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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Saturday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » May 30th, 2015,

Saturday News Summaries and Commentaries

So Parliament is breaking for what appears to be 30 days.....but will they stay gone that long....or will circumstances unknown to us at this point bring them back together sooner.....something to think about.....

They surely are being pulled in many directions for more fruitful efforts than they have been providing of recent's time to is time to let the cat out of the is time to let the world hear from you as a leader.

Claims legislation to protect the financial deposits of local banks to support law

The Economy and Investment Committee within Parliament is attempting to speed up the process to approve the law that will protect banking deposits to help foster greater trusts with the banks for their customers.

Central Bank: 18 banks sold dollars B1193 DT

The CBI states that 18 banks sold currency at 1193 per dinar in an attempt to restabilize the currency exchange rate within the local market....but even with this effort there still remain problems in the local market for higher pricing due to demand issues.

Conscious / Rafidain Bank announced coordinated with the International Monetary Fund for the development of the banking business in the country

I think this is big news that a local public bank in Iraq has the attention of the IMF and is working together to bring about further development for banks within Iraq and help to establish things on an international level....why would the IMF be so willing to participate in this fashion if they didn't know of impending restructuring of the Iraqi currency and economy.....their willingness to participate like this should be telling.

Proceed with the application of labor and social protection law for the disbursement of subsidies under the new peace

The choice of words here is a nice clue I a country torn apart by years of war and struggle we see the use of "peace"....not just any peace but "new peace"......thru the efforts of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs....working on subsidizing families who are in need of social services....this is an aggressive attempt by the Iraqis to whittle down the poverty level families in their country.....they are commencing a 2 month study of needy families....2 months that includes the Ramadan time frame....very interesting and again very telling of the willingness to push forward with things of need for the citizens.

The deliberative meeting between the government and the provinces in the oil and gas administration in Missan

The Oil Ministry is meeting with the oil producing provinces where they took time to discuss mutual powers between the government and the things stand today the federal government will continue to administer things associated with all oil and gas extraction from the provinces.....probably not what the provinces wanted to hear but hey....oil remains the cash cow for Iraq what else would you expect from them.

Oil Minister: oil and economic battle in Iraq is not as important as fighting Daash

The Oil Minister reports that while the issues surrounding the oil and gas efforts of Iraq as well as the economic crisis within Iraq are both important they do not hold a candle to the importance associated with the fight against DAASH and terrorism in all of this time a great deal of Iraq's efforts are needed to be focused on the push back against terrorism in their attempts to regain total control of their country once again.

The deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency restores its monetary value - Fahd Antar Dokhi *

Yes indeed quite the compelling article....but do keep in mind this is NOT the CBI talking....just the opinion of one individual....but thirteen strong points indeed.

Kurdish lawmaker confirmed on Saturday that the government is ready to work the new tariff Kurdistan region.

The Kurds are ready for tariff collections....really.....oh by the end of they have Ramadan to think about what will happen and to maybe get ready for what is to come....let's see what transpires.

Jubouri: the involvement of the private sector in the legislation of laws will enhance the economic reality of the country

So the Speaker of Parliament believes that involvement of the private sector will aid in the legislation of laws and will lead to an enhancement of the economy for Iraq.....I hope this doesn't turn into some pipe dream, that getting more involved won't lead to greater confusion.....I agree the private sector needs to be jacked up and involved in a greater way.....I hope they come back from their legislative recess with some worthy ideas that help Iraq land on their own feet very soon.

Abdul-Mahdi: We aspire to become the fifth state in gas reserves

The Iraqi Oil Minister plans on seeing Iraq jump from eleventh to fifth in world gas you ask....maybe by harnessing the daily waste of energy that is flared across the nation.....exploring for new reserves that have yet to be booked....positive for sure.....make it so Number 1.
Minister of Education directed the adoption of smart card to address the delayed payment of salaries

The Minister of Education is getting serious it would seem in getting payments for salaries to the ministry employees through the use of smart cards......supposedly this will prove to be a more safe way to manage finances.

Parliamentary Energy: We seek legislation to oil law to regulate the relationship between local governments and the Ministry of Oil

Ok, so if the Energy Committee in Parliament is wanting the oil and gas law.....just who is "zooming" who....get the law to Parliament and let the fireworks commence.....what continues to be the holdup....the Kurds.....the Oil Minister.....PM Abadi....some other unknown entity....prove you have what it takes and just do it.

Parliamentary Energy rejects the Kurdistan region option on the export of oil

The Kurds claim that Baghdad has reneged on their side of the agreement.....meanwhile members of the Energy Committee in Parliament claim that with the Kurdish signature on the agreement that became part of the 2015 budget the Kurds can't just up and walk away from the deal, they are bound by law as usual there ends up being this abysmal conundrum that no one readily admits to having a solution for and the story just keeps twisting upon itself.....IMO.....they sorely need an international oil mediator to help them get over some hard decisions so things can move forward.....but both sides are too prideful to admit they lack the ability to find agreement.

Parliament lifted its to the first of next July

So it would appear we have a one month vacation for Parliament, ignoring the Ramadan days.....time will tell how this plays out for them.

Break time....not as long as Parliament will be taking of course.   Aloha   Randy

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