIDITY there … and the timing of debt servicing … you can’t mess around with that … you could lose it all if people figure it out … before it happens.

We’ve talked about how they are increasing their value and paying off all of this debt … and a lot of people mocked it.

The auctions are there … they never went away. 

No one can find it … but the numbers don’t lie … they are there. If you walk into the CBI and ask for those auctions you can find them. You know which banks put an auction in on those. It’s there.

The assets over the last 2 years … 10 to 30% a month … 120% … 240 times the assets … and they’re paying off debt? Why? They are the cat’s meow! They’ve got it all! There is not a single thing that is not done.

They’ve got the people … its ready to go!

You need to have SECURITY for the lower denoms!

You bring those 50’s in … and you can print a ton of lower denoms!

For every 50 dinar note … you could get 2 twenty’s … 1 five … and 5 ones. (If those where the denominations).

A dinar is a dinar! They don’t necessarily need to track note count … rather they want a supply of notes!

Liquidity has nothing to do with supply … digital currency doesn’t show that way.

I can see the physical … and the digital … and when you put those number together … it’s very interesting. I wish I was there working for their government and had a chance to spend with that! 

When everyone else finally catches up … and says … “oh … what they meant by the 50k note … is that it would have a lot of value … it’s a high value note!” 

We’ve been saying that ever since it was brought up!

There are good newshounds out in dinarland … but no one could quite put it together.

People can’t comprehend the numbers … but the numbers don’t lie. 

Normally when the public catches-up … it’s because they can’t hide it anymore.

FRANK - That’s what causes people to get excited. If you and I saw BIG-FOOT … and we have the evidence … we see the huge footprint … and yet still people wouldn’t believe us … that it was real.

TS - I don’t know if I’ll be back on KTFA because there is very little knowledge left for me to pass on … on this topic. I don’t talk about date and rate … because it’s going to be whatever the rate is!

Just don’t give your dinars to anyone. Everything will be a private exchange. Private. Private. Private. Every bank transaction you do is private.

Did you notice the slip today they made in the media today – that they have their new weapons? OOPS! If they can’t handle them … well … they must have them. LOL 

FRANK: LOL … yeah … that’s funny! 

TS – Please remember to hang onto your money … to your wealth … because you can’t believe everything you see on the news. If you’re patient … you can. Because then you find out what’s real and what’s not real. 

Don’t believe that alternative media is not making a bundle off of that slant of the news – because they have their own agenda. They monetize things like crazy. 

Don’t be just another number. Be wealthy in knowledge. That will allow you to help others. If you have your principle amount … hire professionals to help you … (you have time to do that) … no need to rush through everything [when it comes time to exchange] … and lose an extra 10%+ because you were in a hurry.

The assets … it’s six times higher than it’s ever been … and that’s even after paying things off. They still don’t have all of the assets accounted for … but they don’t need it. They price it high because they get more from it. There are two sides to every balance sheet.
The GOI has money to spend comin’ out of the gate! Guess what’s rolling into Iran?

FRANK - Weapons.

TS - What kind?

FRANK - Tanks came in about 9 days ago … apparently they’re not that great … wholesale leftovers. They think its state-of-the-art.

TS - How do you like the new helicopter they introduced to the US?

FRANK - Kind of like the F35

TS - Allows them precision to clean-up. Amazing stuff! Just going thru my notes … things here have been crazy for the last 4 -5 days.

Abadi has made it clear with the Kurds, Sunni’s and the Shiites … that they understand that they need to … well … they are leading … and there are reasons for what leaders do.

 I think in the next 48 hours … the family will understand more of exactly what happened over the weekend … and how quickly it turned.

 I was hoping that last week it would have turned back immediately – but they’re kind of slow-playing it. Which is ok … but they’re up against a deadline.

I know certain people … (based on history in this event) … how they could see that it may take more time … but I see an event happening that is really positive … a see a very good thing … everything will be orderly.

 I would say that things are very well SECURED and I’m waiting to hear a report that would confirm your statement yesterday … the certain locations … have those crates … in possession at location on site.

FRANK - If you find one … let me know … because then we’ll have two. 

TS -I’m waiting to see when one of us gets the word. Normally within 3 days of you or I finding out … then it comes out.

In regards to the spreadsheets … if this was a company … they would be 100 times better than Apple! 

FRANK: Between now and next Monday … you will see more numbers … they will multiply … bigger … pay attention to information on oil.

TS: Can I ask you a question since we’re still on the BLUE COUCH? So you know where we’re at right now … as far as the public goes … we’re still showing April 8th … (on the spreadsheet) …

 but there are numbers … but they still have it back-dated to April 8th – remember … they were further along than that. I’m assuming … based on what I’m seeing … there is a spot for it …

I kind of leaked it last night if you picked up on it. Two arms are done … the third on is not. Is that where I need to be looking?

FRANK: That’s one. I’ll tell you tomorrow on the phone. 

TS: Thanks for all that you do! I’m honored to be considered to be a part of the family.

Thank you for your comments tonight!

TS: That one topic that we haven’t come back to … I’m now free … I know that’s it’s coming … but let’s talk over the phone first. I appreciate you protecting my family.

FRANK: Real quick … let’s move the talk about the VND Dong to next week … don’t be in disappointed when you see the banking systems have been degraded – last year and this year. That is not a bad thing.

Vietnam has amazing control over their inflation. They are expanding and growing the way they are. Degrading is how they control core inflation rates. 
They joined the trade pack … so the currency now has to go through some “hoops”  … and you will see … the Dong is going through what the IDQ went through about a year and a half ago.

POST #122 by Purifiers – talks about QE and currency … you need to read it and compare it to the MR of the IQD.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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